
Sunday, October 12, 2014

Survey Results!

Many thanks to the 34 readers who responded to my survey!  As promised, here are the results.  On some questions the answers add up to more than 34 since multiple selections were enabled.  Where responses were written in "Other" (often to add more juicy details) I did my best to categorize them.  

    Question 1: How did you find my blog?
Online Graphing
Seventeen of you found my blog because I commented on or followed your blog, 9 from browsing the blogosphere, 3 each from Facebook/Google+, FICS, and meeting in person, and at least 1 specifically from Wild Bird Wednesday (Other).
Question 2: Which are your favorite posts?
I seem to be pretty much on the right track for the number of posts for each category, except many of you would like more posts about life in general.  Someone also wrote-in a preference for posts about nature, which I haven't categorized.

Question 3: Do you read or skim?
You actually read my blog (at least sometimes)!  Thanks!  

Question 4: And for statistical purposes, to which age group do you belong?
None are very young or very old, and a majority are between 50 and 65!

Question 5: Which is your favorite candy bar?
Snickers won a clear 1st place with 6 votes!  Symphony and Kit-Kat tied for 2nd place with 4 votes each.  Two of the candy bars I mentioned (Mr. Goodbar and Payday) received no votes.  There were several interesting write-ins (some of which I'd never heard) that are included in the chart.  Apparently Liberty or Death readers have very diverse tastes!'s time to celebrate!
Cashier: Do you have an obsession for Almond Joy?
BC: They looked so tempting...
(and I did happen to need my photo taken with candy bars in a parking lot)

I actually only ate one as my family was persuaded to  kindly help me out, so I'm still in good health.
Thanks again for participating in the survey, and have a very sweet day!


  1. this was really fun beth, thanks for posting the results. i believe i voted for almond look very joyful in your picture!! have a wonderful sunday!!!

    ohhhh and i am so happy to see you out of google +, fewer steps and easier to leave a comment :)

    1. We have similar tastes!

      I finally decided to stop being a no-reply (via email) blogger ;)

  2. I have to say that last picture of you with the wonderful smile was the best part of the survey.. that, and the fact you were so conscientious about giving us the results. I had happened on your blog the very day I filled out the survey and thought the questions were general ones. For example, I both read and skim in my general reading habits, but if I comment on a blog, it's because I've usually taken time to read it pretty carefully. I'll be reading your posts thoroughly. So much of interest here. A very happy Thanksgiving to you!

    1. Thanks Carol! Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Bethany, you can send ma one chocolate, why not?

  4. Oh, what fun! Now you have an idea about your readers. I may have been the one that added the Aero candy bar. It is definitely a favourite of mine.

    1. I'd never heard of it before, but it looks good! I think Kisses tried an aerated version of their milk chocolate once...turned out pretty tasty!

  5. Like Black Jack, the day I filled out the survey was my first visit to your blog,
    Your results are interesting and I love the picture of you!

  6. Thank you for sharing the results with us :) Was fun to read them!

    You lok so pretty! Stay Blessed! Liuba x

  7. Why doesn't the Mars company put dark chocolate on their almond Joy?? I like mounds because of the dark chocolate, but have to supply my own almonds. Sigh. Life is tough. ;-)

    1. You might have an idea there about creating another variety with dark chocolate!

  8. Great results here, Bethany, and you look radiant in that photo! :)

  9. Hi there - glad to see WBW brought a visitor your way!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  10. I am a research nerd so I love interpreting survey results :)

  11. Sorry I missed your survey.

    Nice blog. I will follow so I don't miss anything. I saw your name in a comment on Wishes, Dreams, and Other Things.

    Silver's Reviews

    1. Nice to meet you in the Blogosphere, Elizabeth! Thanks for following :)

  12. I'm with Cranberry Morning here....Almond Joy would be GREAT with dark chocolate. That's why I was the one that wrote in Mounds.

    Love your smiling photo with the candy!! Sweet! [play on words? ARE sweet]

    This was fun. I enjoyed viewing the results and thank you for your efforts on this.

    1. I agree with YOU, Anni! Dark chocolate all around. :)

    2. Thanks Anni! It was fun for me as well! Sounds like Dark chocolate with almonds (and coconut?) is a popular idea!

  13. I missed the survey too but I believe I recently found your blog through WBW.

    1. That's awesome! I'm really glad TexWisGirl introduced me to WBW...fascinating to see all the posts of birds around the world!

  14. This was an interesting survey and the results were well graphed, Bethany. I found your blog through a comment you made on mine. I am in your largest age group as I am 61. I read , don't skim, I like your posts about your life bets but I also enjoy reading others types of subjectsa almost equally well, and Kit Kat is my favorite chocolate bar! Wish I had one now!! :)

    1. Mmm! Kit-Kats are good too...thanks for your responses! Interesting to learn more about you!

  15. Always interesting and fun to read about surveys! Enjoy the chocolate!


  16. I missed the survey as I'm new to your blog which I found because you left a comment on mine. I'd like to have weighed in on the candy bars though. Here's my 2¢: If they would cover Almond Joy with dark chocolate like on the Mounds bars the world would be a sane place for all of us. ;) Have a great week, Bethany.

    1. Sounds like dark chocolate on Almond Joy is a popular idea! Perhaps the company should create a second variety. Have an awesome week as well!

  17. A day without dark chocolate is like a day without a bit of sunshine:) My fav was the fruit filled dark chocolate candy. YUM!

    1. Ah! So you're the one who wrote that in! :) You have good tastes. I enjoy bridge mix and chocolate covered raisins; it's been a while since I've had any other fruit filled chocolate candies, but if I remember right, chocolate covered cherries were delicious.
