
Saturday, April 28, 2018

Tea cup exchange 2018

Stephanie at The Enchanting Rose hosts an annual tea cup exchange. I participated in the exchange in 2016, sending a tea cup to Carrie and receiving one from Alena. I sat out last year, but this spring the urge to join in again was brewing inside me. I don't drink much tea at all, but there's something special about pretty tea cups and meeting new friends.
Joining the exchange, everyone fills out a form to describe their tastes and what they'd like. I'm just in this for the fun of it, so I said "Surprise me!" And what a delightful surprise this tea cup from Amy Fields was! Just like my previous exchange partner, Alena, Amy calculated my tastes to a T(ea).

But she didn't stop there.
Amy also sent black tea, lemon ginger tea, and an English Tea Shop selection of teas ranging from peppermint and chamomile to ginger and lemongrass. She sent a lovely book of captivating photography titled 75 Reasons to Believe in God, a lifetime supply of biscotti (well, almost!), and a sweet card introducing herself.

And...she enclosed a copy of a local newspaper, The Central Virginian! That was so thoughtful. I love seeing what other newspaper editors are doing!

As a matter of fact, I just kind of like newspapers--writing them, editing them, reading them, eating off of them...oops, maybe I'm pressing my point a bit too far!
But seriously, the Wild Carrot in Waverly is a great place to eat. Forgive my ramblings.

I enjoyed selecting a tea cup and items to send to my exchange partner, Hannah, as well. It's a fun challenge to try to put together a package to suit the tastes of someone you've never met.

Amy said the tea cup pattern she sent has been handed down through her family. It was so sweet of her to share, and so sweet to receive a package steeped in care.

Thanks so much, Amy! And thank you, Stephanie, for hosting another wonderful exchange. I will be linking up to the exchange party as soon as everyone has their packages.


  1. Awe, what a beautiful package! I participated this year (I did both the teacup and the mug exchange) and both of my packages were equally lovely. ;)
    Hehe, eating off of newspaper... That's a new one to me! Maybe I should try eating off of sheet music... ;)

    1. There has to be a music-themed restaurant where they let you do that somewhere! Looking forward to seeing your exchange post!

  2. Your tea cup is so pretty and she really did do well in choosing things just right for you!

  3. Sounds like fun, Bethany! Enjoy! In prep for a move I packed all my teacups, but have two mugs out still. May the Lord bless you and yours. xx

    1. Moving can be a lot of work. I hope your move goes well! God bless you too.

  4. A tea cup exchange sounds lovely. I like your new layout too.

  5. What a lovely exchange! And look at all the wonderful goodies you received. It's always such a joy to receive these fun packages. And also nice to see a blog post from you! I hope you are doing well.

    1. These exchanges are fun. I'm glad I joined in again--and nice to finally get something posted!

  6. Oh now neat! Amy Fields was the one who sent to me last time, and she spoiled me rotten! This is just a beautiful array of so many wonderful things...I know it must have made your day to get such a dear, thought-filled package in the mail. Thank you for sharing with us. I will be sharing about mine soon. God bless you, sweet friend. :) So happy to see a post from you!

    1. I'll be looking forward to seeing your package. I still stalk my blogging friends, even if I haven't been active writing here. Neat that you just created a new blog! God bless you too.

  7. How sweet of Amy to send you an heirloom tea cup! Such a treasure. Biscotti would not last long here! That's one of my favs.

    I've not been around too much, just trying to keep my head above water when it comes to book commitments but I do miss reading your POV on life and your travels. Have a blessed spring/summer!

  8. Oh Bethany, what a lovely picture of you holding your new tea cup. I just love it! The package from Amy is simply wonderful and what a unique tea cup.

    I'm so glad you were able to join the fun. Hugs!

    1. She sent such a beautiful package! I really appreciate the work you put into hosting, Stephanie. Thank you!

  9. Quite a unique teacup and you look just lovely pictured with it!
    You have received some lovely gifts.

    Beautiful post~

  10. Oh that's completely charming. So vintage and happy looking. I do love a cup of tea. Biscotti on the side? Even better. xoxo
