
Friday, December 14, 2012

His Grace is Sufficient

"My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness." --1 Corinth. 12:9

His grace is sufficient for me;
He's seen me through my weakest moment.
May His peace around me e'er be;
He's tak'n the gloom and giv'n light refulgent.

When shall I see him face to face?
I want to see Jesus who died for me
To behold His beauty and grace
(And) hold the hands of Him who holds eternity.

His grace is sufficient for you;
Doubts and fears may sweep in tireless dark waves,
But Christ's word is faithful and true.
In hardest times remember, Jesus saves!

When tears would your joy obfuscate,
Think of Christ's unwavering love for you.
On His word you must contemplate;
His great mercy and grace will see you through.

His grace is sufficient for all,
All who seek Him, all who for His word wait,
His goodness will their hearts enthrall;
His timing is right--ne'er too early, ne'er too late.

My prayer today is, "Lord, thank you for your manifold blessings on us.  Thank you for your grace which is sufficient to cover all our guilt and shame.  Thank you for redeeming us, so that we can walk in newness of life in you.  Lord Jesus, I long to see your face!  Comfort every heart that is sad and afflicted; let them feel your presence and know your grace.  Come quickly Lord and let your Kingdom fill the heavens and the earth.  Amen."

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