
Monday, November 24, 2014

A Real Auction

A few Saturdays ago we went to a real auction.  Unlike the church fundraising auction where everyone was there to have fun and donate to the church, here everyone was trying to get the best deals possible on the equipment and tools of a closing electric motor company in Waterloo.  

 This type of auction draws an interesting crowd of people.  It would be safe to guess that many are small family business owners.  One lady I talked with came with her husband who is now more or less retired from their own motor repair shop; their son runs the shop now.  I noticed a father and son duo--probably also small business owners.
The equipment was quite interesting, lending itself easily to the imagination.  On the left is a sheer and on the right some sort of machine.  
As one of our local auctioneers says, "I don't know what it is, but it's good!  You're here; it's here; Whoa, whoa, whoa!"  The contraption above looks to me like a miniature guillotine.  Do any of you know what it is?   
 On the left are coils and on the right copper wire.  Outside there was an impressive assortment of just about every tool imaginable, a lawn mower that coughed whenever started, scrap metal, and even an old record player!
Some people at country auctions are so devoted to buying whatever they bid on that they keep bidding whatever the price (to develop a reputation as someone who shouldn't be bid against).  And some people are so devoted to going to auctions that their entire yards become junkyards.  
The bidding wars here in Waterloo weren't as impressive as at country/ small town farm and estate auctions, so many people (including my dad) got excellent deals!  
Although it was interesting to go to a closing electric motor business auction; I still prefer household auctions 
(and better yet, thrift stores!).
Linking with:

What's your favorite type of auction, and what is the best deal you've found at an auction?

"Never spend your money before you have it."  --Thomas Jefferson


  1. Nice photo series from auction :)

  2. Looks like a very interesting auction - definitely one for the guys :) I am with you, Bethany, and would rather go to household auctions or thrift stores.

    Have a blessed Thanksgiving with your loved ones.

    1. Thank you Stephanie! I hope you had a blessed Thanksgiving as well!

  3. i'm not good at live auctions. i'd rather just buy on-line. :)

  4. I haven't been to a barn auction in a while,,,but they truly ARE fun!

  5. I would like to go to an auction just to watch... Looks like fun! Have a happy week and Thanksgiving..

  6. Great collection of Stuff. Auctioneers can be so entertaining. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  7. I like farm auctions and household auctions better too, but any auction is pretty interesting, and if you go to a few of them and remain silent and just watch, you can learn a lot about how to bid effectively.

    1. True, often the best way to learn is just watching!

  8. I have only watched auctions on t.v., & I can never understand a thing they are saying!!!

    1. Sometimes it can be pretty tough to keep track of what the auctioneer says!

  9. Auctions are fun, but I'm not a great bidder. :) I agree that a household auction would be more fun.

    1. The last auction where I did any bidding, I was planning to bid on some boxes of stamps and stamp books. Unfortunately what I wanted to bid on was sold individually instead of in the boxes I had planned on, so I had a terrible time keeping track of what to bid on!

  10. I've only been to a few auctions. At one of them, my son bid on some large clamps (for woodworking) and to his surprise was the successful bidder at what he thought was an excellent price. At a break in the auction he went to inspect them and discovered, to his horror, that the price he 'won' at was a per-clamp-price. Not having that amount of money, I advised him to quickly discuss his error with the auctioneer. Luckily for my son, he was let out of his 'deal' since there was enough time for the clamps to be auctioned again.

    Looks like a collection of interesting 'stuff' at this one.

    1. Ouch! Auctions can be confusing like that! Glad to hear your son got out of it ok!

  11. Wonderful photos of the event, Bethany! Nice collection, too. :)

  12. Auctions are fun, you can maybe buy something that is not too expensive.

  13. Never been to an auction, must be interesting and fun!

    1. Interesting, yes. Fun depends on the auction...some you can end up spending a whole day at and being outbid on everything, others are fun ;).

  14. It looks like an auction my husband would like and I am sure he would know what the little guillotine looking thing is. I have been to farm auctions, but I just do not have the time. I like farm sales. I like thrift stores too. I used to live in Council Bluffs for about 3 years. Your auction picture sure reminds me of Iowa..

  15. And I wonder how many people got and thought 'now, why dod I buy this?'

    Nice post.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  16. I am always a little saddened by these. For some reason it reminds me of a lot of vultures. I went to my first Estate Sale. I was horrified by the crowds rummaging through someone life. I know I know, I shouldn't look at it this way. After all I was there too, and came away with some beautiful jewelry.
    Thanks for coming by. I hope for you sunny skies...Janey

    1. Yes, I know what you mean. I've been to household auctions with beautiful collections of this and that--obviously the work of many years (or even a lifetime).

  17. I have never been to an auction. Always afraid if I sneezed or coughed they would think I was bidding.

    1. Haha...that could happen--my sister warned me not to scratch my head!

  18. Here you attend an auction for a bargain. Usually the estate sells go so high the normal person can't afford it. Things are extremely cheaper the later it gets.

    Glad you had fun and found a bargain.

    1. Persistence pays off! I imagine by the time it starts to get late a lot of the other bidders have left and the auctioneers are tired and ready to go home.

  19. That's the sort of an auction where a lot of my Dad's stuff went. My favourite photo is the one of the stack of saw blades!!! I never thought to stack my Dad's when I was capturing his treasures...

    1. Good that you did take photos; it's nice to have memories of everything captured to look back on.

  20. I, like you, would prefer and auction of furniture and household treasures...or a thrift store for the better prices! :-) But this had to be fascinating! And I love the old equipment. Important finds for some...great photos for us! :-)

    1. I think thrift stores are my all-time favorite places to shop; there's no waiting for an item to come up to bid on.

  21. Auctions can be pretty fun! When my great-grandparents shut down their farm they had a big auction to sell off all of the equipment--it's definitely a cultural experience!

    1. Yes! Neat to see all the people who attend auctions!

  22. O que nos faz amigos é essa capacidade de sermos muitos, mesmo quando somos dois.
    Pe. Fábio de Melo
    Obrigada querida pela amizade carinhosa!
    Um doce abraço, Marie.

  23. How wonderful that these items can be reused and be put to use for folks! So glad your dad got a good deal!! I enjoyed seeing some of the items up for auction! Happy week friend! Nicole xo

  24. Hi Bethany,
    I am glad you had fun at the auction.
    I have to bug my family to see if they went to this auction too.
    Happy Thanksgiving!
    Peace :)

    Peace :)

    1. You have family in this area, Chandra? Neat. Blessings to you!

  25. Great Thomas Jefferson quote! I've been to only one auction I think. It was held in an old barn and there were assorted items. It was soooo long ago, I can't even remember what we bid on -- or if we bid on anything:)
    Have a blessed Thanksgiving!
    Blessings, Aimee

  26. Lots of good stuff there, I'm sure. If he were still living, my father-in-law would probably know what that 'miniature guillotine' contraption is. :)

    I have never attended a live auction and have only bid on a few e-bay items.

    Thanks for stopping by to comment on my RT post.


  27. My favourite part of going to auctions is listening to the singsong style of the auctioneer. Thanks for posting that video! In the farming community where I grew up, we had quite a few auctions. The same auctioneer was well known and respected and worked for many years, as had his father before him. He didn't have as musical a voice as "your" auctioneer, but his words came incredibly quickly. Most of the time, I could barely understand him, but that was part of the fun. It was fun to see the different items, Bethany, though I'm of no help in identifying the mystery ones. I, too, would prefer household items, but the machinery would have really appealed to my father. Thanks for a very interesting post!

    1. It is neat how auctioneering seems to run in some families...there are a few in auctioneering families in our area as well.

  28. I've never been to an auction, but would definitely love to go. Happy Wednesday, Liuba x

  29. Interesting collection, auctions are fun. Have a nice day.

  30. I've never been in an auction event. Looks very interesting, cool video!

  31. Great quote from Jefferson - ! {and I will make no further political comment, lol!} Neat pictures. I love old machines and odd ball stuff like this. Stopping by to wish you a blessed Thanksgiving, Bethany!!

  32. i love the internet auctions mainly

    1. I've never bid in an internet auction; usually just buy items at the prices marked on Amazon. I suppose they would be ways to get good deals!

  33. Hi Bethany, that was fun to see all that stuff and hubby and I enjoyed the video of the auctioneer. One of my favorite auction buys was a leather strap of authentic bronze sleigh bells. Unfortunately they are in the shed in a box and I can't find them. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

    1. Sounds like a neat find, Teresa! Hope you can find them!

  34. They're neat to attend every once in a while.

  35. I've never been to an auction, but it looks like fun! I can't listen to a fast-talking auctioneer without laughing, though, so I would probably get thrown out of any auction I attended!

    1. Reminds me of my reaction when I first heard yodelling! It's good to laugh!

  36. i have never been to an auction. only seen them on television. looks interesting. does the auctioneer 'auction' as fast as they are portrayed..,fast paced?

    1. It really depends on the auctioneer. Some are very fast and others are a bit slower; this one wasn't one of the super fast ones: I could understand most of what he said.
