
Friday, January 13, 2017

Pho All Seasons

We stopped at Pho All Seasons in Des Moines in November after I ran the Hungry Turkey 5K, and my parents and sister had run the Hungry Turkey half marathon.  The place had a pleasant family atmosphere.  
I ordered a medium bowl of chicken pho for $6.95.  It was ok, but I missed the lime slices I could squeeze into the soup at Pho 515.  Without a little citrus, it seemed rather bland, but then that's just my tastes.  My mother ordered beef pho and thought it was delicious.

The only mishap with our order was when my sister ordered a vegetarian dish, but was served chicken instead of tofu.  The waitress was extremely apologetic and quickly remedied the situation.  

The restaurant was mostly clean, but of all the soup spoons on the table, I couldn't find one that passed my inspection.  Consequently, I ate my pho exclusively with chopsticks...which was fun.  I think my skills with chopsticks are significantly improving.
I enjoyed our visit here.  I've had better, but I've also had worse.  So...I'm going to rate this restaurant as mediocre.  Maybe if I ever visit again I'll try another dish that proves to be a real winner.
Have you visited any new or different restaurants lately?


  1. Glad they fixed her soup. And chopsticks, I love them. Use them daily to both eat and cook with. Best tools. And fun to boot. Wishing you a yummy weekend.

    1. My sis had a rice dish I think, but I can't remember what exactly...something other than soup. Chopsticks are fun, but I need to get a bit better at my skills if I don't want to go hungry! :) Neat that you use them on a daily basis.

    2. Rice dish, yum. Yes, I like them for cooking. Easy to move the veggies about.

      Happy New Week!

  2. I am not great with chopsticks. Glad you can use them. I have never heard of Pho so don't think I would look for it now either. lol I can't stand it when utensils are not super clean. xo Diana

  3. The soup looks good at least. I am making some almond milk sweet potato soup for my dinner. No new restaurants for me lately. xx

    1. I've never had almond milk sweet potato soup! It sounds very interesting.

  4. Hi Bethany, I am not great with chopsticks, either, and I have never tried pho....yet. :)

    1. I think I just need more practice with chopsticks...but if I practiced too often, I have a feeling I might end up losing weight!

  5. Never tried but looks yummy for this cold weather.
    Wishing you a very safe and happy year dear Bethany!

  6. I've eat pho all the time. My mum makes it. Now that I think about it, I ought to ask her how she makes it so I can do it for myself. I went to a new restaurant today that was called Momo's chicken and beer. It was a Korean fried chicken place. The chicken was alright not that delicious.

    1. That's awesome that your mum makes it! I don't think I've ever heard of a Korean fried chicken restaurant! Around here if a person wants fried chicken KFC is the standard option.

  7. Oh, that is fun about the chopsticks! I use them whenever I get a chance. I'm not an expert but I think I do a fairly decent job with them. In any case, it's nice to try new things. The soup looks delicious with lots of goodies in it. I understand about the lime slices. I enjoy adding a little citrus flavour to these types of soups. Gives them that little extra something.

  8. Hello Bethany.
    I love soup.
    Your looks very appetizing.

  9. Soup with chopsticks seems like it would be challenging! My husband always says they should invent chopsticks that are hollow can suck the liquid from the soup through the straw at that point.

    1. Ha! That might be a good idea. The soup consists of noodles and chicken, so chopsticks work pretty well. I use them even if I do have a soup spoon. Of course you need a straw or spoon--or the courage to tip your bowl and drink out of it--if you want any juice. Chopstick straws sound very efficient.

  10. I am hopeless with chopsticks.
    No, haven't been to any new restaurants lately.

  11. Oh, it is so trying to not be able to find adequately cleaned silverware! And, I am so uncoordinated, I think I would starve if I had to rely solely on using chopsticks! LOL! Thank you for another interesting post, sweet friend. :)

    1. Chopsticks could be part of a new diet fad for Westerners. :)
      Thanks for stopping by, Cheryl!

  12. I'm ok with soap spots or whatever those are called on my silverware. NOT with crusty bits of food and stuff though.

  13. What a wonderful experience, despite the mishaps.

    God bless.

  14. Pho would be a nice way to warm up on a cold wintry day! I inspect the utensils at restaurants too. My chopsticks are OK. I can pick up the big pieces, but need a fork for things like rice...or if I'm really hungry. HA! Last fall, we went to a new sushi place where you order your food on a tablet. The food was served fast and tasted quite good!

    1. Fast service makes me happy. I've never tried sushi though.

  15. ah...those moments when you can't find a clean eating utensil! i know the feeling.
    this sounds like a pretty pleasant restaurant.
    i don't eat soup very often, but this one looks appetizing!
    be blessed!

  16. It's too bad this restaurant was mediocre because it's name is too delightfully punny! :) You are so talented eating with chopsticks, which is a good thing if the spoons weren't quite...clean. ;P

    1. That is a neat name, isn't it? Heh...I do think I need to work a bit more to be "talented" eating with chopsticks. :)

  17. I've tried this soup, only not the chicken kind. I like it. I like the name of your blog, too. :)

    1. Thanks Amy! I should be brave and try beef pho some time...

  18. Just what I was looking for, thanks for posting.
