
Saturday, January 11, 2014

Interview with Laura Christine Johnson

One of my favorite photographers is Laura Johnson.  I had the pleasure of meeting Laura and her talented family, the Johnson Strings, at a concert in 2006; and we have been friends ever since, so I was delighted when she agreed to an interview for my blog!

Q: How did you first become interested in being a photographer?
A:  I got started in this amazing field of work in December of 2006 when I got my first camera, a tiny point-and-shoot, to take pictures of scenes to draw or paint. Since I wanted to learn to use it well, I started to study photography on my own. After realizing that I enjoyed it even more than drawing or painting, I started learning more about photography for its own sake. It was my favorite hobby for several years before I took the plunge and made it a business. I've learned photography through reading LOTS of books and magazines, toiling through camera manuals, studying over the internet, and taking various photography courses online, going to seminars and workshops, and finally obtaining a certification in portrait photography.

Q: What is your favorite subject to photograph?
A:  People! I love to photograph both families and individuals. 

Q: Do you have a favorite of your photographs?
A: As I once heard from a famous photographer, "It's the one I'll make tomorrow."

Q: What is the most difficult subject to photograph and the most difficult aspect of running a photography business?
A:  Most difficult subject to photograph: a 2-3 year old having a bad day who doesn't want to have his/her picture taken!
Most difficult aspect of running a photography business: Creating a time and cost-efficient workflow. 

Q: What have been the highlights of your work in photography so far?
A: Seeing the look on people's faces when they see the finished portraits...capturing families together forever...creating memories...

Q: Do you have a favorite color?
A: Yes! It's Dark Rose Pink

Q:  What advice would you give a novice photographer or musician who is trying to improve his/her skills?
A: 1. Visit my blog to read photography tips
2. Practice EVERY day - in both music and photography. Know your instrument and gear inside and out.
3. Listen to great music to get inspired. Watch YouTube to see how famous musicians play.
4. Think about what you like about certain photographs and how to recreate that element. Then actually go out and put that new knowledge to use!

Q:  How many instruments do you know how to play, which is your favorite, and why?
A:  Over the years, I've played 5 instruments. Of those 5, viola and violin are my favorites. Viola because I've played it basically all my life and violin because of its light weight (much less shoulder pain!) and ease of use.

Q:  What do you like most about singing and playing music in concert with your family?
A: I can travel, meet and be involved in so many people's lives and have a chance to tell them about Jesus and how He can change their lives. (I love spending time with my family too!)

Q: What are your other interests or hobbies?
A: Spending time with family and friends, having group discussions, and going on fun adventures while traveling around the U.S.

Q: Do you have a favorite Bible verse?  Tell us about what it means to you.
A: Isaiah 40:28-31.  Our God is so AMAZING! I don't have to worry about doing everything in my own strength. If I did, I'd be petrified!

Q:  Is there anything else you would like to add?
A: Thank you for asking to interview me! It has been a fun experience. To see more of my portrait work, visit my website:
"Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary?  there is no searching of his understanding.  He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength.  Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall:  But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint."