
Monday, August 3, 2015

Questions, Questions... (3)

"Time waits for no man," it is said.  Time definitely has not waited for me.  I still have places I want to write about that I visited back in May.  Most recently, however, I went on a trip to St. Louis with my sisters and father.  I will be posting about those eight days, next.

 But while I compose those posts, I'd like to take a moment to thank Laura from Gazing Wonders for nominating me for the Sisterhood of the World Blogging Award back in June.  Laura asked a few questions, which I have answered below.   
Since I have done so many award posts, it is beginning to become difficult to find answers my readers have not heard before.  Consequently, this may be the last award post you will see for a while.  Many thanks to all those who have tagged me!  It has been very fun.

1. Name 3 of your all time favorite books.
The Bible is number one; it's the book I base my life on.  The Law by Frederic Bastiat is number two; it's a concise presentation of some of the foundations of my political views. The third would be a toss up. A couple I like are The Road to Serfdom by Hayek and The Holy War by John Bunyan, but neither would receive a clear third.
Reading my Bible at a Best Western in Sikeston, Missouri five years ago.

2. Do you have any hobbies? If you have more than one which is your favorite?
Choosing a favorite would be difficult, if not impossible.

3.  How would you like to see yourself in the next 5 years?
What changes in 5 years?  Let's take a look back at 2010. 
 What was I doing?

  • Singing "For the Beauty of the Earth" & "My Morning Song" with my wonderful voice teacher, Miss Holly.  I still love to sing, to thank the Lord every morning for His blessings, and to read His word. "Oh Lord of life, thy quick'ning voice awakes my morning song.  With joyful heart I do rejoice, that I to Thee belong."
  • Playing tournament chess. 
  • Playing the guitar.  
  • Touring interesting places. (2nd row far left, the Iowa Capitol; 2nd row far right, a Pony Express museum)
  • Loving our dog Ginger. 
  • Working with & spending time with family. I'm pictured processing sugar beets with my mom and grandma.   I've spent a lot of time in the garden with my family!
  •  Enjoying the outdoors.  Lately we've been canoeing instead of swimming/wading in farm streams.
  • Traveling. (3rd row, center--the Carrie Nation house in Kansas.)
  •  Playing chess online. 
I also was studying a lot.  After five years I've changed some ("grown up" and hopefully am a little wiser), but I'm still the same person, and I still love doing most of the same things.  I bet the same will be true five years from now.

4.  Something new you would love to learn over the next few months? 
How to increase my USCF chess rating to 1800.

5.  Do you like or find yourself interested in old-fashioned living?
No.  I enjoy reading history and studying genealogy, but my great great great great grandparents endured the log cabin experience so I wouldn't have to.

6.  Name a few things you would like to do before this year ends.
I'd like to participate in the Iowa Open chess tournament and eradicate a few more of the weeds from my flower garden.
7.  5 countries you would love to visit someday.
Thailand, Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy, and either Spain or Peru.

8.  The last song you heard was ...
Fistful of Dollars soundtrack, but not by choice.  I overheard it.

9.  Name two animals that you would never wish to encounter.
1. The Black Mamba.  2. Army ants.

10.  If you had the opportunity to visit a very remote place/area to help or minister others where would it be?
As I've mentioned before, my favorite female character in the Bible is the judge Deborah.  If God would give me the power He gave to Deborah to defeat the army of Sisera, and the power He gave to Elijah to call fire down from heaven, I would enjoy that kind of ministry: a ministry bringing the wicked to justice and delivering the oppressed.  Otherwise I'd probably not like to stay in any remote place for more than a week or so.

Consider yourself nominated to answer the same questions if you wish.
Thanks Laura!


  1. Interesting set of answers - I'm not sure how I'd answer most (although the last song would be the easiest!)
    Made me think.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

    1. Yes, that wasn't too hard, though I was tempted to just pick one of my favorite songs and listen to it, and then write my answer...but that would be cheating!

  2. Hello Bethany, great questions and answers. I love the mosaic, wonderful images of you! Enjoy your new week ahead!

  3. These posts are always a delight, Bethany. I enjoyed the questions and answers and once again learned something new about you :)

    How I would love to visit Italy one day....and Ireland and Scotland too :) Enjoy your day, dear one.

    1. I hope sometime you can make the trip! Have an awesome day as well!

  4. Enjoyed your answers Bethany. I hope you are enjoying your summer to the fullest. Here it has been rather hot but soon we will get a bit of much needed rain. xx

    1. Today was the epitome of a beautiful summer day. It has been pretty hot at times this year, but I will not complain. I *love* summer and wish it would last for another 6 months or so until it's time for spring again. Fall is very beautiful too, but the fact that it is the harbinger of winter does take away some of its appeal.

  5. Beth, I really enjoyed reading your answers! I loved answer nr. 3. Wishing you to to participate in the Iowa Open chess tournament and good luck! Liuba x

    1. Thanks Liuba! I'm planning to register tomorrow. :)

  6. My goodness you're so stinkin' cute. You really haven't changed that much in five years. :)

    1. Thanks Christine! I will be hoping I don't age too much in the next five. ;)

  7. Hi Bethany,
    I can't wait to hear about your visit to Missouri.
    Hope you went to Lambert's Cafe (the home of the Throwed Roll?).
    Also want to mention that I love your hat - neither summer nor Cowgirl. What kind is it, if I may ask?
    Not sure of Army Ants, but Black Mamba - definitely not :)
    Have a Great Week!
    Peace :)

    1. Five years ago when we were in Sikeston, we didn't make it to Lambert's Cafe. This time we didn't get that far south. Hopefully I will remember the name should I ever visit Sikeston again. It sounds like a fun place! We actually throw rolls at home too sometimes. When someone says "pass me a bun," they're asking for it, especially during football season. ;)

      At one time that was a cowgirl hat. It has just been through a lot. Glad you like it! I still have it, and wear it sometimes when I need to work or garden out in the sun. But then I keep some of my work clothes till I have to use duct tape to hold them's hard to part with old favorites, and the weeds and mosquitoes in my garden don't seem to care if I'm dressed fashionably while I'm working. :)

  8. I really enjoyed your answers and the pictures. And - from your answers, I would say you're pretty wise. You've based your life on the book with the greatest wisdom!

    1. I definitely need more wisdom, but I'm blessed to know the Source of wisdom! As the Bible says, "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally."

  9. It was fun reading about you, Bethany. These were very interesting questions. It would take me awhile to come up with answers for some of them. And I love the pictures you shared, especially the photo collage!

  10. It's nice to read your answers! Living in a log cabin sounds quite nice though... it's cozy.

    xoxo Morning

    1. To each his/her own. :) I'm sure a log cabin could be made to be very nice and cozy, but from what I've read, the first one my folks had here in Iowa was a little too cozy for comfort.

  11. Fun look at 15-or16-year-old you with #3...beautiful photo in #6...good answer for #9....I appreciate your honesty in #10. ;)

  12. So fun to read your answers and learn even more about you Bethany. I love all the photos too - you're such a beautiful and sweet Gal.
    I also think you'd make an excellent Bible warrior princess! ;)

  13. Oh, I hope you do play in the chess tournaments of your dreams!! This post was fun to read.

    1. The tournament director would probably be flattered if I called it the tournament of my dreams. ;) Thanks!

  14. I hear you,Bethany. You are just about hitting that "blogger age" with the award thing. LOL You will probably put up a little sign soon that says, Award Free Blog. You are right- you can only do so many of them. That being said- I really did enjoy your answers! xo Diana

  15. Interesting...always enjoy this type of thing.

  16. Thanks for your kind words, Felicia!

  17. Hello Bethany, very nice pictures of the past. For me is also the Bible the greatest book ever. It is named "the book of the books". As for the countries you'd like to visit someday, I think you did a good selection. Europe is a beautiful continent with wonderful countries like Germany, Italy, England and Spain. In Peru a must visit is Cusco and Machu Picchu. They are really marvelous places. I wish you luck and success to the next chess tournaments.

    1. Thank you Enrique! One of my friends just visited Machu Picchu this summer.

  18. Hi Bethany, Two things: First of all, regarding your favorite hobby, I am surprised you didn't say Ham Radio. I am just kidding you, of course! :-) Secondly, You make a good point in #5. Although I love old postcards that show what life was like long ago, I don't think I want to live like that. Overall, another set of interesting questions and answers!
