
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

He is Our Peace

Peace does not depend on circumstances.  True peace is found in the heart.  The world would give us worries, regrets, and fear in place of peace.  Jesus gives us a peace the world cannot give, a peace circumstances cannot take away.

Corrie ten Boom once told the story of a woman she met in Korea who peacefully sang “Home is Where Jesus Is” in her cardboard shanty.  Yet many of us still cannot find peace in beautiful homes filled with family and friends and the aromas of roasted turkey and fresh baked cookies.

What are the barriers to peace in our lives?  Why are our hearts troubled?  

Are we troubled about yesterday?  One of the most painful things for me is to see my past mistakes, precisely because I can do nothing about them.  A friend of mine, “Aunt” Esther, lived to be 109 years old.  Her life was filled with yesterdays, and many of them were very painful.  At times, she would sit in her wheelchair and cry about wrongs that had been done to her 80 years previously.  Time does not heal.  Hurt and bitterness can stay with people indefinitely unless they ask Jesus to heal their hearts.  We need to forgive others and ourselves, forget, and pray for His healing to mend our spirits and give us peace.

Are we troubled about tomorrow?  Worrying about the many terrible things that could happen steals from us the time, the peace, the fortitude, and the strength we need today to build our tomorrows.  Jesus said not to worry about tomorrow.  Each day has enough of its own struggles, and we can trust Him to see us through.

Focus on today.  Don’t let fears, worries, and regrets steal the joy of the moment.  Spend time with your family.  Spend time with your God.  Jesus is our peace.  We cannot change the past.  Often we can do nothing about our circumstances.  The future is yet before us, but today is here.  Let Jesus fill you with love and forgiveness, peace, and the presence of the Highest today.

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