
Monday, March 28, 2016

The Gateway Arch

St. Louis Trip, Day 4, Monday, July 27, 2015
From the Old Courthouse, we walked over to the most famous landmark in St. Louis, the Gateway Arch.
After standing in line outside, we went through security.  Inside there were benches for people to wait for their turn up, and screens with the schedule.  A loudspeaker announced as each group had its turn to go up.  We toured one of the gift shops, and my sisters had a couple pennies pressed into souvenirs.
We moved into the hallway when it was our turn to go up.  The walls were decorated with St. Louis history: dates, populations, maps, and pictures.  Everyone is asked to stop for a photo before going up into the arch.  Photos are then available for free when you come back down.

Over each elevator car, there was a screen which played a short documentary on the city's history.  The screens on the side we boarded were more modern, but on the side we disembarked, the screens were still old fashioned tv sets.  
Karen and her dad Mike had been up in the Arch before, and Karen assured us there were steps inside the arch, so that if the elevators stopped (as elevators tend to do in so many scary movies), we could escape.  

We boarded car #5, and went up...and up...and up.  The car had a window, so we could look down the elevator shaft.  There were steps every so often, but if the car had stopped in the wrong spot, we would have needed to be rescued another way!  Thankfully there were no problems, and we arrived at the top in no time.
On the one side we could look out over the Mississippi and watch the boats/barges.  And on the other side, wow...we were treated to quite the view of St. Louis!
It was awesome to look down on the Old Capitol, Busch Stadium (home of the St. Louis Cardinals), and all the skyscrapers!  I would definitely recommend the Gateway Arch as something everyone--or at least everyone who doesn't suffer from acrophobia or claustrophobia--should visit at least once!
Have you ever visited the Gateway Arch?


  1. Hello, what a cool experience. It does not look big enough to hold elevators. Wonderful collection of photos. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

    1. Thanks Eileen! Hope you are enjoying a great week as well.

  2. Very neat. I've only seen the arch from the outside.

    1. I saw the Arch from the outside for the first time on the 4th of July weekend in 2012, and Blue Angels were flying around the Arch! We had no idea that would be happening, so it was an extra-neat experience.

  3. That is amazing! I'd definitely love to visit! Your first photo is fantastic!

    1. I hope you do get the chance to visit one day! Thanks.

  4. Oh, I love St. Louis! I have such fond memories of this city and adventures seeing the arch and going up the arch. Thank you for sharing these pictures, Bethany. Wow, you got a spectacular view/shot of the city!

    Dani xoxo
    a vapor in the wind

    1. Awesome that you had a great time in St. Louis as well. Glad you have good memories of your trip!

  5. That's great!!! Glad you had such a great experience :) I like that photo where all those children are so interested what they are watching.

  6. I didn't know you could actually go inside the Gateway Arch. I haven't been there before but I saw it during an episode of Lois and Clark the New Adventures of Superman! Superman flew through the archway for some reason, I don't remember why. The Gateway Arch looks like a fun place to visit. I'm glad that you had a good time.

    1. Ah! I've seen the Blue Angels fly around the Arch, but never Superman...too bad I missed him. :) Neat that you would see the Arch in a tv series!

  7. Very interesting Bethany! That first picture kind-of messes with my eyes. :) Ever since I saw a picture my grandma took of this arch being built I have wanted to visit it! It's really not too far from me so maybe someday I will.

    1. Hope you get the chance to soon! Awesome that your grandma took a picture of the arch being built!

  8. Wow, amazing place! And what an incredible view. I had no idea it was so big inside. I've heard of the Gateway Arch, of course, but I've never had the pleasure of visiting. Perhaps one day!

    1. There's just something breathtaking about being up so high!

  9. How fun this must have been..I would love to go there someday.

  10. I've seen the Arch but haven't been inside it. Is the elevator a normal size? It looks like it would only fit one person going up at a time!

    1. Each elevator has seating for 5 people. It was unlike any other elevator I've ever been in.

  11. Wow...that first photo is awesome, Bethany! I have never been to St. Louis, or even to the state of MO at all...but I have often thought I'd like to see this landmark. My husband's father came from thereabout and often spoke of it. Thanks for the tour!

    1. Thanks! I'm sure visiting would be even more interesting for you, thanks to hearing stories about the place!

  12. That is super neat! Thanks for all the pics.

  13. I've only seen the arch from the outside, and really enjoyed the inside views and the views from up in the arch looking out. Thanks! xx

  14. what a wonderful experience bethany, you captured the adventure well!! that first image really grabs you in....i have heard of the arch but never seen it. it is amazing!!!

  15. This looks like a fun outing! What a view! :)

  16. I would definitely enjoy going up in there! We've driven past the Arch many, many time, and seen it from the road as we were heading from MI to TX....but somehow in the middle of an 18 hour drive, it never felt like a good idea to stop and do some sightseeing...

    1. That's understandable. We have passed some great-looking places on long drives, but sometimes we're just tired and want to get home!

  17. What a great time and also, you look so cute in that photo.
