
Sunday, November 27, 2016

Grandma's Seven-Layer Salad

Here's another family favorite Grandma graciously showed me how to make.  It's on the complicated side for a salad (at least for someone who usually just sticks with plain-old lettuce), but it sure is good!
Grandma's 7-layer Salad

1 head lettuce
1 cup diced celery
4 hard-boiled eggs
1/2 green pepper, chopped
1/2 onion, diced
8 slices bacon
10 oz package frozen peas, slightly thawed
2 tablespoons sugar
1 cup miracle whip salad dressing
1 cup sour cream
1/2 cup grated cheese

Chop lettuce, celery, pepper, onion, and eggs.  Spread in a 9x13-inch cake pan.  Cut up bacon and fry. Add peas and sugar to bacon as it cooks.  Mix salad dressing and sour cream in a small bowl.  Spread over top of chopped ingredients in the cake pan.  Add bacon pieces and peas, distributing evenly over everything.  Sprinkle cheese on top.  Refrigerate 8-10 hours
Grandma always brings this dish for us to enjoy on Thanksgiving.  It's a special treat!

What are your favorite holiday dishes?


  1. I absolutely love salads, Bethany, and a friend of mine once made a seven layer salad. It was delicious! Not sure if this is the same recipe or not, but it looks wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing. :)

    1. This must be among the most healthy ways to eat bacon. :) Thank you for stopping by, Linda!

  2. I enjoyed seeing these pictures. Very cool. I wish I had a favorite holiday dish but I cannot think of one because I make the same mains, sides and bakes, year-round. But if I go all the way back to when I was a kid, my mom would make me a pasta dish and everyone else got meat.

    1. That's great that your mom went out of her way to make you a vegetarian dish! It's also great that you enjoy your favorite foods year round--not just on the holidays.

  3. your grandma is made you learnt such a wonderful looking salad .
    i never new about it dear .i wonder how many and which ingredients it take because we make here simple one .
    thank you for sharing

    1. I usually just cut up some lettuce whenever I went a salad. So, this is a bit more complicated than I am used to as well.

  4. One of my grandma's traditional potluck dishes that she brings to family gatherings is also 7-layer salad. Must be a Midwest thing. :)

    1. That's neat! Sounds like your family has good tastes.

  5. Oooh, sounds like a wonderful salad, Bethany! Thank you for sharing your grandmother's recipe with us.

    Have a blessed week. Hugs!

  6. Oh, this looks wonderful, Bethany! She surely must be a great cook! Thank you for being so kind to share her recipes with us here. :)

    1. I'm actually being selfish. I post them here, so I can find them later with a quick search. :D Grandma is a wonderful cook, and she is very kind to share her recipes with me...and all readers. Thanks for stopping by--and for your kind words, Cheryl. :)

  7. Looks very delicious! What I like best about your grandma's dishes is the simplicity. They are very easy to make!

    1. I really appreciate that part too! This recipe does take a lot of chopping, but besides that, it's not too hard.

  8. Oh Bethany,
    smelled delicious salad.
    Kisses for your grandmother with a fantastic recipe. I will do the salad.
    Have a nice week.

    1. Have a great week as well, Lucja. Hope you enjoy the salad.

  9. Those layered salads are HUGE at family reunions. I think those recipes are getting lost from one generation to the next, so it's important to pass them on.

  10. Replies
    1. If you put it in the oven instead of the refrigerator, it would be! ;)

  11. Grandmas and their dishes are just the best, aren't they? ;)

    We do a broccoli salad at Thanksgiving & Christmas. It's a salad MY Gram always did. It's broccoli which is cut up and marinated the night before in traditional "dressing" which is mayo with some sugar and vinegar stirred in. Then the day you're serving you stir in fresh cooked bacon, chopped red onion, and some raisins. Tangy, crunchy, salty and sweet. Delish!

    Thanks for sharing Hon! xoxo

  12. It looks and sounds SO good. My hubby would hate it because of the Mayo, but I think I'd devour the whole thing myself.

  13. you got me at "8 slices of bacon", bethany!
    just LOVE bacon!


    thanks so much for sharing!
    i really want to begin trying new recipes!
    especially for college, it gets rather tiresome to eat a plain ol' sandwich every single day.
    many blessings to you!

    1. Heh! I imagine that would get boring, unless you're eating subs and trying a different type each day. Still, that would get old sooner or later! All the best in trying new recipes.

      Blessings to you as well.

  14. Bethany, This looks delicious. With Miracle Whip and Bacon how could it go wrong? :-) Thanks for sharing. I hope all is well with you and the Carson family. Have a fine weekend ahead!
