
Thursday, March 9, 2017

Such is Life

I suppose it only fair to mention (as otherwise I may confuse you, my dear readers, in future posts): a little over two weeks ago, I started working as news editor for two local newspapers, the Clarksville Star and Butler County Tribune-Journal.  It's a dream come true.  Everything I've always loved doing--interviewing people, visiting neat places, and exploring small-town Iowa--I now do every working day.
Not only am I doing something I love, it seems I'm working for a great company.  My co-workers have all been pleasant and very helpful as I've worked on learning my new duties.  I remember at an interview for another company I applied with, I was asked what kind of people I liked to work with.  "Nice people?!" I replied.  They told me my coworkers would be grumpy.  In retrospect, I am so glad I did not get that job.
Sometimes I find myself randomly laughing when I'm on the road driving.  I deserve so little, yet God has blessed me so much.  Looking back over the past years it's beautiful to see how God has led me, even though I did not always see His hand.

I learned to surrender to the will of God, because nothing I have is mine.  My life isn't mine.  My talents, my love, my health, and my faith aren't mine.  Everything I have is God's, and I can trust Him.  He does hear my prayers.  And if He doesn't seem to answer right away, there's a reason.  He's not ignoring me, and He's not too busy.  He will work everything out when the time is right.
Annie Johnson Flint reflected, "His will be done, we say with sighs and trembling, expecting sorrow, bitter loss, and tears.  But then doth he answer us with blessing, in sweet rebuking of our faithless fears."  I am grateful He answered my prayers, and I trust He will continue to give me strength for the challenges I'm sure are ahead.
"I am always with you; you hold me by my right hand. You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will take me into glory.
Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you.
My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."  --Psalm 73:23-26


  1. Bethany, I am also glad you didn't get the job with the grumpy co-workers. God had a hand in all this, and I am so happy you have a job that you enjoy so much! :)

  2. Congratulations! This is wonderful news, Bethany, and I'm so very happy for you. They are very lucky to have you.

  3. Congratulations for the new job! Your thoughts are wonderful and right. God bless you.

  4. Way to go, Stephany! You deserve a job like this!

  5. Oh, sweet friend!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am SO happy and excited and thrilled for you and this amazing opportunity!!! I know you will do an amazing job, because you are so quick to give God all glory, and He is absolutely with you and leading your life. This job is so PERFECT for you!! It just made my whole day to read this...praise God for giving you the desires of your heart. He is SO faithful!! I can't wait to see what amazing things He accomplishes through you and your willingness to follow Him! May He bless you always!! And, I love those quotes, especially the one by Amy Carmichael. Thank you so much for sharing!

  6. Hi Bethany! Wow, great news! This does seem like the perfect fit for you. Do tell me, does a "News Editor" write opinion and/or editorials? Will we be able to see your column in the paper(s)? Congratulations to you. I'll be looking forward to hearing more about this. And, as always, your faith is truly inspirational! Wishing you a fine weekend ahead!

    1. Hi John! I write the news in the paper. I also have started a couple columns, one "Savvy Seniors" tells the stories of older people I talk with and the other, "Hearty Heartland" tells about restaurants I visit and what I overhear there. When I have time and/or feel opinionated, I might start an opinion column. We'll have to see. At present, the columns don't make it to the website, so blog readers are stuck with what I post here for the time being, unless they want to subscribe to the paper. :) Have a great week!

  7. Congratulations, Bethany!! What a great career opportunity!!! So happy for you!! God bless!

  8. I am so happy for you that you got your dream job. May God bless you in all you do.
    I believe the same as you do. : )

  9. Congratulations to you, Bethany!!! That is wonderful and amazing, a true blessing. So happy for you to get to do something fit for you and your talents and something you love ☺ And thank you for the wise faith inspiration you left us with- I needed to read that.

  10. Congratulations on this new chapter of life! I am so happy for you. It sounds like you are having a superlative time. :)

    1. Indeed. The only thing I have yet to figure out is what I'm going to do for fun, now that what I do for fun is what I do for work. Heh! It's a good dilemma to have.

  11. I'm so happy for you! Sounds like the perfect job for you. Congratulations!

  12. Having a job you love means EVERYTHING. As for that other company--grumpy people? If they have a work environment like that, why don't they change it? Who would want to work in a culture like that?

    1. I don't know. I'm just grateful I ended up at a better company.

  13. Good for you Bethany! I can't think of a more appropriate job for you! I'm sure you'll do well.

  14. oh, bethany!
    this was such a joy to read!
    i'm so HAPPY that you have been gifted with this work and opportunity. it does seem like a match made in heaven for you!
    i hope you'll have success as you continue along this road and that you'll continue to enjoy it! :)

    thanks for sharing!

  15. I hope you enjoy this career ... journalism is a calling!

  16. That's wonderful! Congrats! Isn't it wonderful that we can trust the Lord to direct every decision we make? We serve an amazing Lord.

  17. So this explains a bit of why you haven't been around the blog world so much--and a very good reason indeed! Congratulations! Glad you got a job that seems like the perfect fit for you!

    1. Thanks Rachel! I'm hoping to make a comeback here in the blogosphere soon!

  18. WooHoo! Thank you, Lord! I am so happy for you, Bethany! They are blessed to employ you. Know I will be cheering you on from here. xxxxxxx

  19. Yay for dream jobs! :) So glad you can be a newspaper editor, Bethany! It seems like a great fit for you. :)
