
Wednesday, July 23, 2014


Teenage life cannot be complete until one has visited Culver's, so on my last day as a teenager, my dear Papa took me to Culver's in Marshalltown on our way home from chess camp where I was an instructor (more about that in another post).   

We each ordered a single-patty Cheddar Butter-Burger ($2.69).  The burger was very flavorful, and I loved the fresh tomato slice; it was a lot better than many other fast-food burgers.  And, did I say fast?  Culver's service is lightning speed!  I got our drinks and no sooner had I sat down when a waitress brought us our dinner.  

While the burgers were top-notch, the onion-rings were just okay.  Their taste was very delicate, but the good part was they weren't too greasy (i.e. they have very little taste, but the good part is they are not going to kill you).  Our drinks (water) were just as good as any water I've tasted.
The restaurant was very clean and had the feeling of a nice place.  The staff was friendly, efficient, and helpful.  We finished our meals with a root-beer float for Papa and a concrete mixer for me.  Culver's ice cream is distinctive.  It is actually frozen custard, which tastes a lot like my sister's homemade ice cream.  
Concrete mixers are customizable ice cream dishes where the customer can choose two flavors to start with and pay 25 cents more for every additional flavor added to the ice cream.  My concrete-mixer had mint flavor, Andes chocolate, and Reeses peanut butter cups.  Mint-chip ice cream is my all-time favorite, and everything is better with peanut butter; so although it was an unusual combination, to me it was delicious!  

I thoroughly enjoyed dinner at Culver's (thanks Papa--it was a delicious finish to a happy 7 years as a teenager!), and it is a restaurant I would recommend.

Burgers: 4.5 stars
Onion Rings: 2 stars
Ice Cream: 4 stars
Cleanliness: 5 stars
Service:  5 stars
Affordability: 5 stars


  1. Was today your Birthday? If so, Happy Birthday, Bethany!
    Oh, I soooo agree! I LOVE Culvers! I LOOOVE their shakes!!! I love getting chocolate, with heath and something else different every time. But I always have heath!! They have really good prices too. :) I loved this post! :D
    ~Sarah Margaret

  2. Ohhhh happy birthday, Bethany! (today was your birthday, right?!) It sounds like you had a nice day. :)

    Warm blessings,

  3. Thanks Sarah Margaret and Cryslyn! Yesterday was my birthday, but I'll still take the good wishes and blessings! :) Thank you!

    And Sarah, heath sounds delicious!!

  4. Oh, heath IS delicious! Now I'm craving Culvers!! ;)
    ~Sarah Margaret♥

  5. My arrow just came to a screeching halt when I saw CULVER'S in my blogger reader! Mmmm... just the thought of Culver's takes me back to my collage years when I went to Maranatha Baptist Bible College (now called Maranatha Baptist University) in Wisconsin. I am from Colorado and we don't have Culver's here so my first ever burger and ice cream from them was when I was a Freshman and after that I was hooked. I consumed way too many peanut butter cup ice creams. . .

    Thanks for bringing back the fond memories. . .and the desire for some ice cream :)

    Happy Birthday to you - I hope it was extra special. Hugs and blessings!

  6. Oh and thanks for the follow! :)

  7. Ah, Sarah, I know how you feel; as soon as I finished this post I was starving!

    Thanks for the birthday wishes Evie and Stephanie! Sounds like you have awesome memories of the place!

  8. awwww, what a sweet, happy entry!! burgers for me, are just as american as apple pie, and much more necessary!! i am a french fry girl....i would never give up fries for onion rings!!!

    happy birthday, such a beautiful, happy picture of you!!!

  9. Oh my soul, looks so yummy!
    You and my hubby have the same birthday I believe. Happy Birthday Bethany, hope it was filled with blessings (:
    -Your friend
    Hannah Sue

  10. Happy Birthday! Looks so yummy! Lucky you. :)


  11. A belated happy birthday to you. The food looks good and I really like the price.

  12. Happy belated birthday Bethany, the food looks very delicious so glad you had a fantastic day :).

  13. Happy Birthday to you! (I know it's kind of late...) That burger looks AMAZING! Wow...we definitely to have burgers like that where I'm from. (At least, I never had one!) So yummy!

  14. Thanks Ashley! You should come visit Iowa one of these days to try one! ;)

  15. Happy Birthday Bethany! :D
    It looks like your date with your Dad was a fun and delicious treat to culminate the teenage years.

  16. Then I'll have to get back to the States somehow, because I'm 22 but had never heard of Culver's before. Sadly, because you sure make the burgers sound good :-) I have never had reese peanut butter cups either, nor have I ever tried a float. I really did miss out on so many things when I visited the US, haha! xo

  17. Oh wow! You have really been missing out! You'll have to come back and give it a try. ;)
