
Saturday, July 15, 2017

The Last Day

Some time ago, I had a routine interview scheduled at a nursing home for my Savvy Seniors column. The day before the interview, a major storm hit the area, leaving over a thousand without power in Butler County, damaging trees, homes and businesses and claiming one life. Storm coverage forced me to reschedule the interview for an hour later. I had seriously considered rescheduling for another day, considering the nursing home was without power, but decided to press on, and I'm glad I did.
The man's advice to young people was poignant: "They better enjoy life while they can. It seems like it goes so fast. The older you get, the quicker [the years] go." He died later that day.

He got his two cents in. Had I delayed, I would have been too late.

Marcus Aurelius opined, "Perfection of character is this: to live each day as if it were your last: without frenzy, without apathy, without pretense."

Each day is the last of its kind. The opportunities presented may never arise again. Take a moment to be kind to others.

Don't waste your time worrying. Worry is a lack of faith. It's the absence of complete surrender to the will of Christ. Believe that as God has guided and made a way for you in the past, He will do the same in the future. Believe that God is faithful.
Sometimes life is difficult to understand. No one is exempt from problems, challenges, pain and sadness. But Jesus will always be there for you. 1 John 4:18 says, "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear: because fear has torment." Let the love and peace of God enfold you.

I know that although I may be woefully inadequate in the face of the world, Christ's grace is sufficient for me. The perfect joy of life in His presence. It's a joy that will endure through pain & sadness, good times & bad, and will never end. Jesus will see me through each day and prepare me for my last day.
 "I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able 
to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day." --2 Timothy 1:12


  1. nice post and I tottaly agree with you

  2. You were meant to be there that day and to hear that man's last words on life. What a blessing. I hope you have a wonderful, peaceful Sunday. xo Diana

  3. This was a great read and I agree!

  4. So true! Thanks for this wonderful post!

  5. Wow! What a demonstration of providential care! I am so thankful you minded God and went when you did. It was meant to be. I wonder how many times we override that still, small voice, only to miss out on such golden opportunities. It was so nice to see a post from you! I have missed you and hope all is well. God bless you, sweet friend.

    1. God bless you too, Cheryl! Thanks so much for stopping by.

  6. Our pastor is teaching a series he is calling Masterpiece. He is sharing Scriptures that encourage us to live each moment intentionally making each day a Masterpiece with the Lord, and your post re-enforces that theme for me, Bethany. Thanks! xx

  7. This is a lovely post, Bethany. Thank you for sharing it.

    "Each day is the last of its kind. The opportunities presented may never arise again. Take a moment to be kind to others." Simply beautiful.

  8. Great post and stunning pictures Bethany!

  9. As always the contents of your posts are great. I was missing them, although I know that due to your job lack of time is frequently.

    1. Thanks Enrique! I will be trying to get back to posting.

  10. This is a good "thought provoker" Bethany! Thanks for sharing your musings. The Lord really guided you in getting to interview that gentleman just before he exited this world.

    1. Glad you enjoyed the post, Paige. Thanks for stopping by.

  11. Wow, what an experience! Thanks for the reminder that our days are as an handbreadth. (Psalm 39:4-5)

  12. Wow, just on time! I'm so glad for you and also for him, he got his say in at least.

    1. I was very happy I didn't delay, but also surprised and saddened to hear of his death.

  13. I like that line, 'Each day is the last of it's kind.' It's true, the Lord gives us everything we need every day. His mercies are new every morning. Worrying is fruitless.

  14. how sweet that you got to see him before he passed...
    such wise words of wisdom.
    thank you so much for sharing!
    be blessed!

  15. Sorry I've been missing you sweet Friend! Love this post. So true and so beautiful! Hope the new job is going well. xoxo

  16. This is such a beautiful and inspiring post, Bethany! And I love the Scripture verses and images. Thank you so much for sharing, dear, and I hope your job is fulfilling for you.
