
Sunday, July 20, 2014


I see perfection: the cry of beauty.
I see perfection: the crown of thorns?

I see perfection: the long sought for goal.
I see perfection: a sword-pierced side to nations shown?

I see perfection: the love of God.
I see perfection: the agony of a dying man?

I see perfection: Jesus Christ, He, and He alone loves me so.
I see perfection: 'tis perfection, 'tis greatest love.
I see Jesus, beaten, dying, and alone.

And what have I, what am I, that He should love me so?
What am I, that He would call my name?
What am I that my Savior, bruised and beaten, should make me His own?
© 2009 Bethany Carson


  1. Absolutely loved this! :-D I am assuming you wrote this...right? How awesome!

  2. Beautiful, Bethany! Just beautiful!

  3. Thanks Gabriela and Cryslyn! Yes, I wrote it. :)

  4. You have left me speechless, dear Bethany! The words that you have written are beautiful and very touching. The last three sentences brought tears to my eyes - oh, what a magnificent God we serve and the love He pours upon us is such a precious gift.

    Thank you for blessing my evening. Enjoy the remainder of your week :)

  5. Amen! God is good! Thanks, and may the Lord continue to bless you also with a great week!

  6. a very beautiful, heartfelt writing!!

  7. Happy Late birthday! I found out about your birthday on Sarah Margarete's blog :)
