
Sunday, September 20, 2015

Random Summer Highlights + A Blogger Meetup!

I had the pleasure of meeting the Happy Elf Mom, Christine, from Homeschool and Etc. at the Iowa Open!  We compared notes and discovered we actually were both at the tournament last year, but had not met each other.  Christine is a lovely lady with an awesome sense of humor.

Canoeing on the Iowa River
We've taken many trips canoeing different segments of the Iowa River.  One time we went with the Johnsons and Hannah M.'s family; we had 6 canoes in the water!  There have been several canoe and kayak capsizes on various trips, but I've been with my brother every time--and he's never capsized yet!  So, I've stayed nice and dry!

Independence Day
July 4th, my family and I went to see fireworks in Iowa Falls over the Iowa River.  I'd never seen fireworks up close before.  Although I didn't like the music before the show, I did enjoy watching the fireworks and taking pictures.

Karen's Violin Recital
Karen Johnson is perhaps the most talented violinist I know!  It was a delightful privilege to attend her violin recital. 
 Congrats to my parents and youngest sister on completing three 5Ks!  
My youngest sister won her section all three times, and the most recent race, my parents won their age groups as well.  This week I attempted to join them on one of their practice runs and learned that running/walking a 5K without any training is a nice, slow, painful way to die.  I now appreciate their athletic skills even more.

Like the last couple years, my folks and I have been picking apples at the local orchard.  See here for last year's tips on How to Pick Apples Like a Pro.

RAGBRAI, the largest bike-touring event in the world, went by just a few miles from my house on July 22nd.  We rode our bikes out to watch, and after a few of the riders invited us to join in, we rode to and through Ackley, Iowa with them, and then back home (a 20-mile total ride for us).

 "May you live all the days of your life."  --Jonathan Swift


  1. Looks like you have had a wonderful summer!

  2. loved your description of running the 5k w/o practice. :)

    1. My description comes straight from the lovely optimistic thoughts that filled my mind a little more than half-way through. ;)

  3. Bethany it is very nice to meet bloggers friends. You look fantastic in the hat. Typical lady! Pickind apple is not popular here!!!! It is not well paid job. Hugs from Poland!!!

    1. Thanks Gosia. We actually rather enjoy picking apples. My father worked as a fruit-picker when he was young, and wanted us to have a chance to give it a try. We've been picking on-call for the orchard ever since.

  4. A bike tour sounds like a lot of fun as long as it doesn't become a race. Competition spoils many a good ride. ;) Love the apple-pickin' hat. Have a great week!

    1. I didn't see the people at the front of the group, but the ones we met seemed to be having a good time. Since it's a ride across the state, it takes several days. A lot of the bicyclists have groups and a driver who carries their tents and gear. According to one person we talked with, part of his group started early and rode ahead to set up camp for the night, and the other part picked up camp in the morning and didn't start till later. Along the route, towns have concession stands, breakfasts, music, etc. for the riders, and residents come out to watch.

  5. Hello Bethany! Oh, I haven't stopped by in simply...too long! Just where did the last few months go to...? *smiles*
    I loved reading of your summer highlights...what fun it must have been to meet up with a fellow blogger...there are many dear ladies I would simply love to have the blessing of meeting in real life!
    Kayaking on the river must have wonderful...there is something peaceful about the splashing of water against the side of the kayak which I love! *smiles*
    And I had a good giggle at your running experience! I am slowly trying to get walking fit, with a bit of running thrown in as it is quite fun...but that is way easier said than done! Hee!
    Have a simply beautiful Autumn, dear Bethany! Hugs and blessings!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Kelly-Anne! Running is fun for the first mile or so...but after that the "funness" quality is questionable (at least at this point for me). ;)

  6. I'm glad that you enjoyed the summer. I think it's wonderful that your family is so fit and healthy.

  7. You have been filling your days with fun! I enjoyed your photos and am impressed with that 20 mile bike ride!

    1. I was relieved that I survived that day! And...the funnest days are the funnest to post about; I left the mundane out. ;)

  8. Your summer certainly makes me feel Patriotic!

    1. Iowa in the summer is about as American as apple pie. Unfortunately Iowa winters have many of us almost ready to leave the Union by about January to join the Confederacy. Feelings of patriotism would flee were if not for the hardy resilience of every-day Midwesterns who shovel their snow with stiff upper lips. Those are the times that try men's souls--when the summer soldier and sunshine patriot flee like snowbirds to the south...ah, my friend, if you can carry your noble patriotic sentiments into the heart of winter (as I'm sure you have before), indeed you are a true American.

  9. Replies
    1. I hope we meet again at another tournament sometime, Christine! We did not have enough to time to chat.

  10. So many fun things and so many beautiful photographs. And I laughed out loud at your comment "...learned that running/walking a 5K without any training is a nice, slow, painful way to die." HAHAHA! Yes, that is so very true!

    1. Some things just have to be learned the hard way. ;)

  11. Ahhh lovely you spent your summer. I love that pic with an apple in your hand :) I am sure you enjoyed a lot that bike tour :)

    1. It was fun, but the last few miles were very tough. The bicyclists who ride the whole route across the state are really something!

  12. Love the catch up and all the fun photos Bethany! Such fun times.

    I admire your family and their athletic abilities too! It's a goal for me to run a 5k one day too. Your sentiments for yourself cracked me up (& I'd feel the same way!) Lol

    LOVE the photo of you apple picking. SO cute and like right out of Anne of Green Gables.

    Blessings on your week my Friend. xoxo

    1. All the best on running a 5K! Perhaps I should try an Anne of Green Gables hairstyle sometime! :) Blessings to you!

  13. I like the pictures very much, especially the one on the river with the canoes. It seems that you spent a great and healthy summer working and doing sport as well. The fireworks look awesome.

    1. The only thing I dislike about summer is it's gone too soon. Glad we are having an extended summer this year.

  14. It was fun to read this end of summer report on some of your activities, Bethany. I especially admire your photos of the fireworks! Good for you in trying the run :) and staying dry so far while canoeing. The Johnson's music and videos are wonderful! xx

    1. Thanks Gracie! I agree; the Johnsons' music is awesome! Their Facebook page says they'll be releasing another music video soon. I'm really looking forward to it!

  15. Summer fun! I like all the pics but especially of the one of you picking the apple. :-) And that's a BIG wow to your family for completing the 5k's. Way cool!!! Have a happy Autumn!

  16. Great pics... I see you've had a few fun adventures this summer. I've always wanted to go canoeing, but I haven't done it yet... :)

    I like the pic of you in your hat, too... :)

    1. You should give it a try sometime! Thanks; the hat serves as essential protection from the sun.

  17. Hi Bethany, Thank you for this: "This week I attempted to join them on one of their practice runs and learned that running/walking a 5K without any training is a nice, slow, painful way to die." That should have me smiling often ... every time I think of it! :-) And thanks, as always, for sharing.
