
Friday, December 23, 2016

Winter's Gale

Winter's gale is icy and chill.
For summer's sun I do so yearn,
To feel the warm breeze by the window sill,
As I did before the leaves did turn.
So many things I do remember,
Contemplating before the last ember:
The little lambs that leapt and played,
The flower that blossomed when others did fade.

Yet a measure of beauty is in the snow,
Which covers my garden at the end of the year.
My precious plants slumber below,
Ready to waken when spring doth cheer.
Still, I shiver and fight a fear,
A fear of forgetting what I hold dear.
My hand quivers as I wipe a tear.
The end of this winter surely is near.

Tomorrow's spring will not be like before.
I know it will be bright and warm;
'Twill outshine the days of yore. 
And from it's beauty I'll ne'er be torn.
For the flower that blossomed this spring past
Bloomed all summer till touched by the frost,
Then wilted and withered--but its roots will last
In a new garden, ne'er to be lost.


  1. That was FANTASTIC. Thanks for sharing this on G+.

  2. Thank you. So sad but so hopeful. You're very wise.

  3. Beautiful prose! Blessings to you and your family- xo Diana

  4. Beautiful and very touching, Bethany, and the photos are gorgeous. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

    1. Thanks! Hope you are enjoying a wonderful holiday season!

  5. Very nice, Bethany. Love the pictures. Merry Christmas!!

  6. Lovely photos and poem.
    We are having rain but I'm wishing it were snow.
    It is usual NOT to have a white Christmas here.
    Merry Christmas.

    1. I might try to send you some of our snow, except today it has been melting (to my joy ;) ).

  7. Beautiful poem with two-fold meanie and lovely photography, as always!

  8. Wonderful poem! Love the picture of the church.

  9. Beautiful!! Merry Christmas and many blessings wished to you and your family Bethany!! xoxo

  10. Lovely! I am torn between wishing for more lovely snow and fervently wishing spring would come early ��
    Wishing you and yours a blessed Christmas!
    God bless,

    1. I am glad you can see the beauty in the snow. I'm going to stick with hoping for an early spring (as you may have guessed) :D. God bless you too.

  11. Merry Christmas Bethany! Beautiful poem and pictures. Your post reminds me why I love the four seasons. Without winter how could I ever appreciate spring and summer? :-) Best regards to you from Seattle!

  12. Absolutely beautiful and poignant, evoking nostalgia for this blessed season♥
    And what stunning photos! Thank you for sharing this and may you have a most blessed and joyous day with your loved ones!


  13. Thanks so much for sharing this lovely post, Bethany! We attended a worship service last night in which the children had a lot of participation...a joyous time. We still have a few tiny blobs of snow left, one of them is the remains of Snow Girl I posted photos of on Friday...we enjoyed her smiling presence while she was here :) May you and yours be blessed by the Lord now and always. xx

    1. Snowmen (and snowgirls) are fun to see. My family once made a whole snow family depicting the seven of us (including our late Aunt Esther, who was then in her wheelchair). We also made a snowman about 15 feet high once. We have many good memories. God bless you too!

  14. So beautiful, Bethany. Thank you for sharing your talents with us here. I hope you and your family had a very Merry Christmas!

    1. Thanks for the good wishes, Cheryl! Blessings to you.

  15. Thanks Felicia! Have a happy new year!
