
Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Liebster Award from Kelpie

I'd like to take a moment to thank  Kelpie from Created by the Created for nominating me for the Liebster Award.  The Liebster Award is a way of learning more about fellow bloggers by asking them questions.  I've answered Kelpie's questions below.
1. What is your favorite (non Biblical) quote?
2. What is your favorite topography? (i.e. desert, mountains, prairie, etc.)
Fertile Iowa farmland.  Mountains are majestic, and I'd love to see the ocean and desert again, but there's something special about Iowa, the place I call home, and that my family has called home since the 1850s.
3. If you could move to another country where would you go?
I'd like a tour of 10 or so countries first to see them, evaluate them, and make an informed decision.

4. What is #1 on your “bucket list”?
Heading back to St. Louis this summer and visiting some of the interesting places there.

5. What do you believe is the most important quality in a friend?
General goodness, niceness, and consideration; if a friend isn't somewhat nice, he/she might as well be an enemy.  I wrote in depth on good friendships and bad friendships last year.

6. How do you spend the majority of your time (may include sleeping!)?
If I divided my life into percentages of everything I've done over the years, sleeping would get first place, as I have slept at least 7-8 hours every single night.  I can't think of any other activity I have been so consistently devoted to pursuing for 1/3 of every day for the last 2o years.

7. If you could have named yourself, what name would you have chosen? Why?
When I was 4 or 5 I named myself Coconut, but that would have been hard to live with.  I'm glad I was named Bethany.

8. What is something about you that would surprise most people?
My age seems to surprise people--few ever guess it right.  

9. What is something you dislike but everyone else loves?
My dislikes are simple: flies, mosquitos, okra, turnips, beets, crime, big government, and hypocritical politicians.  I don't think they're generally loved.
10. What is your dream pet? Or would you rather not own an animal?
Ginger, our German Shepherd mix, is my dream pet.  If I ever got another animal it would be another (smart) dog.  

11. What inspired you to start blogging?  Politics
My nominees (if they'd like to participate)
Carrie at Northwords Scrapbook
Christine at Homeschool and Etc.
And anyone else who'd like to answer my questions.
(I'd love to read answers either on your blog or in comments on this post.)

1.  Would you share a favorite quote and a favorite Bible verse?
2.  What would you like to accomplish before the year is over?
3.  What is your ancestry (e.g. German, Italian)?
4.  What is your favourite genre of music?
5.  Do you have a favorite bird or flower?
6.  What is the most encouraging thing anyone has ever told you/or that you've ever read?
7.  What is your go-to meal for when you need to cook something quickly?
8.  Do you have a favorite word?
9.  What is your favorite tv series?
10. If you could have a gift card to any clothing store, including online, what would it be for?
11. If I were to visit you in your hometown, what would be the first place you'd want me to see?

"Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him."  
--Proverbs 30:5


  1. coconut - yup, that'd be hard to live with. :) and i love sleep, too. :)

    1. It would be hard to live with...especially if folks decided "Coconut" was too long to say and just shortened it to the last syllable--not that any of my friends would ever think of that...

  2. I wish I could sleep better..I wake up at any sound.. I love smart dogs too. Great answers and pretty images.. Have a happy day!

    1. I would guess by smart you would mean dogs that do not bark in the middle of the night. ;) Ours is unfortunately not smart in that way (though she is in many others). But I'm a sound sleeper, so I don't really notice.

  3. Bethany, interesting post. Congratulations from Poland

  4. Those are great pictures and congrats on the award. I enjoyed your answers. I love that name Coconut... :)

  5. This is a fun post, Bethany. I can remember doing these awards when I was newer to blogging. It is a good way for new bloggers to "connect" and you get to know the person a bit better. I used to have German shepherds and just loved them. xo Diana

    1. German shepherds can be wonderful dogs (I think of Bullet the Wonder Dog and Rin Tin Tin). Awards are fun to do once in a while. ;)

  6. Coconut...haven't heard that one before. I think you're right, it's a good thing you did not name yourself. :)

    Your dog is beautiful! German Shepherds can be the smartest creatures. I wouldn't mind owning one myself.

    Thanks for answering my questions Bethany. I enjoyed reading your answers and learning a bit more about you!

  7. Coconut is such a cute nickname. ^.^ To be honest people are often surprised about how old I am, too! I'm around the high schoolish ages, but people always assume I'm about ten. Dx

    xoxo Morning

    1. Most people seem to guess I am younger as well. I am just hoping that continues well into middle (and old) age!

  8. I used to call my younger daughter coconut when she was in elementary school. It's a cute nickname. This was such a fun post. I always enjoy learning about favourite bloggers. Your dog is so beautiful; definitely a dream pet.

    1. Oh wow! Neat that your daughter had that nickname!

  9. :) Coconut! You made me smile. I enjoyed reading these things about you. I agree with your dislikes. and your dog, and the fields are so beautiful!

    1. The land grows on you if you live out here long enough. :)

  10. I loved reading all your answers..

  11. Interesting set of questions and well answered by you!

  12. Even though I have avoided participating in blogging awards, I enjoyed getting to know you better by reading your answers, Coconut.... ummm I mean, Bethany :) and I think your blog is worthy of awards, too! xx

  13. Hi Bethany, You sure had some interesting answers to those questions. I like that picture of farm land in Iowa. There is definitely something special about that country. I once lived for a short while in the panhandle of Texas. That area is also flat ... but the openness was very appealing. Ginger is a good looking dog! Coconut ... hmmm ... not all that bad, but I'm glad you stuck with Bethany. :-) One thing I'm really enjoying about your blog ... The Variety! Always a pleasure to stop by Liberty or Death.

    1. I always enjoy reading your thoughtful comments! Thanks!

  14. I think your name suits you very well, I have a niece named Bethany.
    Ginger is such a pretty dog!

    I enjoyed this post, Bethany.
    Nice learning more about you

    1. Neat that you have a niece with the same name as I!

  15. Halo Bethany,
    I never do it with awards, but I thought it was interesting to read the questions and responses.
    Coconut, how do you come up with the idea, to want to call them:-)

    1. I really liked eating fresh coconuts and drinking coconut milk.

  16. Good morning, dear Coconut...I mean Bethany *smiles* May I just say that by naming yourself "Coconut" you showed the world {or at least your family} how smart and creative you would grow up to be.

    This was a fun post - one I enjoyed reading :) Happy Thursday!

  17. Congratulations! Tom The Backroads Traveller

  18. Thank you, Bethany! I have posted my answers on my blog. :)

  19. Loved your list! And your beautiful photos! I have copied the list to use at a future time. I am currently using a long list of "If I Were" questions posted by Rose on Pics & Pieces a few months back. They make great Friday Fives if done in increments of...well, five. :-) E.G. Camera Girl started doing that and I decided to follow suit. So, when I am done, I will then do your list, and may add a few of my own at the end. It's a wonderful list! I learned a lot about you, Coconut. :-)

    1. I'll look forward to your answers! I do enjoy E.G. Camera Girl's "If I were" lists.

  20. Fun read! :) I totally relate to #8. Your dog is beautiful, as is the forest she's in.
    Thanks for nominating me again! :)

  21. Nice list - flies! You better not visit central Australia in the summer!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

    1. I'll take your word for it! Back when I was 8 years old we spent some time down in Kansas, and I remember a couple days in particular where the flies were *so* bad. One day was near a buffalo feedlot, and the other by a lake. There were flies everywhere! My parents bought a fly swatter for just about everyone in the family (I'm not sure if they got one for my youngest sister who was 1 at the time). I spent a lot of time trying to eradicate the flies, and free the state of Kansas from those invaders, and that night I even dreamt of the flies...ahh, I'm glad we did not decide to live there!

  22. Sleep is so elusive for me! You lucky girl. Gorgeous dog and wonderful list that I totally agree with!

  23. Very nice list, Bethany. I am glad you were named Bethany as well, because it suits you. Lovely post. :)

  24. So....are you 20? That's what the item about sleeping for 1/3 of every day seems to indicate. If I had to guess without that, I would have guessed 2 or 3 years younger than me, which would be 20-21. How old do most tend to think you are?
    I don't know how old most people think I am...maybe I should start polling people. Just today I was joking with my students that I'm too old to spin in circles for long periods of time anymore (apparently that's the sort of thing we do in class....)

    1. Yes, I'm 20. Most people seem to guess younger. It sounds like you teach fun classes!

  25. I enjoyed your answers Bethany!
    Love your photos and Ginger looks adorable!

    1. Thanks! She is a good and faithful farm dog, and we love her!

  26. Costa Rica, it doesn't have wars, no military of any more. That I would like to go there.

    1. It also has pleasant weather and beautiful beaches from what I've heard...

  27. Here we go!! :~D

    1. Thanks for answering my questions, Moriah! I enjoyed reading your answers.

  28. I would love to know your age, you have a very beautiful, young look!! If I could have named myself, or if I had a daughter, my favorite names are Ela, Sophia and Eliza. I also like Zoe!! But as luck would have it, I was only blessed with boys, but those were my girl names!!

    1. I'm 20, thank you! Ela Sophia has a nice ring to it--if we can use 2 of your favorite names for one! I'd be in trouble if when/if I have children all are boys; I'm much better at thinking of feminine names.

  29. Sleep is good, I agree! I enjoyed reading your answers very much.

  30. O valor das coisas não está no tempo que elas duram, mas na intensidade com que acontecem.
    Por isso existem momentos inesquecíveis, coisas inexplicáveis e pessoas incomparáveis.(Fernando Sabino)
    Que bom saber que temos algumas coisas em comum...rsrs
    Uma linda e abençoada semana!!!
    Abraços Marie.

    1. Have a great week as well, Marie! Thanks for visiting!

  31. Sometimes I sleep well and sometimes I don't. Your photos are lovely, Brittany. :)

    1. Variety is good in many cases, though probably not as far as getting a good night's sleep is concerned! Hope you have a good night tonight!

  32. Great answers Bethany I can relate with you on #9 :) thank you for sharing.

    1. It would be hard to *like* the things I mentioned! ;)
