Goodbye, dear Grandpa

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Growing up we always loved when Grandpa and Grandma would come over for dinner. Sometimes we (and by we I mean my younger siblings) would try to block their way to the door after their visit because we didn’t want them to leave. I think that’s how many of us felt over the past few weeks. We weren’t ready for Grandpa to go. I don’t think we ever could be.

I remember how excited I was putting on my shoes in the back of our pickup camper as we neared Grandpa and Grandma's (Harry and Colleen Carson's) farmhouse after a long trip. It was one of the great happinesses of my childhood that my parents chose to move only 5 miles from Grandma and Grandpa's house. Our Grandparents were always there to make our birthdays, Thanksgivings, and New Years Eves a little more special. When we got a little older we had a lot of fun going to train shows with them. Papa and Grandpa took us on a bike ride on Highway 20 before the segment of highway near our home opened, which will always be one of our claims to fame.