
Thursday, April 3, 2014

The International Buffet

Last Thursday, my family and I visited the International Buffet in Waterloo.  We like it mostly for its Asian cuisine (the owners are Chinese), but as its name suggests, the buffet offers a wide selection of foods.  

We came at about 2 pm, which meant we missed both the lunch and supper crowds and had the place virtually to ourselves.  Unfortunately the food had cooled down a bit and some of the dishes hadn't been re-filled yet, so it wasn't quite as good quality this time as it is usually (it's best to come at either lunch or supper time), but I enjoyed it thoroughly!  

The lunch price was about $6.00 which plus drinks (soda pop) came to a little over $46.00 for the six of us.  I thought it was quite reasonable considering we could eat all we wanted.  Supper prices are slightly more expensive, but still not bad.
My first helping (above) consisted of a Shanghai Roll, a sweet roll, sweet and sour chicken (my favorite!), sesame chicken, chicken nuggets, fried rice, and a pastry.  Another family member's first plate (below) included onion rings, rice noodles, and an almond cookie. 

 I prefer chicken and she is a vegetarian, but the buffet had plenty to choose from.  Sushi anyone?  

The Sushi bar hadn't been re-stocked after the lunch crowd, but I really didn't mind... 

There were stuffed mushrooms, asparagus, beef dishes, seafood, and potato dishes.  There was also a salad bar and a dessert section replenished with jello, puddings, fruit, coconut cookies, pastries, and a type of cake.

To the side of the dessert selection there is a self-serve freezer filled with various types of ice cream.
 My favorites are pecan and mint chip. 

The service was good (we were well attended by a waitress who refilled our cups and took our used plates), and the restaurant was very nice and clean.  We have visited the restaurant a time or two every year for the past nearly 10 years.  It is a very nice place; the paint is starting to wear off in a few places on window sills, etc. by now, but the chandeliers are still beautiful!

When we first started going to the International Buffet they played hymns like This is My Father's World in the background, and we were both surprised and delighted.  They no longer play hymns, but we still very much enjoy their peaceful, beautifully arranged classical music.  It has a way of adding something relaxing to the atmosphere.

The International Buffet is one of my all time favorite restaurants, and I would definitely recommend it to anyone who likes Chinese food.  Just be sure to come at the lunch or supper hour to make sure the food is hot.

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