
Saturday, January 24, 2015

Bloggers' Night Out

The first time I visited the Coffee Attic and Book Cellar in Iowa Falls, Iowa was for a meet-up with my dear friend, Nela, who blogs at Beloved Star.  Not long ago, we decided to go out for dinner at the Princess.  We were there an half hour before the restaurant opened, so we walked over to the Book Cellar again to chat and wait.
The front of the building is devoted to the Coffee Attic, where you can purchase all types of coffees, as well as tea, chai, cream sodas, and smoothies.  During lunch hours there's also a soup and sandwich menu.  Baked goods, coffee beans, cards, and books are on display.    

One table design I liked is the one on the lower left--a table top which looks like it's covered with old newspaper clippings.  The table by the wall, under the picture in the lower right hand corner has a chess/checker board tabletop.   
I ordered a strawberry cream soda (creamosa) for $2.75, since I'm not much of a coffee drinker.  It was delicious--a lot like a strawberry milkshake without the ice cream.  
Downstairs is the Book Cellar, a new and used book store, and upstairs are more tables, chairs, and couches.  It's a comfortable and uncrowded place, with plenty of room to relax, study, or spend time with friends.  

Check out Nela's post from our last outing.  She captures the place beautifully through her photography.

Soon it was 5 pm, and we headed over to the Princess Grill and Pizzeria for dinner.  The Princess is a nearly century-old restaurant with the world's longest working ice cream bar and a great retro feel. 

I ordered a grilled chicken sandwich ($7.25), and Nela ordered a Fajita Chicken Wrap ($7.95).  Both came with sides of fries.  It took about 15 minutes from the time we ordered until our food was served, but it went by quickly. 

My chicken sandwich was very tasty, and the fries were decently good.  The fries were not salted, so I added salt to my own tastes.  The only problem?  The plates weren't heated to keep the food warm while we chatted!  But the meal was warm when we got it, so it's not the restaurant's fault.  I'll give 4.5 stars.

Thanks to Nela for a very pleasant evening!  There's nothing like the company of a good blogging friend, fellow Christian, and amatuer photographer to make for a fantastic Friday night!


  1. Bloggers make the best of friends! It's funny how much they know you. I have a bloggy now real life friend and she is such a blessing to me! Your outing sounds so much fun!

    1. Awesome that you have a real-life blogging friend as well! It is fun to have so many common interests.

  2. If there are books, I am there. Glad your get together was a fun one!
    Have a Beautiful Day!
    Peace :)

  3. What a wonderful night out with a blogging friend! I always think it would be amazing to meet in person many of the bloggers I have had the joy of meeting online.

    Thanks for sharing your evening with us. Hugs!

    1. Wouldn't it be neat to have one big blogging get-together?! If not here, I'm sure we'll have to have one in heaven someday. ;)

  4. Bethany it is an interesting design.I believe the food is delicious...

  5. Hello Bethany!:) How lucky you are to have a blogger friend, who is interested in the same things as you. Glad you enjoyed your meal. The Book Celler's reading room looks very inviting. Love the photo of you both, and also the one on Nela's blog.
    Warm Regards.

    1. Thanks! And agreed, I'm blessed to know the blogging friends I do in real life.

  6. It's always nice to go out along with a blogger friend.
    The food looks delicious.
    Have a good Sunday.
    Best regards, Irma

  7. Dear Bethany! What a lovely time you had with Nela! I think it is a sweet idea to meet up with a blogging friend... It is a dream of mine to meet a few blogging friends, too. Unfortunately I live all the way in South Africa, so the Lord would really have to move some BIG mountains to answer that prayer! Thank you for sharing your special time and I must just tell you how much I adore your post title:). Hugs to you!

    1. Oh wow, I didn't realize you live so far away! There must be some other bloggers in South Africa. In any case, if you do come to the U.S. at some point, I'd love to meet you.

  8. Looks like a wonderful night! I'm glad you were able to meet a fellow blogger, and in such a fun spot!

  9. This sounds like a wonderful night out! And it's even more special since you got to spend it with a blogging friend. I'd love visiting that place with the coffee in the attic and the books in the cellar. That sounds like it could be one of my favorite places, since I love books and coffee so much.
    Have a wonderful Sunday, Bethany.

  10. Hello Bethany, what a lovely night out. The Coffee Attic and the Pizzeria sounds great to me. I love coffee and pizza..Your meals sound good too. I am glad you had a fun time with your blogging friend.. Have a happy Sunday!

  11. Bethany, we need to get you in touch with the Iowa State Department of Tourism. I’ll give you 5 stars for your review of the Coffee Attic / Princess Grill. I’m starting to think my next road trip should be destination Iowa! Sounds like you and Nela had an excellent visit and dinner. I’ll bet the Princess has a good hamburger. I did check out Nela’s blog and she is an inspirational Christian. What a sweet photo of the two of you. Just a great post! John

    1. Thank you so much, John! Maybe I should give their hamburgers a try next time--trying their pizza would be a tempting venture as well. I hope you do make it out this way; Iowa is a lot more pleasant in the summer.

  12. Thanks for meeting up with me, Bethany! I had a pleasant time with you. <3

  13. really nice photo of you two! those fries look delicious from here! and i don't salt mine so they'd be perfect!

    1. Nice! They had salt shakers handy for me, so I won't complain.

  14. What a fun time! Both meals looks great. It would certainly be hard to choose between the two. I think I would have arrived an hour earlier just for the Coffee Attic and Book Cellar!

  15. How fun that you two live close enough to meet! Looks like a great place! What was it C.S.Lewis said? oh, yes, "You can never get a cup of tea large enough, or a book long enough to suit me." Blessings, Bethany!

  16. Looks so nice the photos of you two! Very nice post!

  17. Wonderful that you are able to meet up with a fellow blogger! The Coffee Attic and Book Cellar sound like places I could spend a lot of time in!

    1. It would be an excellent spot to spend an afternoon.

  18. This looks like such a fun outing for you two! :D Your meals look delicious, and the coffee shop/book store seems like a fun place to hang out. You and Nela look lovely with your smiling faces and fun outfits. :)

    1. Thanks Paige! It was fun! Now if only you lived close enough to come out to dinner with us as well!

  19. that's a great picture of you 2 bethany!! it looks like a nice restaurant with lot's of character!!

    1. It is. I did a review of the Princess' ice cream and soda pop last summer--there's some old memorabilia, and it's an interesting place to go.

  20. The meals look yummy! And you're lucky to have met a blogger!

    xoxo Morning

  21. Sounds like a lot of fun--maybe it's been too long since i've had french fries but they look delicious! I've only ever met one other blogger, it's a pretty special experience!

    1. Agreed! And it's good to get some French fries every once in a while ;).

  22. Bethany, I have been behind on reading posts since my daughter had hip surgery Jan. 14 and today I have enjoyed catching up with your travels. Having grown up in rural MO for 15 years, it is especially fun to see your midwest world through your lens and your young eyes of Faith. I have to ask...what is in the Green River drink? Blessings on you and yours

    1. Ah, so you're a Midwesterner turned Northwesterner, and I'm a Northwesterner turned Midwesterner! No wonder I like you! ;) A Green River is a lime-lemon soda pop. Hope your daughter has been enjoying a speedy recovery from her surgery.

  23. Awww Bethany, I am so glad you had this time out with a fellow blogging friend! I think I could easily live in the Book Cellar. :)

  24. It's always so fun to meet fellow bloggers, isn't it?? I love the connections we make through blogging. I married a fellow blogger, as you know :)

    1. Yes! I'm so happy for you and Beate! Sometimes blogging friends can be totally awesome.

  25. How very nice the two of you live close enough to get together!

  26. How very nice you met up with a blogger friend.
    That is a lovely photo of the two of you
    I would love that place as I love books
    Smiles ...

    1. Thanks! There were certainly plenty of books around for the book-lover to enjoy!

  27. How neat to be able to meet a fellow blogger and enjoy time together. This looked like a great place for a visit.

  28. That's a great picture of the both of you. Meeting a blogging friend in real life sounds like so much fun. It looks like you two had a good time, too... :)

  29. What a fun evening! I love the look of the coffee shop and the bookstore. I might have ruined my dinner by indulging in some of those sweets though!

    1. They look good, don't they?! I will have to sneak back there sometime to try them out!

  30. It's always fun to meet other bloggers. Great photo of you two!

  31. oh how fun this must have been! i can only hope that one day i will get to meet up with fellow bloggers as well, i'm sure you had such a wonderful and memorable evening. i'm not a coffee person either though so that cream soda is sounding really yummy right now.

    1. Now you're making me thirsty again! If I'm ever in Kansas again, I'll have to look you up!

  32. It looks like a fantastic time, Bethany, and your photos are lovely. Looking at the food here is making me hungry. Thanks so much for sharing. I haven't met a fellow blogger yet but I did meet a Facebook friend last August and we are good friends and have met a few times already. It is so nice. :)

    1. Nice that you were able to meet a Facebook friend! Nela and I met before I became a blogger, and I'm very blessed to know her, her mother (Carla, another blogger), and a few others in my area who share our wonderful hobby.

  33. Sounds like a fun meet up for the two of you, good friends, good food and some fellowship to go with!

  34. How wonderful to have a friend who you have had the blessing of knowing through blogging and in person. What a fun evening! That place looks like it has character and is so cozy, where you could spend countless hours talking or reading and enjoying the peaceful coziness.

    Have a blessed day!

    1. It's a very pleasant place to spend time! Have a blessed day as well, Jazzmin.

  35. What an interesting place, I am glad you had a wonderful time.

  36. What a nice-looking place and the food looks good, too! It's fun meeting other bloggers. Cute photo of you two!


  37. How lovely to get together with another blogger friend, and someone who is also a Christian so shares your faith and values. This looks like my kind of place! Would have loved to have joined you! :-)

    1. I would have loved if you could have joined us as well...maybe one of these days. ;)
