
Monday, November 25, 2013

Treasures of Boone, Iowa: The Whistle Stop Cafe

Last Friday we took another trip to the Des Moines area to deliver concrete pads for propane tanks.  We visited a couple peaceful cemeteries on the way (including one where my great great great grandfather is buried), took a shortcut that was actually a dead end, noticed a pretty little country church, and eventually delivered the concrete pads.  We took the scenic route home, stopping to tour the town of Boone, Iowa, a city of 12, 546 people and numerous attractions

We were very hungry, so we drove down the main street of the town until we came to a small restaurant called the Whistle-Stop Cafe.  We are used to eating at franchised restaurants and weren't sure what to expect, but extreme hunger gave us the bravery to march our famished bodies into the cafe.

We took our seats on stools at the counter, and the waitress handed us menus.  Papa ordered a tenderloin and onion rings, Charity ordered a grilled cheese sandwich and I ordered a fish fillet.    While we waited for our orders we admired the paintings of trains and interior decoration.  Soon our food was ready and we commenced eating.

The onion rings were very good!  We had eaten a to-go order of onion rings from Applebees the day before, but these were much better.  The fish sandwich was also delicious (mmm....loved the sauce!).  And the service was way better than at McDonalds or Burger King--if your glass even started to look empty it would be whisked away for a quick refill.  In addition, the restaurant was spotlessly clean and the atmosphere was cheerful and friendly!  The waitress, Heather, made us feel right at home, and she and fellow customers gave us directions to various historical attractions throughout the town
Heather (our waitress) and John (who runs the cafe).
 If you ever find yourself suffering from hunger in Boone, Iowa; Whistle Stop Cafe is the place to find a cure!

Part 2 of our Trip: Boone & Scenic Valley Railroad Museum --will be posted soon!

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