
Monday, June 15, 2015

Questions, Questions...

Before I continue with my series of posts from my trip to the Winterset area, I would like to thank two very lovely ladies, Paige from Sunday Best and All the Rest and Carrie from Northwoods Scrapbook for nominating me for a couple fun blogging awards.  My responses to Paige's questions are below.  

Sisterhood of the World Blogger Award
From Paige--one of my favorite fashion + inspirational bloggers

1. Have you ever been in a choir or other singing group?
Yes!  My family is a singing group, and I sang in a day choir for the first time this year at Riverview Gospel Music Showcase in Cedar Falls--and enjoyed it.

2. Do you have any strange or unusual talents (e.g. wiggling ears, yodeling)?  Both of the above.

3. Do you find wombats cute and cuddly? 
Cute, yes.  Cuddly?, I would rather stick with petting my faithful farm dog.
4. What was the last song you heard?  Master of the Wind (by Joel Hemphill) sung by my sister Charity.

5. What were you very happy to accomplish last year?
Among other things, I was very happy to succeed in my 2014 goal of posting here at least 10 times every month.

6. What do you hope to accomplish this year?  I'm hoping/planning to meet Cryslyn and her husband!

7. Given the choice, would you rather have someone over for dinner tomorrow or go to someone else's house for dinner?  It depends on how good of cook this someone is and how clean his/her house is.  
8. If you could be a pen-pal or e-pal with someone from any nation, what country would you choose (it can't be a country in which you already have a friend)?
Thanks to blogging and playing chess online, I have friends from many nations, so this could be a difficult question.  Let me say Thailand.  I do have relatives there, but I've never been in touch with them personally.

9. What is one thing you disliked doing as a child and now enjoy doing as a teen or adult?
For the most part my tastes are the same.  I still don't like turnips or okra.  

10. Has blogging changed you as a person? If so, how?
It has made me more observant.  I notice, look for, and visit historical sites much more frequently, eat at and review more restaurants, and unfortunately, like food from McDonalds less.  Am I getting spoiled?
Carrie's questions and my nominations will come tomorrow.
Sunday Best and All the Rest
Thank you Paige!

How has blogging affected your life?


  1. Hello Bethany, I love your beautiful redheaded woodpecker. And the flowers are lovely. Nice responses to the questions. I think blogging has made me more observant too. Enjoy your day and have a happy week ahead!

  2. Bethany intyersting post.Have a nice day.Love from Europe

  3. i think blogging has made you a great photographer. :) or at least gives you a way to share your photos with us. love the redheaded woodpecker!

    1. Thanks Theresa! We were just out driving on our way to do some shopping and take my sister to play tennis when we spotted the woodpecker on a fence!

  4. Enjoyed reading your answers so much!! And as always, I loved gazing upon your tranquilly beautiful photography.
    Congratulations on your blog awards!

    Have a blessed day, Bethany!♥

  5. I agree with you 100% on blogging making someone more observant! I feel the same! :-) And I am with you on McD's My husband thinks it's weird how much I like it.

    1. I used to really like it...but McDonald's took a significant drop on my rating charts after I tried Culver's. I still think McD's has better fries though!

  6. Loved reading your answers, Bethany! And how sweet of you! I'm dearly looking forward to meeting you this year, as I'm sure my husband is as well. :-)

    Have a lovely day, dear friend!

  7. Wait! You can yodel? I want video proof! And if you can wiggle your ears while yodeling I'll be really impressed. :)
    Your answer to #7 made me smile. So objective.
    Wombats...I agree with you. I'd rather stick to my dog.

    1. Haha...I've never tried wiggling my ears and yodeling at the same time--that might be a bit challenging! A few years ago I posted a video of my sister and I yodeling on Youtube here. It's just sound though, so you'd just have to take my word for it that it's really us. ;)

  8. Congrats on your award! I think it's great that you're eating less at McDonalds. :) LOVE the shot of the Red-headed Woodpecker. That is one sublime image!

  9. So fun to read this Bethany! I love that your whole family are singers. I used to sing in the school church choir and at my church growing up. I also used to play the flute at church (LONG ago days).

    I really loved your talents too! Please video some yodeling and share one of these days! I think that's just sooo cool.

    Can't wait to learn more tomorrow. ;)

    1. Three years ago I posted a video of my sister and I yodelling here (sound only). Neat that you used to sing in the choir and play the flute!

  10. Thanks for doing this Bethany; it's always fun to learn more about you! :) And as always, beautiful photos.
    My favorite answers are #2 (what?!) , #6, #7 and #10. :) I look forward to seeing a blogger meet-up post sometime this year. :D

    1. Too bad we don't live close enough to make a meet-up possible in the near future, Paige!

      @ #2 Your examples fit my "unusual talents" to a T!

  11. Loved reading your answers to Paige's questions. That is so cool that your family is a singing group!

  12. Hi Bethany,
    The bird you have posted is so pretty and it is a great photo.
    Congrats on all your goals, now and forever!
    Have a Wonderful Day!
    Peace :)

  13. All questions answered candidly and with a dash of good humor...

    I really like your picture of the woodpecker on the fence post!

  14. The bird is just card-ready. You should seriously consider printing some of your best images. Off to visit Paige now. :)

    1. Thank you Christine! You should see the supply of cards I keep on hand though. They're one thing I have a hard time resisting purchasing...thankfully they're not expensive items to collect, and I can put them to good use!

      On the other hand, you may have an idea here...if I started printing my own cards, I could potentially double, triple, even quadruple my collection!! And that would be without having to travel anywhere to go shopping; I could drastically increase my number of cards without leaving the comfort of my own home! Add to that the number I usually buy every year....ahhh...if I'm not careful I could have my drawers all filled with cards, my closet, my room!!! How am I going to thank you for this idea?

      (Firm voice from the practical side of my head) "Bethany?! No."

      Well, maybe I'll still print a couple one of these days. You didn't know what a mental conflict you'd inflict on me with your simple, kind compliment, did you? :) Thanks Christine!

  15. I love that photo - it's gorgeous!
    I also love that your family sings together. You should post a video. :)
    I can't wiggle my ears or yodel. My Dad is a great yodeler though.

    1. That's awesome! It would be neat to hear him one of these days; perhaps you could post a video!

  16. Hi Bethany,
    The woodpecker and the flowers are beautiful.
    I enjoyed your responses.
    Good that you eat less at McDonalds.
    Best regards, Irma

  17. Beautiful shots, Bethany! The image of the bird would make a wonderful greeting card. And great post. It's always nice to learn about fellow bloggers.

  18. I love your photography! What kind of camera do you have? Have you taken any classes or do you just have natural eye for artistically composed images?

    1. I have a Canon SX 50, and I love it! I've never taken any classes, but I do have a cousin and friends who do a lot of photography and have helped me understand the settings on my camera better. (The photo of me shooting was taken by one of my sisters, both of whom enjoy photography as well.)

  19. Lovely photos - The Woodpecker shot is wonderful. - I enjoyed learning more about you and your life.

  20. Hi Bethany, Very interesting to read your answers to the questions after having followed your blog for several months. I liked your goal for last year … to post 10 times every month. Frequent posting is a real challenge for me. I loved your answer to the question about dinner at home or elsewhere. :-) I had to laugh … that’s exactly the way I feel too.

    1. Posting 10 times a month was challenging, especially to start with! But it was nice to try to be consistent. I've slacked off a bit this year.

      There are some people at whose homes I am/would be very hesitant to eat...others are such good cooks and keep their houses spotlessly clean!

  21. Love the fiddle heads. Tom The Backroads Traveller

  22. Great questions and photos, (have I told you before that you have such amazing photography skills) you are very talented!, blogging has also made me more observant, posting 10 times every month is a tough challenge, but a very good one, can't wait to read your latest adventures.

  23. I enjoyed reading your answers and getting to know you a bit better Bethany :-)

  24. Really enjoyed your photos of the bird & flowers! Awesome getting the award, and I really enjoyed reading the answer to your questions. I received a few awards years before and quit accepting them but they can be fun, of course, and you always feel so honored. It's nice to know other people are enjoying your blog! I loved learning more about you!

    I wanted to tell you, your Grandpa was awesome for his contribution during the Korean War! Dad was at the landing at Inchon and was one of the first men on the beach from his unit, to set up communications. But the battle there was not active at that time...still is was a bit hairy, and my Dad said he dug a foxhole and when they heard artillery, someone jumped into his foxhole with him, and it was an officer who hadn't bothered digging his own. We can be so proud of our World War II and Korean War grandparents and parents, who were willing to make that sacrifice, and were brave and honorable. If your Grandpa is still with you, tell him thanks from me.

    1. It sounds like your dad must have had some very interesting stories. Yes, Grandpa is still with us and going strong!
