
Saturday, December 20, 2014

The Field of Dreams

The Field of Dreams movie site is a quiet spot outside of Dyersville, Iowa.  The blacktop road leading to it is in poor repair, possibly last paved in 1989 for the movie stars and filming crews.   It's a typical-looking Iowa farm which seems it would be more at home on a gravel road.  
 Since I have never watched the film, and, from reading the plot I don't think I'd enjoy watching it, I did not have the same impetus for visiting as many of the movies' fans.  (Fantasy drama is definitely not my favorite genre.)  However, since we were in the area and there is no admission fee, we decided we might as well stop by.
There were a few cars there, some from out-of-state, but overall it was very peaceful.  We walked over to the baseball diamond, took some photos, and regretted not bringing a baseball bat to liven it up.
To the side there was a gift shop with Field of Dreams sweatshirts, mugs, and other souvenirs.  An informational sign told the story of the field.  After our visit, we drove on to see the beautiful Mississippi River.  For me, the Field of Dreams wasn't the kind of attraction that leaves a life-long impression, but it was nice to add to the list of places we've been.  


  1. i enjoyed the movie. it's a beautiful home. :)

  2. Bethany it is interesting to see it because it is different from Europe.

  3. Having driven back and forth to visit my niece and her family in Nebraska over a year ago, I especially appreciate you observation about gravel roads being more common around farms, Bethany. I found it a challenge to drive on them safely when the gravel floated on mud...sort of like driving on ice! I enjoy seeing the world around you through your lens...and your sister's photos in the last post :)

    1. Ha! A couple years ago we had a very muddy spring, and believe me, the roads were fun! The gravel usually keeps the road from becoming as bad as some of the dirt roads in Kansas, but when we get just the right combination of the frost coming out of the ground, rain, and snow melting, the roads are exciting.

  4. I saw the movie shortly after it was made and we enjoyed it. It's a beautiful spot!

  5. I watched it years ago,m Bethany. I think it is interesting to see the "real life" behind the scenes. Glad you saw it. xo Diana

  6. I am sure you enjoyed, but not that much as you imagined :) Liuba x

    1. Yes, it was neat to see...though I have seen neater places. :)

  7. It's not my favourite movie, but it's not too bad. I would enjoy visiting the movie site, though.

    1. If you ever come this way to visit the movie site, be sure to visit me as well!

  8. It's a pretty little farm, and though I never was really into that movie either, I LOVE farms:) Wow--I have never seen the Mississippi River. Now that would be fun to see!
    Blessings, AImee

    1. Agreed. If you can see the Mississippi River right by Prairie du Chien, WI and then cross it and stop at Pete's hamburger stand for what my family considers the world's best hamburgers, it is even neater. ;)

  9. The film that I know not.
    A beautiful house this is.
    A good Sunday Bethany.

  10. I thought it was a good movie. I enjoy turning such stories into Christian allegory in my thinking. That way, like C.S. Lewis who loved ribald stories from the Dark Ages...Rabelais and all that...I get to enjoy more movies than I would otherwise. Thank you for showing us the movie location. It looks very serene and pleasant. Must ask my brother-in-law, an Iowan, if he has ever visited.

    1. That's an interesting perspective you take into your movie-watching. I generally don't watch very many movies, opting for vintage tv shows/series on Youtube instead.

  11. Hi Bethany, Thank you for this nice post about your visit to the Field of Dreams. I did see that movie, although it seems a forever ago ... thought it was OK ... not one of my favorites ... but you might enjoy it now that you've been to the site. Kind of interesting to me how filming a movie can make a place famous, a destination, so to speak, even with a gift shop. Your photos give us a good sense of the place. Thanks for sharing. John

    1. Yes, it is interesting how a movie can make a spot out in the middle of the countryside a tourist attraction.

  12. Beautiful area. I saw the movie too and it was great. I love to visit movie sights.Have done it all over the world! I see the Mississippi River often, since we cross at Vicksburg,MS on the way to the East Coast. Great post.

    1. I've only seen the northern part of the Mississippi; it would be neat to see the countryside around it in the South.

  13. Sorry to hear the site is not being well maintained. But it's still fun to see what it looks like now.

    1. The site looked decently maintained, but the roads were very old-looking.

  14. The movie was much better than I thought it would be, especially the ending. Looks like a neat place to visit. Apparently, since they built it, they haven't stopped coming.

  15. I did not see the movie, but your photos are lovely, Bethany.

  16. I think the film is about the possibility of hope - whats not to like?

    Hope you have a great Christmas.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  17. I've never seen the movie, but have seen Iowa a few times. :-) What a perfect stereotypical midwestern farmhouse. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas, Bethany!

  18. It was a good movie, still quite fresh in my mind. I had no idea it was filmed in your neighbourhood. The gravel roads and very long driveways of Quebec's farmlands are still fresh in my mind as well, though that was even longer ago :) Thanks, Bethany

    1. I'm sure the Quebec countryside is very neat to see as well. We have some long driveways in our area, but one long driveway that I'll never forget was in Texas. We thought we had taken a quiet country road. We stopped on the way to take pictures of longhorns, and after perhaps a mile or two met a man and his collie at the end of the "road." It was a driveway!

  19. that is SUCH a beautiful farm house. oh my goodness, it's just darling. i've never seen this movie, (at least i don't think i have) but i have shelved it at work in the library. i'll have to pick it up sometime!

  20. What a lovely area! I saw the movie, but it's been so long that I only remember parts of it.

    Thanks for sharing your experience. Merry Christmas, Bethany!

  21. I just recently watched the movie--I enjoyed it mostly because of all the references to old baseball players. My Dad was a big baseball fan and baseball card collector when I was a kid so I have a certain fondness for baseball stuff! This looks like a fun spot to stop by for a bit!

  22. "Liberty or Death" has been included in our Sites To See #423. Be assured that we hope this helps to point many new visitors in your direction.

  23. I saw that movie a long time ago. I had forgotten about it.
    There are some beautiful places out that way.
    We used to see the Mississippi River when we visited our friend Tommy who lives in Helena, Arkansas.

    1. Arkansas is an interesting area of the countryside. I've only been to an area of northeast Arkansas that was extremely flat cotton-growing land.

  24. Nice photos! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  25. I actually never saw the movie either, but I've always enjoyed visiting farms, too. Merry Christmas to you... :)

  26. It is a beautiful part of the countryside; the area features a lot of rolling hills.

  27. I have never seen the movie. I just don't like baseball. But I don't like football either and I loved the movies Blind Side and also Rudy with Sean Astin...but those were inspirational about real people. I'm sure visiting the Field of Dreams site was really interesting though.

    1. It was. I'm not very much into watching sports myself...but a good movie or show that includes chess playing is awesome! (Though I'm sure sports fans can't see what I find so fascinating about chess :D).

  28. My field of dreams are different, but I like to look at other people's interests.
