
Tuesday, December 6, 2016

A Few of My Favorite Bloggers

One of my favorite parts of blogging is the wonderful people I've met while blogging.  So, today I'm taking a moment to share about my recent meetup with long-time blogging friend Cryslyn, her husband Andy, and baby Emilia, my meetup with Kathleen and her husband Gordon, and an awesome giveaway I won from Carrie!  I'm also going to answer a few questions from Paige.

Meetup with Kathleen and Gordon Franck
I met Kathleen indirectly through blogging, as she was at many of the same campaign events as I when I did my series on the presidential candidates.  I later interviewed her here.  She's also shared a recipe for Coffee Time Cake, which I posted on my blog.
We met again shortly before the election for lunch at the Asian Garden in Waverly, and then toured the Bremer County Historical Museum together with my sister afterward (more about that in a future post).

It was great to hear Kathleen and Gordon's thoughts on the upcoming election, and other than the fact my food got a bit cold because I was too busy talking, it was good.  I had sweet and sour chicken with rice and crab rangoon.  But I really liked the hot tea and sugar--which surprised me, as I rarely drink anything but water.
I've tried to talk Kathleen into starting a blog, but to no avail.  She and Gordon have visited so many fascinating places, and she's always taking great pictures and meeting with more politicians.  They're really nice people to spend time with.  It was a wonderful afternoon--thanks Kathleen.

Meetup with Cryslyn, Andy, and Emilia
Cryslyn, who blogs over at Joyfully Inspired, is one of my very first blogging friends.  I met her and her husband Andy in person for the first time last year at their wedding reception.  This fall when I took a road trip to Northeast Iowa, I dropped her an email asking if she would be free to meetup again.  I wanted to meet her sweet Emilia!
Emilia is a real model baby.  She's a brand representative for five clothing shops.  She's adorable, happy, and apparently doesn't cry (at least around strangers)!  Cryslyn let me hold her for a moment, but--I confess--I didn't exactly know what to do with her.  Andy told me I probably set a new record for passing back a baby.

I think I may have to take a refresher course on children from Martha's weekly advice column:
Anyway, we had dinner together at Huckleberry's Family Restaurant in Prairie du Chein, Wisconsin.  I had a hot beef sandwich and raspberry cheesecake, and I thought it was quite good.  That said, I had been on the road all day visiting various locations of interest, and this was my first "real" meal of the day.  So, I think just about anything would have tasted good!
Cryslyn and Andy both seemed quite well, and though they don't post much anymore, it's quite understandable as they'be been busy with work and Emilia!  They are a delightful family.  Rumor has it, Andy may have a post in mind (after his 1+ year haitus from blogging), but in the meantime he's been staring on Cryslyn's brother Noah's Youtube channel.  Be sure to visit Cryslyn's blog for her recent eShakti review and photoshoot with Emilia!

Blogger Recognition Award from Paige @ Sunday Best and All the Rest
Another long-time blogging friend, my favorite fashion blogger, Paige, nominated me for the blogger recognition award.  The two questions asked were "How Did You Start Blogging?" (answered here) and "What two pieces of advice do you have for new bloggers?"

Tip #1:  Don't be friendless and alone.  Build your own blogging family.
Some people have the notion if they just write, people will come to read their thoughts, hear about their life, follow them, and leave lots of comments.  Well, if you're Donald Trump, that might work.  You could tweet anything and the whole world would talk about it.  But if you're a normal person, few care what you think, except your friends.  

So, make blogging friends!  Care about others and what they think, and they will care about you.  If they don't, keep looking; you'll find your group out there somewhere.

Tip #2: Use blogging to compliment and enhance your life.
Blogging has motivated me to visit so many places and learn so much history I otherwise may have missed.  It compliments my hobbies of photography, writing, and travelling throughout the state beautifully, and, like a journal, helps me remember everything I've done.

It also has given me wonderful excuses for starting conversations with random strangers!  To the journalistic blogger, everyone's opinion matters.  I like to find out not only what people think, but why they think the way they do.  And believe me, everyone is interesting--if you can figure out the right questions to ask.  

Giveaway from Carrie of Northwoods Scrapbook
I was excited to win a giveaway for the second time ever!  Carrie, who blogs at Northwoods Scrapbook, sent me a tin of candied pecans, frosted cranberry hand soap, an angel necklace, and an ornament.  
Perhaps rather predictably, my favorite part is the candied pecans.  They are (or shall I say, they were) delicious!  I've been visiting Carrie's blog for quite a while and always marvel at the mouth-watering dishes she talks about preparing.  So, it was quite a treat to finally get to taste some of her wonderful cooking.  (Thanks Carrie!)
Thanks to these few of my favorite bloggers.  And thanks to all my other wonderful family and friends who read.  
"A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be. "--Douglas Pagels

"Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good: for his mercy endureth forever."  --Psalm 107:1


  1. Oh my gosh, the passing the baby back the fastest and with Martha's cartoon. That's brilliant.

    This is the best about blogging is the connections for sure. And wow, great giveaway.

    Have a groovy day and boogie boogie.

    PS: Back on the treadmill for me today. My body is ready. Woohoo!

    1. That's great! Good for you. How far do go on your treadmill, and what pace do you aim for?

      With the chilly weather these days, I ended up going to a gym and using a treadmill for the first time in my life this week. Oddly, it seems to mess with my equilibrium. Maybe it takes some getting used to! The elliptical machine somehow seems more "natural." I'm having fun trying out the equipment. But I think I'm ready for summer to get here, so I can get back to running outside--without freezing!

  2. Bethany, such a lovely post and your photos are beautiful! Everyone looks great, and I think it is wonderful to be able to meet fellow bloggers. I haven't actually met a fellow blogger...yet, but I have chatted (via Skype, video), with one fellow blogger and we chat once a week. It is like sitting in your living room, sipping a cup of tea and having a chat with a friend. It, for myself, is the next best thing to meeting in person, as you can see the person and hear their voice. :)

    1. That is sweet you get to chat on Skype with one of your blogging friends. Video chat is great for those with family scattered across the nation--a very nice invention.

  3. Hehehe, that cartoon is great!!! I've always wanted to meet my fellow bloggers. Maybe some day....

  4. Oh, congratulations on winning the giveaway! The pecans look yummy!!!! And, how neat to meet up with the other sweet friends, also. Blogging opens up a whole new world, doesn't it? I am just so thankful for grateful you are one of the many friends I have met through it. God bless you, dear Bethany!

    1. It seems every new hobby I try opens a whole world I never knew about. Blessings to you as well, Cheryl. Your posts are always encouraging.

  5. You have succeeded in highlighting the joys of blogging, and we share many reasons we personally enjoy the process. I'm glad you had happy meetings with friends and won a giveaway, too, Bethany! xx

  6. The most rewarding part of blogging. Congrats on your win!

  7. Great post. It is wonderful meeting blogging friends. I've met a few and it's like we all know each so well already.
    I am so thankful for blogging friends.

  8. Sounds like a wonderful time all around! Kathleen and Gordon look like a lovely couple. And I remember you posting about getting together with Cryslyn (what a lovely name) and Andy at their wedding reception. And now there’s baby Emilia. What a sweetie she is! Such an adorable little girl. It’s hard to believe how much time has gone by.

    Great advice for new bloggers! We all start out alone and with a little effort, we end up meeting wonderful people from around the world. If you take the time to visit, learn about them and take a sincere interest in their world, most people will do the same for you! I really enjoy the blogging world and I cherish the friends I’ve met along the way. The connections are what make this social media so special.

    I have to say that this is the coolest giveaway! So many goodies. Lucky girl :) That is such a terrific photo of you.

    1. It's hard to believe it's almost 2017 already. Wow. I'm starting to believe life is a blink-and-you-miss-it affair!

      Carrie really spoiled me! I was very surprised and delighted I won! :)

  9. I'm glad you got to visit with these bloggers. I've been following Andy and Chrislyn since you mentioned them before. It was nice to see that beautiful baby!
    I was thrilled to see you won Carrie's give away too!

    1. Thanks. They're a wonderful family, and it was a special treat to win Carrie's giveaway.

  10. ah, these are such lovely bloggers!
    thanks for sharing...i always enjoy visiting new blogs! :)

    hope you are having a wonderful christmas season!
    be blessed <3

  11. Bethany, I really enjoyed this post. A few highlights: 1. I love sweet and sour chicken and that dish you had looks delicious! 2. I remember your earlier post on Kathleen. She’s an earlier generation version of you! :-) 3. Emilia is a little older than the babies I hold in the Intensive Care Nursery at the hospital. Babies are so sweet! I’m surprised you didn’t hold on a little longer. :-) 4. That hot beef sandwich, now I would order that! And 5. Really liked your Tips for New Bloggers … excellent!

    1. Thanks John. Sweet and sour chicken is one thing I always add to my plate at the local international buffet. Kathleen is pretty awesome! I remember you mentioning volunteering at the nursery. Babies need a lot of love to flourish. I'm afraid I'm just not used to them. But Emilia is an adorable, happy baby if I ever saw one!

  12. How fun!!! I've met a few bloggers over the years and it always feels like meeting up with an old friend!

  13. Oh my goodness Bethany! You are beyond adorable!! I'm so happy you loved the pecans and if you were only closer and could pop over whenever I make dinner I could make more goodies for you. ;)

    So nice to meet some of the other fellow bloggers in your blogland world. I feel so blessed to be a part of this community and have met some incredibly special people (like you) through blogging. Even if it hasn't been in person.

    Love time we spend together here in blogland. Pop over and see my holiday home tour I did recently - it's the next best thing to getting to invite you over for pecans in person! Ha! ;)

    1. You know, as I've mentioned in comments before, I've contemplated moving closer just so I could show up for dinner every once in a while. ;)
      Will be heading over to your blog for the tour.
      Thanks again so much, Carrie. Those pecans were fantastic.

  14. Congrats on winning the giveaway! Your blogging tips are spot-on. Gotta love the power of the internet in bringing people together. Blogger meet-ups are always fun (and now I'm craving Chinese food)! I tend to be awkward around babies too...I'm always afraid that I'm going to drop the newborns. Heh.

    1. I enjoy seeing the posts about the blogger meetups you attend, Margie! Too bad you don't live closer!
