
Friday, January 15, 2016

Interview with Christinia Crippes

One person who has met more candidates than I is Waterloo/Cedar Falls Courier reporter Christinia Crippes.  I first saw her in September, and since then have ran into her at almost every campaign event I've attended in the Waterloo area.  
Reporter Christinia Crippes and Photographer Matthew Putney of The Courier.
Before the Kasich townhall she interviewed me for this story...and was kind enough to let me interview her as well!  Thanks to my father, Tim Carson, and photographer Matthew Putney for adding a few thoughts.  It's a treat to spend time with knowledgeable people interested in the election.

Q: Would you tell a little about yourself and how you became a reporter?
A:  I grew up in a town called Belleville, Illinois, outside of St. Louis.  I always wanted to write, and I went to journalism school to become a music reporter.  I really liked music and wanted to write reviews.

In school I got into newspaper and magazine reporting.  I also caught the political bug. When 9-11 happened, I was studying in Boston.  The planes took off from the Boston airport.  That started to awaken my interest in politics.  When the invasion of Iraq began, I realized how much politics matter. I didn't change my major or minor, but those were my first inklings to be a political--instead of a musical--reporter.

My first newspaper job I wanted to be on general assignment, so I could figure out what I liked best.  My future employer had a general assignment and a political reporter position open.  It was a small paper, so politics meant everything from city government all the way up, because they only had one political reporter.  The other person being interviewed really didn't want the political job, so I felt fate pushing me toward politics.  I took the job, and the rest is history.  I've been a political reporter ever since.

Q: Which campaigns are easiest to work with?
A: Hillary Clinton's and Chris Christie's campaigns were most accommodating.  Marco Rubio's was nice as well, but he hasn't been back since; it would be nice to see him again.

Q (Tim Carson): Have you had a one-on-one with any candidate?
A: Yes, with a few of them.
Q: Have you spoken with Donald Trump?
 I did get a one-on-one with Donald Trump.  He's exactly what you expect.  The persona he puts off in his speaking is the persona you get when you're with him one-on-one.  It's not like he suddenly drops the facade and becomes a different person.  It's who he is, which I guess in some ways may be comforting, something people like about him.

Q: What has been the most memorable moment so far in your coverage this election cycle?
Matthew: Maybe covering the President.  Christinia: Covering the President when he came to Cedar Falls in January 2015 was pretty cool.  I was in the motorcade.  As far as the campaign, it's the whole experience overall.  It's just kind of amazing to see all these candidates up close. 

Q: How would you compare this election with other times?  Do you think people are more interested or just about the same?
A:  I think we're seeing more people interested in politics and more young people involved on both sides of the aisle.  Some of the Republican townhalls do tend to be older in general, but there are a few pretty active young people.

Q:  What's the most challenging aspect of your election coverage?
A: Deadlines.  I left one event at around 3:30 this afternoon, drove back, and wrote the story between 3:45 and 4:58 to be here at 5:00!  Now I have to cover Kasich.  Technically the deadline is 5:00--already passed--so basically that means when this event ends, I need to write and turn it in as soon as possible.  I probably have until about 10 o'clock, but they want it as soon as I am done.  Some of the other articles I can write whenever I get time, but with the Presidential candidates, they want the news immediately.

Q (Tim Carson): Were you at the Chris Christie meeting in Alden?
A:  No.  But I did see him at Beck's in Cedar Falls.  He talked for about an hour and a half on a Friday night.  Everyone in the room was getting slightly restless, as it was late in the day.  Then he started telling a story about his mom dying.  The entire room hushed.  It was amazing how he could turn the room back around.  I'm sure that's not the only time he's told that story, but I think he stopped everyone with that one.

Q: Do you have any advice for voters?
A: Listen to what the candidates are saying.  Be thoughtful about whom you're going to vote for.  Listen to all sides and make up your mind.

Q: Do you have a favorite quote?
(From the election)  Matthew: Fiorina had a nice one a couple days ago, "If you want something talked about, ask a man.  If you want something done, ask a woman."  

(Personal motto)  Christinia:  "It'll get done 'cause it has to."  It's a way of telling yourself you'll find the time to do it if you need to get it done.  If you have a deadline, you find a way to make it work in the time you have.

After the Iowa Caucus, Christinia will cover the first district primary race.  "Election years are always busy," she said.
Thanks Christinia and Matthew, and all the best in your continued election coverage!


  1. Iowa always gets the big press in presidential years as I'm sure you've known years before I ever cared about politics. South Carolina usually gets their primary shortly after Iowa.

    In 2012, Republicans said "The person who wins SC gets the nomination" because every person who did, did eventually become the nominee for like 30 something years.

    So Newt Gingrich won SC, and you know the rest. LOL

    1. Trump has been warning us that we better choose a winner here in Iowa this time, or we might meet the same fate.

  2. Bethany tou are really interested in politics

  3. What a GREAT interview. And Christinia did a very HARD thing: she gave her opinion without completely untucking into it, and remained professional. Very hard thing to do. :)

    1. I really enjoyed talking with Christinia. She's a nice person as well as a skillful reporter.

  4. Great interview! And I really enjoyed the article about you, too. And smiled with your dad's comment that he already has 11 votes lined up for your 2032 bid for the presidency. How sweet!

  5. What a nice article about you. You've written a good interview of her, too.

  6. Hi Bethany, As you might expect from me, after starting to read your interview with Christinia, I had to go read Christinia’s article on you! :-) While reading her report I actually felt kind of cool, sort of like an insider, having followed all your candidate reports. I really liked this part of her article: “Her father, Tim Carson, is already actively campaigning for his daughter’s 2032 bid for the presidency, the first year she’ll be eligible. ‘I’ve already got 11 votes lined up,’ Tim Carson said with a smile.” Well, let’s see here … that’s 16 years away, and, Lord willing and the creeks don’t rise, I’ll be an Octogenarian … ha ha … but tell your dad he’s got 12 votes lined up! :-) Tonight, on the “Evening News” (does any young person watch the Evening News?) the Breaking News was that Sarah Palin was throwing her support behind Trump. I thought of you and wondered how you think this will affect the race? Maybe you will get to see Sarah live in Iowa? This is just great to follow all of this on your blog! Take care Bethany!

    1. Hi John, Thanks in advance for the vote! :)
      We thought about going to see Sarah Palin endorse Trump in Ames, but we'd already been to three Trump rallies and weren't up for the drive--so we watched/listened to it live online instead. Trump has a lot of momentum. I'm really not sure how Palin's endorsement has affected him. It seems the people who love him just love him more, and those who hate him just hate him more. There are lots of strong feelings on both sides. You take care as well! Thanks for stopping by!

  7. Her article about you and your article about her are both well written :) I am proud to know you through your blog, Bethany! May the Lord bless you and yours. xx

    1. Thank you! It's good to know you as well, Gracie! Take care and God bless!

  8. Hey, I decided to finally stop by and comment on your blog and thank you for your nice comment on mine! So thank you! I think it's very cool that you're all into politics and stuff. I'm not.

  9. Bethany, I'm so impressed with how you've met all these candidates. What an interesting article this would make. Someone should publish it! I did read the article about you, but it would be interesting to see a more in-depth one. I'll be interested when you reveal your candidate pick.

    1. Ah, that is such a hard decision! I'm working on it, but I better hurry considering I only have a few days before I have to vote!

  10. I agree with Deborah's comment...YOU dear one, are so impressive in your quest to learn and utilize your knowledge of the candidates.

    Sorry to hear about the loss of one of your volunteers in the accident.

  11. Hello, Bethany Carson, How long, huh? Hope you're well. Did your candidate win? What I could see you are part of the GOP, I speak affiliated? I confess I was supporting for Hillary Clinton yet she was not happy. The first woman President of Brazil was unable to finish the second term at 2016. She wanted to break the financial system and cause serious social and inflationary problems. The people went to the street and showed our strength, after all we won. If you do not remember I'm Marcos André from
    Soon I will send you many news from Brazil !!!

    1. Hi Marcos, No, my candidate didn't win. I voted for a third party (the Constitution party), so I would have been shocked if he did win. I'm registered as a Republican, so I can participate in the caucus, but I vote with my conscience--not necessarily along party lines. It doesn't sound like the first female Brazilian president did so well! Hope all is well with you.
