
Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Blogging Love!

I never win giveaways.  That is just one of the facts of life, and I've grown accustomed to it.  But I still enter them every now and then just for fun.  Early this month I entered Kelly-Anne's Celebrating Love giveaway at  Beautiful Girlhood.
A few days later, I was *shocked* to receive an email from Kelly-Anne saying I had won this lovely wall-hanging created by her sister.  If I were not a semi-libertarian I might suggest that bloggers be required to have giveaway insurance liability policies to cover the potential health risk caused by shock to the winners.

Beautiful Girlhood

Anyway, I was delighted!  Just today I received her beautifully decorated package--sent from around the world--complete with a handmade & handwritten card.  Now the lovely wall hanging decorates the bulletin board above my desk, a reminder of the beautiful things of life--amongst my calendars.  Thanks so much, Kelly-Anne!  

As a general rule, I don't do blogging awards anymore.  But my good friend Paige at Sunday Best and All the Rest asked some fun questions for the Infinity Dreams, here's an exception!  Thanks Paige!
1. If you could be a spectator at any event in any part of the world, what would it be?
Maybe the World Blitz Chess Championship or the Berlin bughouse gathering.  Though I'd much rather give playing in one of the national chess tournaments (or a bug gathering) a try.  It is definitely funner to play than to watch.    Oh, and of course the Olympics might be neat to see too. And if I could time travel...

2. If you could learn any skill, however random, what would it be?
Either how to fly or time travel...oops, you said skill(s), not superpowers, so I'll go with manufacturing anti-gravity belts, instantly being able to speak and understand any languages I chose, and understanding the arts of computer programming and hacking.

3. Are you an early bird or night owl?
I wake up habitually at 6 a.m. and go to sleep generally at either 10 or 11 p.m., depending on how tired I am.

4. What is your favorite book of the Bible?
The Gospel of John.
5. If you were to invite me over for dinner, what would we eat?
Mint chip ice cream ( never would have guessed!)... and to go with that probably some mashed potatoes, roast beef, bread, creamed corn, green beans, and chocolate cake with coconut pecan frosting.

6. What book and/or movie character do you most identify with?
Deborah from the Bible and Victoria Barkley (Barbara Stanwyck) from Big Valley.

7. What are your feelings about puns?
Actually my family and I were just having a Bible study the other day about the endtimes and the fate of this evil world.  Are we "Cruzing" toward the day when the world will "Bern" at the last "Trump?"

Heh, sorry...that is a bad one, no ill will to the candidates, but it is crazy how punny their names are.  Love puns.

8. What are your feelings on nail polish?
For me personally it would be a waste of time and money, especially during the summer when I do a lot of gardening.  I'm 100% more likely to buy leather work gloves.

9. What is the #1 thing you want your younger sisters in Christ to know?
Jesus loves you more than you can even begin to comprehend.  Life can be hard at times, but God is good.

10. Do you knit, crochet, sew, embroider, weave....?
I crochet on (rare) occasions--and actually find it relaxing.  But I avoid sewing as much as possible.

11. Does your family eat unusual foods that most don't?
When I cook, no.  I stick with Midwestern classics like meat and potatoes, or else simple Asian meals--like rice.  When my sister Charity cooks, yes.  She makes delicious exotic dishes and sometimes even historically-themed meals.

Be sure to check out Kelly-Anne and Paige's blogs.
How would you answer the questions Paige asked me?


  1. I usually never wake up at 6am unless I have to. I prefer to wake up when the sun gets in my eyes

    1. I guess that's the natural way to wake up. But it could potentially mean rising pretty early in the summer (and late in the winter!)

  2. Dearest Bethany! Oh, I can't tell you how very delighted I am to know your little package arrived safely in your lovely country! I always worry...:-). And thank you for your kind words...I think it is so special you won! And I know what you mean...I also recently won a sweet giveaway, and oh! I was THRILLED on receving such exciting news! Of course I had to do a little happy dance! Hee!
    Hope you're having a beautiful week, Bethany! With love and hugs to you - Kelly-Anne

  3. Congratulations on receiving your lovely gift, Bethany. And I especially enjoyed your punny answer to your blogging award :) xx

  4. Good morning, Bethany! Kelly-Anne is such a beautiful and delightful blogger, isn't she! And my, what a joy to win her giveaway! Enjoy your little lovelies :)

    Hugs and blessings to you!

    1. Yes, she definitely focuses on the beauty in life. I was delighted to win. God bless you. Take care, Stephanie!

  5. Bethany, congratulations on you winning one of Kelly-Anne's giveaway! Is she not the most precious young woman? Her creations are all so beautiful and her heart is as well. Enjoy your lovely things!

  6. So cool! Congrats on receiving the giveaway! The Gospel of John is one of my favorite books of the Bible as well (so hard to choose just one right?).

    1. Right. I wasn't sure whether to choose the Psalms or John, but decided to go with John because that book tells about Jesus, and contains his words of comfort. It also tells the story of what Jesus did in the town of Bethany, and it's the first book I ever read.

  7. Congratulations on winning Kelly Anne's giveaway, Bethany. That's a very pretty package Kelly Anne sent you. :)
    I loved your answers...and the pun, as you called it. :)

    1. It is! I love how she took the time to make even the packaging look beautiful. Thanks for stopping by, Ashley.

  8. Ah! How fun! I am on the same team - I never win anything. Haha! So my all time favorite book has been Luke. However...I am in a Bible/Book study and we've lately been reading (like really studying) the gospel of John and oh, my! I fall even more in love with Jesus reading it! Haha. ;-)

    1. It seems I have terrible "luck" (as some would call it) in any game of chance. Take dominoes for example. Every New Year's Eve we have a family dominoes match where we play 10 games and then add up our scores. Last time I didn't win a *single* game! And I played almost every game perfectly--as far as skill is involved I couldn't have done much better. I just picked out the wrong dominoes to start the game. Oh well, at least I guess I will probably never be tempted to gamble! ;) It was a real blessing (and surprise) to finally win a giveaway.

      The gospels are all pretty awesome! All the best to you in your Bible study!

  9. Congratulations on your win, Bethany! Very nice! I enjoyed your answers too!

  10. Congratulations, Bethany! What a lovely win. And I really enjoyed your answers, especially the one about the puns :) A family that is silly together is happy together!

    1. I do have an awesome family! Thanks for stopping by, Martha!

  11. Congrats Bethany! SUch lovely prizes. ;) I love reading your answers to the questions too. Love the puns - you nutty Gal you! Lol
    Blessings. xoxo

  12. Kelly Ann is so sweet and I love that you won!
    I liked your answers and I love puns too. :)

  13. Congrats on your win. That was a lovely prize and Kelly-Anne has a wonderful blog.
    I enjoyed all your answers, It's always fun to learn more about the people you blog with.

    1. Indeed, it is. Our circle of the blogging community has a lot of neat people--and you're one of them!

  14. Congratulations on winning Kelly-Anne's sweet gift (and I must say, she did an unsurprisingly cute job on the packaging and card)!
    Thank you for answering the questions! I like the menu you came up with; I had better come over for supper some time. You and I sound similar as far as yarn/stitching crafts go. Also, good answer for skill-learning. If you don't have a superpower just given to you, you may as well employ science to get one. ;)

    1. Yes, you had better! It would be awesome to have you over--let me know if you ever come this way. Glad we share an avoidance of sewing...I really admire those who like to do sew. But, ah, for me it is sheer misery!

      As far as superpowers/skills go, maybe I've watched too many episodes of The Six Million Dollar Man! But imagine how much could change if we had anti-gravity belts! We wouldn't need cars as much if we had automated belts that we could fly in. Fruit-pickers wouldn't need ladders to pick fruit. Roofers wouldn't need ladders, man baskets, scaffolding, or harnesses, and they wouldn't have to worry about falling off roofs. The elderly and disabled could leave behind their walkers and wheelchairs, and even use the belt set at different levels for therapy. Ah! The world would be a different place!

      Anyway thanks again for nominating me! The questions were a lot of fun.

  15. Congratulations on winning!! What loveliness you received in that package, and from such a lovely, sweet blogger, too ;) Kelly-Anne is so very kind, and a friend in Christ with so much wisdom in her writing and thoughts- much like you, Bethany :)

    I enjoyed your post very much and your answers as well to the questions- loved the political pun! And your comment at the beginning about liability insurance for the shock of winning, haha! I agree, I would be in shock if I won a giveaway, too.

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Jazzmin! I enjoyed your latest post.

  16. Congratulations darling!!! I love the love prints so much :) Wishing you a blessed Spring, Liuba x
