
Thursday, July 25, 2013


One place I’ve learned creativity is in the kitchen.  When my family craved apple pie and no apples were available, I learned to create Mock Apple Pie out of crackers.  When we had no lemons on hand for lemon meringue pie, we learned to make Vinegar Pie (which, believe it or not, is nearly identical). 
Harvest Festival Pie Baking Contest
via Flickr
Nothing feeds creativity like difficulties.  God, our creator, specializes in doing the impossible and creating delicious dishes out of the most unlikely ingredients.  In our most trying hours He is with us and gives us the hope, fortitude, and resourcefulness to thrive in difficult situations so we can become stronger and more mature Christians.

Tough financial situations and illnesses can be very painful.  Sometimes we are hurt by what others say or do.  Other times, it's our own actions, words, failings, or stupidity that hurt most.  I can forgive others, but sometimes I have a hard time forgiving myself.  But God wants us to go on.  He wants us to follow Him.  He wants us to work with Him, as He creates brighter futures for us.

Sometimes it’s hard to understand why we need vinegar and soda crackers in our lives instead of lemon juice and apples, but the good Lord knows what we need.  He sees the future—and knows that sometimes if we're given what we want instead of what we need we could end up soaking (instead of tossing) our apples in lemon juice and the finished product would be the tartest pie ever (I’ve been there and done that).

We must trust Him that “all things work together for the good of them that love God” (Romans 8:28), and use His creative spirit to enjoy our lives with the ingredients available.

Christ promised that He will never leave us nor forsake us.  His Spirit gives us life and strength.

So when life gives you nothing but soda crackers, make apple pie.

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