
Monday, October 17, 2016

2016 Survey & Giveaway

Another year has gone by, and it's time for the 2016 Liberty or Death Survey and Giveaway!  I always appreciate your feedback, and I'm grateful for the time you've taken throughout the year to visit, read, and/or leave comments.
I'd love to learn more about you and what you like.  My five-question survey is below.  Your answers will be anonymous.
Create your own user feedback survey
I'm also hosting a giveaway, which you can enter below.  There are no prerequisites for entering: everyone is welcome.  Winner #1 will receive these five lovely greeting cards featuring the pencil and charcoal art of my sister Charity Carson.
Winner #2 will receive a dozen beautiful greeting cards featuring the watercolor art of my grandmother Colleen Carson.
The survey and giveaway will close at 0:00 CST, Tuesday, October 25, 2016.  Results will be posted later that week. 
a Rafflecopter giveaway Which of Charity's cards is your favorite?  Which of Grandma's cards do you like best?
What do you enjoy most about blogging?
Thanks for joining in!


  1. Love the cards but please don't count me in for the giveaway. They are LOVELY, but with 95 percent of my stuff gone, I'm not brining much in these days.

    Thanks bunches!

    1. Ivy, I thought you were amazing when you had 90% of your stuff gone! Wow... you are a real minimalist now. I am looking forward to reading your answers on all the questions we asked about your lifestyle.

    2. Thanks, Bethany. I haven't forgotten about them. Though believe it or not, even with 95 percent of my stuff gone, I still don't think of myself as a minimalist. But thank you for your questions. I will be getting to them, but it might be a bit.

    3. Ha! First, you wouldn't consider yourself a real runner after running a half-marathon, and now you still don't think of yourself as a minimalist after getting rid of 95%! I think you are altogether much too humble! Good thing you have friends like me to remind you how awesome you are. :)

  2. All the artwork is so beautiful! Your sister and your grandma are very talented. How in the world can anyone choose a favourite? Okay, since you're twisting my arm...ow...ow... From your sister's set I'll choose the boots. Or the hat. Okay, the boots. There's just something about them. Perhaps it's the details.

    And from grandma's collection...hmmmm...very tough... I'll pick the lantern. It was that or the door.

    Thanks for the lovely opportunity, Bethany. It's hard to believe that another year has gone by.

    Good luck to all!

    1. Time flies, doesn't it?! The boots and hat are my favorites of Charity's work as well. Hope your arm is ok.

      By the way, Martha, unfortunately I have memorized your favorite candy bar, so your answers won't be anonymous (to me), unless you've switched up your favorites! ;) Sorry about that.

    2. HAHA! I'm a creature of habit, Bethany. It wouldn't be hard to guess which answers were mine. I imagine most - if not all - of them were the same as last year :)

    3. Consistency is a quality I admire. :)

  3. Your family is full of talent. I honestly looked at all those cards and can't choose. Anyone would be thrilled to get a one in the mail!

    1. I had a hard time narrowing Grandma's cards down to this dozen...decisions, decisions! And yes, I agree that I have a pretty awesome family.

  4. Lots of talent in your family.
    Sisters drawing of the hat though all are very good.
    Favorite Grandmothers is the barn scene with the cows though again all are very good.

    What I like about blogging most I think is the many wonderful people I've come to know.
    I've even met a few blogger friends in person.
    Thank you for the opportunity to enter the giveaway.

  5. Your family is very talented, Bethany> I took the survey. :) My favourite of your sister's drawings is the dog, but they are all very nice!
    My favourite of your grandmother's are #2, #6 and #7, but they are all beautiful! Thank you so much for your kindness in an opportunity to enter the giveaway. Hugs. :)

  6. I like Charity's cowboy boots and any of Grandma's train pictures. As others have mentioned, you are certainly a talented and unique family. And you are invited to visit Adair County sometime. We have a neat courthouse and restored opera house in Greenfield.

    1. Thanks for the invite. I recall John posted something about the Fontanelle-Greenfield struggle over the county seat. It seems Adair County has an exciting history!

  7. Hi Bethany!
    Happy blog anniversary! What a nice giveaway...thank you for having it. :) I love the paintings your sister did, especially of the dog and flowers.
    My favorites of our grandma's paintings are of the cows with the train in the background and the lily pads. :)

    Blessings in Jesus,

    1. Interesting to hear your favorites. Grandma named the painting of the cows with the train in the background "Cows and Calves." This has a double meaning because the type of locomotive in the painting is called a cow-calf.

  8. What a lovely giveaway, Bethany! I would be so tickled to win, but may the winner be whoever God sees needs the blessing the most!! Have a blessed day!

    1. Thanks for joining in, Cheryl. Blessings to you as well.

  9. I'm looking forward to seeing the results of this year's survey! What another beautiful giveaway! I like Charity's flower and puppy drawings. My new favorite of your Grandma's is the colorful floral abstract. :)

    1. The floral abstract was actually the last card I picked for this giveaway. Glad you like it! I really enjoy seeing the results as well.

  10. Wow...such talent in your family, Bethany! Both are fabulous artists! It is a hard choice but if I had to choose, it would be your sister's flowers and your grandmother's sheep in the pasture with the red barns. Thank you for sharing the beautiful artwork and this fun giveaway! Enjoy the rest of your week!

    1. You too, Debby. Thanks! My sister and grandma both astound me with their artistic talents. I love to see their work.

  11. Well I adore notecards and use them all the time. Thanks for the opportunity.

    1. Oops caught not reading...I only saw one question for the survey. My favorite in your sister's grouping are the boots. I am drawn to the train in your grandmother's set. (My grandfather was a train engineer and my grandparents lived in a train town.)

    2. I don't seem to be able to get it together...what I like best about blogging is having a giant tickler file of when things happened. Second, I enjoy meeting other bloggers and visiting their blogs.

    3. For the survey you have to scroll through the questions (You can click the link for a larger display).

      Awesome that your family has a history with trains. I'm sure your grandfather had a lot of great stories.

      And yes, blog archives make for a very good substitute for a journal, in a sense.

  12. They are all so pretty, I can't pick a favorite!

    1. I'd have trouble picking a favorite as well. I do have a favorite of all of my Grandma's artwork, but that painting isn't featured on one of these cards, so I don't have an easy way out! I like them all. And for Charity's...I think I like the boots best, but I like the hat too. It's definitely a hard decision!

  13. these cards are really beautiful bethany! i LOVE the boots and the hat...this is a very thoughtful give-a-way but i will pass on entering!!

  14. Hi Bethany, I believe I'm signed in for the give away. I rarely win anything so the chances are slim! :-) Of your cards I like the airplane and of Grandmother's it would be any of the trains. You could have guessed that, right? :-) By the way, thank you for several recent comments you left on my blog that needed to pass moderation. I did not see those comments for several days and I'm sorry about that. They have all been published now and I sure appreciate them. Take care and have a great weekend. Thanks for the survey too!

    1. Ah, yes! I could guess on the trains! :) Thanks for joining in. Always enjoy reading your blog.

  15. It is pleasant for me to comment on your interesting posts that always have beautiful pictures, and to know about your points of view. Your sister and your grandma, both are good artists. I like most the red train and the hat.

    1. Glad you joined in, and congrats on winning! :) Thanks for reading my blog.

  16. Hi...I just took the survey..and I don't mind anyone seeing secrets. :)
    I love every single one of your giveaways and I would love to win....
