
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Princess Grill and Pizzeria

The Princess Grill and Pizzeria has adorned downtown Iowa Falls for 99 years.  A sign reading "Air Conditioned" welcomes visitors; a waitress told us that many years ago few places were air conditioned, so the Princess was a great place to escape on a hot summer day.

When we first arrived the evening shift was just starting to arrive; we were seated at the longest ice cream bar currently in operation in the world and placed our orders. 
Papa and my sister ordered Green River Phosphates ($1.25), but Papa didn't think they matched the phosphates he remembered as a boy.  Mama ordered dip of ice cream ($1.25), pictured above.  It was the prettiest dip of ice cream I have yet seen!
Our smiling waitress, Kayla, next brought my other sister a scrumptious banana split! ($3.95) 

I ordered a Rocky Road Sundae ($3.75).  It was delicious and more than enough ice cream for me! 

On the wall opposite the ice cream bar is a collection of old newspaper clippings and other items from the early days of the restaurant.
The jukebox above stands near the entry and beside a very tempting piano.  In the back there are many booths for dinner customers.  All the dishes I saw prepared looked very appetizing.  I believe the Princess staff concentrates on the aesthetic quality of their food: the salads, jello, and everything I saw, was picture perfect.  However, to review their dinner menu would demand another trip.  For now, I will have to be satisfied with recommending their ice cream dishes.
Interested in exploring more of downtown Iowa Falls?  Visit my dear friend Marianela at Beloved Star where she'll take you across the street to the Book Cellar for our latest meetup!


  1. Looks like a beautiful and delicious place! :)

  2. I like how some places in Iowa retain their history. I love old things and I like when people are proud of their history. Does the jukebox work? I like the prices of the food, if I ordered those kinds of icecream dishes where I am from they would be a dollar or two more.

  3. Yes, Paige, it is!
    Carlyn, I didn't think to check if the jukebox works... would be neat if it does!

  4. Mmm I love ice cream :) Thank you for recommending to us :)

  5. Ooh! That looks yummy!! :D I have never had an ice cream sundae like that before, but it sure looks good! :)
    In Jesus' name,
    Sarah Margaret♥

  6. It was delicious! Hope you get to try one one of these days! Thanks for stopping by! :) God bless
