
Monday, June 22, 2015

Northside Cafe

Just as we were about to leave Winterset after enjoying the walking tacos, brownies, and ice cream at my friend's graduation open house, Papa pointed out Northside Cafe.  
Northside Cafe's claim to fame came when Clint Eastwood walked into the cafe in the 1995 movie The Bridges of Madison County.  I've never watched this romantic drama, and after reading the synopsis, most likely never will.  

Since I was not hungry, I just walked in and asked if I could take a few pictures.  The lady at the counter, Hannah, said sure.  I ordered a Fanta orange pop, and started snapping away.  Pretty soon the owner walked up, introduced herself as Michele, and asked if we were in town for the opening of the John Wayne museum.
Above, I'm pictured with Michele on the stool where Clint Eastwood sat.  Michele told us she is a homeschool mother who used to own a restaurant/cafe in the Des Moines area, but life proved too busy for her to raise her children and run the restaurant at the same time, so she sold that restaurant and raised her children.  When this restaurant came up for sale a couple years ago, she thought it was perfect timing to get back into business near her home.  She employs quite a few people, including several homeschool graduates.

Papa reminded me I couldn't write a proper review without trying their food, so we asked Michele what she'd recommend from the menu.  Her first recommendation was their tenderloins, but since I'm not much of a tenderloin person, I opted for a Hot Beef Sandwich ($8.99 if I recall correctly).  Since this was our fifth meal of the day, we only ordered one and asked for two extra plates to split it.  Oh, the sacrifices my dear family and I make for blogging...
Quite the sacrifice, eh?  We savored every bite.
The hot beef sandwich, covered with gravy and topped with a dollop of mashed potatoes, was very tasty!
If Eastwood dined here, he certainly knew how to pick a place with delicious homestyle cooking!


  1. Hello Bethany, this restaurant has a neat history with the Clint Eastwood visit. The hot beef sandwich looks delicious too! Great review, thanks! Happy Monday, have a great new week!

  2. What great history value here.
    And the hot roast beef looks absolutely scrumptious, and I bet tasted the same. Wow. I drool.

  3. oh, that looks DELISH!!! she's obviously a great cook and restaurant owner!

    1. I don't think she cooked that dish herself (for us at least), but whoever did sure did a good job!

  4. Hi Bethany,
    Beautiful pictures, super that you sat on the same chair as Clint Eastwood.
    The food looks delicious.
    Have a nice new week.
    Best regards, Irma

  5. Bethany the place looks interesting and I would like to try your food

  6. Well I'm back from my hiatus of being a negligent commenter. At least for this morning...there is more busyness coming my way. :P
    This looks like a place with neat architecture! And how cool that a former homeschooling mom owns it.The food also looks yummy...ah, the sacrifices of blogging. ;)

  7. Ooh, how neat! It looks like a nice little place with a fun history. :-)

  8. Such fun! You find the neatest places. And now I'm hungry after hearing about all that lovely food and seeing your photo!! Your blogging friends appreciate your "sacrifices" in the name of your blog. Lol ;)
    Happy week to you! xoxo

    1. Glad to hear someone cares about the suffering I go through for my blog. ;)

  9. looks like a great place with lot's of history, i know you like that!!!!

    and i am drooling over that "sandwich"!!!!!

    1. I wouldn't mind enjoying another now--too bad I don't live closer. But I am eating a slice of cherry pie, so I guess I won't complain!

  10. Looks like a place I would enjoy visiting. That sandwich looks wonderful!

  11. You poor thing! Having to eat all that scrumptious food. :) How great that the restaurant owner was able to resume her passion. Looks like a great place. Btw, I saw Bridges of Madison County and it nearly put me to sleep.

    1. Good to hear I'm not missing out on anything then!

  12. Thanks for making these sacrifices for us!
    I never saw that movie either, but I can tell I'd like the restaurant!

    1. It would be hard not to like a place with such good food.

  13. I don't think I've ever seen the Bridges of Madison County either, but my DH loves Clint Eastwood and spent a good part of his Father's Day weekend watching Eastwood movies (westerns)...YUM to the dinner you had at the café--now that's something hubby and I would both like :)
    Blessings, Aimee

  14. Good food, great ambiance and a visit by Clint Eastwood... Perfect subject mater for a blog posting!

  15. Oh what fun! I can just picture Clint Eastwood sitting on that stool enjoying a delicious meal.Although I'm not sure if he ate anything since I've never seen the movie either!

  16. What a fun place to visit..and eat! I am so glad that the gal was able to get a restaurant after her kids were grown. I think that is a real heart's desire for some people.
    Bridges is an old movie...and in the end-she did the right thing and spent her life righting the wrong. We don't have many Clint Eastwoods or Robert Redfords in our lives anymore. xo Diana

    1. I really enjoyed watching Clint Eastwood as "Rowdy Yates" in Rawhide.

  17. Hi Beverly, This place looks like one I want to try. Yes, I will try the tenderloin! But the hot beef sandwich ... Oh my ... how can I pass that up? Maybe a two-day stay is required in Winterset! Another neat post. Now, I hope you will check out my new post on John's Island as I answered your Liebster Award questions. Thank you again for the nomination! PS I want one of those life-size posters of John Wayne! : - )

    1. Thank you so much for answering the Liebster Award! I enjoyed reading that post!

  18. Hi Bethany,
    The sandwich is tempting.
    I watched that movie - you ain't missing much :)
    Oh BTW - the 2nd photo shows the inside of the cafe really well and I love those seats at the bar.
    You and your friend look very nice as well.
    I thank you for your kind visit to my blog while I was on R&R - deeply appreciated.
    Have a Wonderful Day!
    Peace :)

  19. Hi Bethany, that is a nice looking restaurant from the front and the sandwich you ordered looks very tasty. You do sacrifice a lot for your dear readers :-) I just wanted to tell you that I too have posted my answers to your Liebster questions. Hope you learn something new from my answers. xx

    1. Yes, I show my unwavering dedication to my beloved fellow bloggers with every delicious morsel I consume in my quest for finding the best cafes and diners in the Midwest! I am grateful to hear someone appreciates my sacrifice. ;) Thank you for answering the Liebster questions, Joyful! I enjoyed reading your responses!

  20. Hi Bethany,
    First of all the the Northside Cafe looks very nice and as a comfortable local to sit and enjoy food there. The hot beef sandwich should taste delicious. There is good food in your place. Congrats for the interesting post.

  21. Any place with a sign/poster of John Wayne outside can't be bad. That sandwich looked tasty.

    1. I am glad to report it was not a hypocritical sandwich.

  22. What an interesting place- that hot beef sandwich looks so delicious, it's been years since I've had one :)

    1. Perhaps it's time for another? Would love to have you visit Iowa--though I imagine you would be able to find a hot beef sandwich much closer. With your cooking skills, I would think you could even create one yourself!

  23. I love Michelle's commitment to her children and selling the restaurant to raise them. How wonderful that the Lord has given her another opportunity to get back in business! The food looks yummy!

    1. I'm sure her children were/are very blessed with a lot of delicious food! Blessings to you, Dianna!

  24. Small town diners/cafes are good places to stop!

  25. What an exciting place to stop! Looks like an awesome cafe, plus the movie connection! And you sat on Clint Eastwood's stool! sigh :-) The food looks delicious as well!
