
Wednesday, October 26, 2016

2016 Survey and Giveaway Results

Thank you to the 30 readers who answered my survey this year, and the 11 who joined the giveaway!  Enrique Bracamonte, a long-time reader from Peru, was randomly selected as Winner #1.  He will receive the five cards featuring Charity's artwork.  Winner #2 is Linda.  She blogs at Linda's Peaceful Place and regularly shares inspirational quotes and videos.  Linda will receive the twelve cards featuring Grandma Carson's art.

Question 1: How did you find my blog?
Eight of you found my blog by browsing the blogosphere.  Six cannot remember l̶i̶f̶e̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶o̶u̶t̶ ̶m̶e̶ how they found my blog.  Five found Liberty or Death because I commented on their blogs, four from my favorite chess server (FICS), and four because we've met.  The other results are from one person who found my blog through (a language-learning site), the mother of a friend of mine, and someone who visited from Martha's blog.

Question 2: What are your favorite posts?
For the third year in a row, life remains the favorite category.  What really surprised me here was seeing political posts in second place--above even travel!  In 2014, political posts were in second-to-last place. 

Question 3: Do you read or skim?
I'm not sure if this means I have lost my audience of devout skimmers, all have converted to reading sometimes, or they skimmed through without taking the survey--anyway, no confessions!  A lot of people both skim and read, which makes sense because not every post is going to interest everyone.  Many thanks to all who read.

Question 4: And for statistical purposes, to which age group do you belong?
This time 20-somethings get a clear first place.  The results are very similar to last year's, except there are two less in the 50-60 category and two more in the 70-80 category, and there's one more in the 30-40 category.

Question 5: What is your favorite candy bar?
The Snickers v. Kit-Kat feud continues!  After beating Kit-Kat by two votes in 2014, then losing to Kit-Kat by two votes last year, Snickers is back to regain the title, claiming the victory by one vote!

Now...It's time to celebrate!
I was so happy to get my celebratory photo in before a snow (last year I was freezing!).  But... this time I was photobombed!  Apparently I'm not the only one who thinks those candy bars look good!

Thanks again for participating in the survey, and have a very sweet day!


  1. I enjoy your surveys and find the results interesting!

  2. Interesting results and what a cute photo of you!

  3. What fun to see the results of the survey, Bethany! And it is so nice to see that I am in an age group of your readers that there are many others, too! Fascinating and fun, thanks for sharing. And thank you so much for offering the giveaway, and I feel very happy and honoured to be the one who will receive your dear grandmother's cards! She is a very talented lady, as are you! :)

    1. I was happy they went to you! I love my grandma's art.

  4. Oh, and I love this photo of you! Beautiful! :)

    1. Thanks. I usually look most beautiful when holding chocolate. :D

  5. Congrats to the winners! Wow, interesting to see the results. Thanks for doing the survey!

    1. Just stopping by again to thank you for your comments on my blog. I especially loved this: "I really appreciate how you share your post card collection here with us. A lot of collections just sit around gathering dust!" Wow, that's the kind of comment that keeps me going. Thank you for that. As always, I appreciate and look forward to your comments!

    2. I look forward to your comments as well, John, and always enjoy your blog posts!

  6. That is a gorgeous photo, Bethany ♥

    1. The photo would be even better if I could offer free chocolate samples through the screen.

  7. This was fun! Congratulations to all the winners. Maybe next year for the rest of us :)

  8. Congratulations to the winners!!! You make your blog such a fun place to visit, Bethany!

    1. Glad you enjoy it, Cheryl. My latest post may not have been the funnest, but I like to keep a good mixture going.

  9. I found that the blogs I was skimming over and over, I just left those blogs because they were clutter to me. Nothing personal against them. So now, I have a smaller amount that I read, but I enjoy that MUCH more.

    Thanks for sharing all that you do with us.

  10. Very interesting reading the survey answers and congrats to the winners. : )

  11. I love that photobomb! :D Do you know what it was? My fertile imagination fueled by some terrifying childhood memories suggests a possum.
    I have forgotten what most of my answers were except for the age group and candy-bar preference. Who could forget either of those?

    The girl who never comments anymore ;)

    1. Wait a minute...I just noticed that you followed my advice from last year and wore that same blue button down and gray cardigan!! :D That makes me immensely happy! :D

    2. Lydia! Fortunately for me those green eyes belong to our cat, Blackie.

      Oooh, and so glad someone appreciates my monotonous clothing choices! I actually kept that cardigan and blue shirt specifically for my yearly photo...otherwise they might have found their way to a thrift store. I wonder what *they* will look like if I keep the tradition up another 10 years... :D

  12. ahhhhh!
    this post made. my. day.
    first of all your, "life without me" comment- sheer perfection. XD
    also, yay snickers!
    if i would've caught this survey sooner, snickers would've won by two votes! i'm a snickers fan! even though, i must say, milka chocolate is TO DIE FOR.

    congrats to the winners!
    i so regret not being able to participate in definitely is keeping me busy!

    many many blessings!

    1. Snickers aren't bad. :) Blessings to you as well!

  13. lots of work but surely lots of fun!! congrats to all the winners!!! i don't think i have ever eaten a snickers, i am not much of a candy bar person. if i participated (i'm not sure) i think i would have selected almond joy!!!

    1. Almond Joy is my traditional favorite as well, though lately I too have been eating a lot more lettuce than candy bars! Chocolate is good, but moderation is necessary!

  14. Congratulations to the winners! Thanks for sharing the interesting survey results. I'm a little slow at catching the photobomber, but now all I can see are those creepy green eyes!

    1. Our kitty just was at the right place at the right time. :)

  15. Matthew 4:17 Repent, for The Kingdom of Heaven has come near. Matthew 18:11 For The Son of Man has come to save that which was lost.

  16. Hello my friend! I think I found your blog by seeing your comments on other blogs that I followed. The blogging world is a very small world.

    1. Always enjoy your posts (and reading the comments in response to the thought-provoking questions you ask).

  17. It was pleasant to participate in your survey and giveaway, and nice surprised to be the winner. Thanks to all of you for the greetings. I love the photo and statistical graphics.
