
Thursday, August 14, 2014

Mr. Pea Seed and the Soybean Revolution

In Mark 8:34-35 Jesus tells us, "Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel's the same shall save it." 
via Flickr
Some people may see this verse as instructions for missionaries in a far off land; however, this verse is for "whosoever."  To me "whosoever" is a word that includes all farmers, gardeners, bloggers, and even red-headed musicians.

My family and I are avid gardeners, and between rains every spring we plant our peas, onions, radishes, beets, lettuce, carrots, and potatoes. Pea seeds are shriveled and ugly and don't look any more alive than the even more ugly beet seeds. But, if a pea seed could think, would it see any sense in being buried? I think not.  Mr. Pea Seed would rather be out in the warm sun; gradually he would become even more shriveled, and eventually he would die. Trying to save his own life, pride, beauty, and self, he would lose everything.

Imagine getting ready to plant a field of soybeans. You have the soil prepared, and your seeds are in the planter. You're ready to go and can already envision a healthy field with green leaves and blossoms swaying in a warm gentle breeze; then you see the harvest with dollar bills jumping into your wallet as you combine... Suddenly your pleasant dreams are interrupted as you hear a noise coming from the seeds in the planter. The beans are jumping out of the planter, and a Soybean Spokesman informs you that this is a Soybean Revolution. The beans have decided that they are too beautiful to be buried! They are casting off your old-fashioned ideas of what is best, and they are going to live life their own way! What a scary thought!

Sadly many people are just as blind as Mr. Pea Seed and the soybean revolutionaries. They want to live life "their own way," and forget about God's plans. They say, "Oh, I want to have fun for a while, and when I'm old then the Lord can have His way." But when they're older it might be too late. Don't let your youth and vitality go to waste. Plant yourself in God's plans for your life. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, "If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." You won't remain a shriveled up pea seed, selfishly seeking your own good, but you'll grow into a beautiful plant, blossom, and be a blessing to many people. Complete surrender to Jesus Christ, the Master Planter, is the only way to fulfillment and happiness in life. All else is as senseless as a soybean seed revolution.


  1. Good morning, Bethany! You shared a very important and powerful message today and I am thankful for this post. I also really enjoyed your analogy :

    May your day be blessed! Hugs to you

    1. Thanks Stephanie! You have a wonderful day too! God bless :)

  2. Your post is very beautiful and wise one. Contemporary in the 21st century the most important motto "Live to your life - life is a festival" It is true but up to the point where is God in your life. In most modern societies in Europe God doesn't exist.Thanks for beautiful article. The picture symbolizes for me a broken life of human being of 21 st century.

    1. Thanks! It is sad how much of society has forgotten God. But He is still here.

  3. What a lovely and thought-provoking post. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Very thought-provoking post, Bethany. Thanks for sharing it!

  5. Thank you Bethany for today's post. The first verse you gave reminds me of the journal entry of Jim Eliott (another Oregonian). It read "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose." I still, at times, struggle with complete surrender. Good thing God is very, very patient with all of us.
    PS: Thanks also for your visit to my blog today:)

    1. Beautiful quote Aimee and so true! Jim Elliott has such an inspiring story. And yes, I am very thankful for God's patience: we sure need it!

      Thanks for commenting!

  6. My faith is different then yours but I am always happy to see people who receive so much comfort from their beliefs!!

  7. Bethany, thanks for visiting my blog and commenting on my photo of Mt. Hood. I am glad you enjoyed it! I am adding your blog to my blogroll...the only way I succeed in following blogs :) I have enjoyed exploring your blog thus far and look forward to more of your your interesting and thought provoking posts such as this one. Blessings to you.

  8. Hi! I enjoyed your post... Also, I wanted to let you know that I've tagged you for the Sunshine Award! Here's the link: Do enjoy!

  9. Thanks for your visiting and commenting on my blog! Sorry , my English is...:-)

    1. Thank you Barbara! Your English is way better than my (non-existent) Polish skills. Enjoy your blog.
