
Sunday, August 31, 2014

Coralville Wetland Park

Sunday morning I awoke at about 6 A.M.  I could hardly wait to go outside, enjoy the fresh air, and see what the big city of Coralville looks like before people wake up.   
The cool morning was shrouded in a light, pleasant fog.  Behind the hotel is the Iowa River Landing Wetland Park; my brother, sister, and I took a leisurely stroll through it, culminating in a jog.

The man-made waterfall on the left creates a pleasant optical diversion from the parking garage behind it.  The sculpture on the right was at the end of our walk on one side of the hotel.  Called Tipping Point, it is one of the better sculptures of the Iowa River Landing Sculpture Walk (I actually kind of like it).  Another "sculpture" we saw looked just like a bunch of scrap metal cut from a rusty old grain bin or hog building and welded to rusty old rebar.  Some people do have an interesting perspective on what is called art...
Along the walkway in the wetlands there were various educational signs telling about the local wildlife and ecosystem.
From the observation stand, one can look out over the wetlands area on the right.  Further on our walk, we saw a fish about a foot long near the bank of the creek.  We also saw a duck swimming and saw footprints of other animals, possibly beaver.
Some of the wildflowers in the area are picture above.  We thoroughly enjoyed our walk!  There's nothing like a breath of cool slightly countrified morning air after sleeping in a very nice but air conditioned city hotel all night!

The touch of God's hand lends all nature its beauty--the fog, the water, and the flowers.  As the Bible says, the Lord giveth us richly all things to enjoy! (1 Timothy 6:17)
I'm thankful for a beautiful morning!


  1. lovely view..with the smog...early in the morning and the peace...blessings friend thanks for sharing and also commenting on my blog...loves soraya

  2. Indeed so beautiful! The frog gave it a mystical feeling. What I wouldn't trade right now for a bit of cooler weather :p
    The Iowa River Landing Wetland Park is so beautiful!
    Have a good week! **

    1. Thank for stopping by! Have a good week as well (and best wishes for more pleasant weather)!

  3. Bethany, beautiful photos. The park covered with fog is amazing.You look beautifully on the bridge. So romantic photo. Have a nice week.

    1. You have a great week as well Gosia! Thanks for commenting! :)

  4. Some beautiful photos of your outing ..
    Love the shot of you in the misty fog ...

  5. Wow it actually looks prety eerie, really beautiful view. Looks so blissful :)

  6. Thanks for taking me along on your lovely walk, Bethany. I especially enjoyed seeing the manmade stream, but your post as a whole drew me to worship and give thanks to God.

    1. Glad you enjoyed it Gracie! There's nothing better in life than to love, praise, and thank the Lord!

  7. Your this post made me happy darling, you seem to be a happy person and you truly know how to enjoy the life!!! Thank you darling for this!!!

    1. Thank you Liuba! There's nothing like the joy of the Lord. You seem to be a happy person too! :)

  8. That fog definitely makes the outdoor world look extra-interesting and mysterious. I definitely do NOT understand all sculpture or all that passes for "art"...not in the slightest.

    1. I guess there as many variants in "art" as in "music!" Thanks for commenting Rachel!

  9. i loved the brown-eyed susans spilling through the railing on the walkway. so pretty!

    thanks for stopping in at my place and leaving a comment!

    1. And thank you for stopping by! You have a pretty neat blog :)

  10. This looks like a beautiful walk! I like the fog spilling over things. :) Also, your blouse in the last photo is pretty!

  11. I enjoyed your images from your walk, Bethany. I especially liked the Hibiscas (spelled that wrong) and Blackeyed Susan. I'm a flower fan. Even the fog doesn't suppress God's glory.
    Have a wonderful week!

    1. You have a wonderful week as well! It's awesome how the fog not only doesn't suppress God's glory, it amplifies it! :) His light shines brightest through the darkness.

  12. Yea! We have high-speed internet again so I can enjoy browsing your blog again:) That fog makes me wish for some here as I love it when we have it on the mountain! Really like that water feature too!
