
Saturday, November 1, 2014

Model Train Show in Hampton: Part 1

Last Sunday, my grandparents, sister, and I stopped at Hardy's for a quick breakfast and then headed to Hampton, Iowa for the North Central Iowa Railroad Club's 4th Annual Model Train Show and Sale.  We had set up our tables and hung Grandma's art  the evening before and had minimal set-up work to do before the sale opened.
We brought along some lawn chairs for comfortable seating, and Grandma and I enjoyed delicious cinnamon rolls from the kitchen beside us.  One lady bought several cards to create a display in her kitchen.  A retired navy man bought a print of a mallard, and a few other prints were purchased while I was at the North Central Iowa Model Railroad.
My grandpa, Harry Carson, offered HO model trains from his collection, and they sold very well.  Charity helped Grandpa bag and keep track of train sales.

Throughout the day I had the pleasure of meeting several of the other vendors and admiring their displays.  Let me introduce a few to you.

Tim Miller, Model Train Hobbyist
Mr. Miller was one of the first I had the opportunity to visit with during the morning.  Most of the trains in Mr. Miller's display were on the large side (O scale if I recall correctly).  His favorite are the Burlingtons.
Mr. Miller first became interested in model trains when he was given a set for Christmas at the age of 8.  He passed his love of trains to his son (who was with him at the show).  His son would often stay up till midnight with friends as a teenager, but Mr. Miller never needed to worry about them; they'd be in the basement working with trains!

Gary Klein, Quilter
Of all the vendors at the show, Mr. Klein is the closest to being one of my neighbors.  In June of last year there were torrential rainstorms in the area that flooded the roads and railroad tracks.  Since Mr. Klein couldn't travel, he took up quilting and has created 40 quilts in the past year.
Mr. Klein's work is impressive, especially to a person like myself with little patience for sewing, let alone quilting!  I purchased the 3 hotpads on the lower right.  They should come in handy for taking cookies out of the oven this fall!

One thing I noticed was that for many people, their hobbies are family affairs.  There were several father-son, mother-daughter, and husband-wife duos, as well as grandparents and grandchildren. 
What are your hobbies and talents?
Were any of your hobbies passed to you by family members?
What interests are you passing down to your children and grandkids (if you have any)?

Stay tuned for Part 2 to meet more talented hobbyists!


  1. What a fun event! Your grandma is very talented. I'm impressed with that quilter.. To have just started and then finish 40 quilts in a year - amazing!
    No hobbies were passed down to me, but I enjoy photography. I've been doing that for fun for a few years.

    1. Photography is a lot of fun! Yes, *finishing* 40 quilts is something usually takes me forever to finish any sewing project.

  2. my goodness! your grandmother is talented! and quilters always impress me!

  3. Wow- Your grandmother's art work is beautiful. She is a very talented lady. She should do an etsy shop if she doesn't do one already. Sounds like you had a nice trip, xo Diana

    1. It was very pleasant. Grandma doesn't have an Etsy shop, but she does sell online at her website: .

  4. Your grandparents look like wonderful people, and I love your grandmother's art! Thanks so much for sharing, Bethany. :)

  5. My grandfather used to love collecting train models!
    Wow... amazing artworks, I would give anything to hang one of them up in my bedroom! ;) She is such a beautifully talented lady xx
    The Journeys of My Beating Heart

    1. Awesome that your grandfather was into trains!

      I think I'm pretty blessed...I have two of my grandmother's paintings hanging, plus I can go to her gallery at any time to look at the others!

  6. Wow your grandparents are very gifted people. Personally my hobby is reading books and blogging. I am talented in baking cakes. I can bake almost everything if I have a recipe. Hugs for your grandparents

    1. Oh wow, I want to meet you, Gosia! People who are talented in cake baking are awesome to know! Reading and blogging are great hobbies as well!

  7. Nice looking paintings - was the Mallard a duck or a train? Trains do have a strange attraction.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

    1. The mallard is a duck--actually a drake. Grandma also has a painting of a female duck, and we displayed them together at the next show.

  8. Oh my...what talent. I've made one quilt in my life, and only one. I'm lazy too much work. Your grandmother has done some beautiful work.
    And model trains....something both Bud and I would love to see.

    1. If you've made one quilt, you're doing better than I! It is a lot of work!

  9. What a blessing to see so many talented people gathered in one place. Your grandparents are pretty special people, for you to want to spend time with them as they show their wares at these shows. I'm sure they enjoy spending time with their family, as well.

    1. Yes! There were so many talented people with awesome stories to tell and facts to relate. There was a treasure trove of information to be discovered! I'm very blessed to live near and be good friends with my grandparents!

  10. Bethany, your grandmother's art is beautiful! How lovely to have attended such a show of talent. The quilts are very pretty, too. I was impressed at how they came about!


    1. Same here! When I do any sewing I feel like I take more stitches out than I put in (if that is possible). The quilts were beautiful!

  11. I, too, am very impressed by your grandmother's art. As for those model trains, how my grand nephew (and his parents!) would love them. Sometimes, I wish we could bring all the bloggers I love visiting a little closer together, but I do appreciate this glimpse into your beautiful life from afar.

    1. Thank you Carol! If adding my wish to yours could make it come true, I would love the same. It would be so neat to meet you and many other special people whose posts I enjoy.

  12. My Dad was involved with model trains when I was growing up. I fondly remember helping him make the "towns".

  13. lovely pictures bethany,she is very talented...❤

  14. Your grandmother has talent, wonderful things makes them.
    The trains of your grandfather are also stunning.
    I wish you a good new week.

    1. Thanks! I have some pretty cool grandparents ;). A wonderful week to you as well, Irma!

  15. I visited your Grandma's web site, she is a great artist! Great pictures, sounds like you had a great time. Pretty quilts!

    1. Thank you for visiting the website! Yes, it was an awesome time!

  16. I am also in awe of your grandmother's talent and I think it's great that you spent the day with your grandparents. One of my hobbies is playing the piano and I always enjoy cooking, My mother and brother both played the piano at church, but only one of my daughter's caught the bug. I'm proud to say that she's pretty good, too... :)

    1. A family of pianists! That is excellent! I enjoy listening to and watching a good pianist's fingers fly over the keys. I play a little myself; it's a beautiful instrument.

      I love being around people who enjoy cooking! ;)

  17. Too cool :) And your grandma's work is beautiful: the detail is crazy awesome. Oh and quilting sounds like a good hobbie to take up. As of now painting and drawing are some of my favorites :)

    1. It would be interesting if you'd post some of your drawings for us to admire sometime, Deyanira! One of my sisters draws beautiful portraits, but unfortunately I seem to have missed out on the artistic talent. Artists have my respect!

  18. My dear friends are model train enthusiasts; they even have a huge model in their backyard. This takes a lot of talent and patience!

    1. I imagine! Your friends' backyard sounds neat to see!

  19. Hi Felicia, Grandma's artwork is watercolor. It's so neat that you had a Lionel train around your tree!

  20. Your grandmother's art is very beautiful, the trains of your grandfather are also beautiful they look very realistic, I am impressed by the quilter- 40 quilts in a year !!! OMG

  21. You had me at cinnamon rolls! :) What a fun event. So many interesting things offered. Mr. Klein's work is very impressive, and like you, I have little patience for sewing. My mom is a pro at it, and she tried to teach me, but it just wasn't my thing. On the other hand, I can spend hours photographing. We all have our own passions.

    1. Cinnamon rolls were definitely a highlight! Right on each person having their own interests. Your photography is lovely! My mom is pretty good at sewing too, and my maternal grandmother is extraordinary: she even sewed my mom's wedding dress! Like you though, I'd rather be taking pictures!

  22. what a lovely show and display. i have always been mesmerized by all trains. real and mini's!!! looks like lots of fun, i'm glad they allowed you to take pictures!!!!

    1. Same here! Everyone was incredibly nice about letting me take photos of everything! Great group of people!

  23. You have wonderful grandparents. I admire their passion.

  24. Wonderful having grandparents. Hobbies are so important. Without them, I think I would go made. So nice that you can share these types of events with family,

    1. Yes, it is special to be able to spend time with my family!
