
Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Waltz Across Texas

Several years ago my family was invited to sing at an evening of music at the park.  One elderly gentleman was scheduled to play his accordion and sing before we took the stage.  That man is Jim Norton.
About a month later while we were canning tomatoes (and the kitchen was a complete mess!)  Mr. and Mrs. Norton showed up at our house with a couple of friends...and an accordion!  Before long, he had given my family four accordions: one for me, one for my brother, and one for each of my two sisters.

Jim and Leila Norton are very special people.  It was always a treat to hear Jim play the accordion and his wife sing along.  Last year Leila fell, hitting her head.  She was pretty much incapacitated, not able even to speak.  I thought it might be the end of her.  But Mr. Norton faithfully visited her every day, talked to her, and often play his accordion.  

Though she's not quite back to her chipper self yet, she's much better.  They've celebrated over 60 anniversaries, and are looking forward to their next--on Valentine's Day.   

In a selfish world where many people care only about themselves and where "till death do us part" seems to mean "till inconvenience do us part," the Nortons bring inspiration and hope.  When I want to see a love story, I don't watch a movie, read a novel, look at wedding pictures, or watch viral proposals.  When I want to see a love story, I visit the Nortons, because I know their well-seasoned love is true.  They are a beautiful couple.

Many thanks to the Nortons for all the kindness they've shown to my family and to many others, and for permission to share this video.
"My heartaches and troubles are just up and gone
The moment you come into view
With your hand in mine, dear, I could dance on and on
And waltz across Texas with you."


  1. This brought tears to my eyes! I love stories of people who've really proven they're in it for life. The accordion music is pretty special, too!

    1. I agree. Mr. Norton plays several songs, but this is one of my favorites in his repertoire.

  2. I was teary eyed watching this video, Bethany, how beautiful! A very touching post, thank you so much for sharing. :)

  3. "till inconvenience do we part," is quite true for a lot of people these days, especially celebrities. Seems a lot of people get divorced because the romance has "died" but it can always be revived. I do admire the people who stay in an "unhappy" marriage for the sake of their children as long as their kids don't hear constant fighting and arguments.

    During my whole life, I've never been able to play any musical instrument. This one looks even harder to master.

    1. It does look very difficult since it has so many buttons--but they're all very organized, so theoretically it shouldn't be that hard once a person knows the logic behind them. That said, I haven't really "mastered" the instrument myself. I can play it, but not impressively.

      Celebrity news tires me quickly, and is one of the reasons I now boycott Yahoo News. Marriage sometimes sounds like it would be very challenging, so I'm always very happy to see success stories like that of the Nortons. For that matter, it's encouraging to see young couples like you and Daisy happily together and proving that marriage still works in the 21st century.

  4. I love this story Bethany! How encouraging!
    I love accordions too! The sound, the looks, etc. I assume, since they gave you one you can now play it? I'd really like to learn accordion some time.

    1. I'm no expert, but if you named a simple tune I could most likely play it if I tried. With the right hand you just play the keyboard like you would a piano, and the left hand adds the appropriate chords. Hope you get to learn to play it sometime!

  5. This is the portrayal of true love, Bethany! I'm reminded of the saying, " grow old with me, the best is yet to be!" & the Nortons are living it in spite of the heartaches & trials along the way!
    So special & thanks for sharing!

    1. Good saying, Christine...and it's great to know couples who have lived it.

  6. So touching and beautiful dear Bethany! Thanks so much for sharing. xoxo

  7. Hi Bethany, What a wonderful couple and a wonderful post!

  8. Bethany lovely man and gifted one

    1. He is very talented and gladly uses his talent to bless others.

  9. Bethany, That puts a lump in my throat. God bless them and I hope she recovers as fully as age allows. Did you all learn to play the accordions? We have a good friend that plays and he visits nursing homes and such and brings joy where ever he goes.
    This was a sweet and lovely post! xo Diana

    1. Yes, we all can play the accordion now. Sounds like you have a wonderful friend!

  10. This is the sweetest post. I can tell I would love those two! I agree with you about people just quitting marriage due to inconvenience. Working in a nursing home lets me see people who've quit and those who keep on going. Seeing a couple who've been married for so long is very inspiring. Thanks for sharing this story!

    1. I'm sure you meet many people with interesting stories! It is neat once in a while to take a moment to listen to what the people in these nursing homes have lived. Thank you for stopping by!

  11. What a beautiful couple. This is true love. I've known very few couples like this in my life but I am fortunate enough to have known the most important one - my parents. They loved and cherished one another and should have had many more years together. I don't have a single memory of them fighting. And they not only loved each other, they always liked each other; they spent every day together. It saddens me that my father left so many years ago and my mom has been so lonely without him. But I am so grateful for the blessing of these two people as role models. How I got off track so badly in my youth and chosen horribly in my first marriage is beyond me. But my husband now is exactly like my father; a patient, kind and loving man.

    1. Sorry about your father's passing. Your parents must have been a wonderful couple. I can say the same about my parents--they actually still love and like each other after 20+ years! My paternal grandparents are the same way. [My maternal grandfather died before I was born.]

      Thank you for sharing your story on your blog. I enjoyed reading it and am glad you found your happily-ever-after!

  12. Very nice post, glad you shared this!

  13. Music can be such a powerful part of healing - very nice story.

    cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  14. That's one lovely dance to dance in the great Country of Texas!
    Lovely post!!
    Have a Happy Weekend!
    Peace :)

  15. *clap clap clap* Lovely music! I hope they have many more anniversaries!

  16. Enjoyed this, and your findings on the candidates you're posting. Nice work.

  17. Bethany, this is a wonderful post...really enjoy seeing things like this.

  18. So precious, Bethany. I was teary-eyed too as I listened to and watched the video. Thanks for posting! xx
