
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Staying in Focus

I spotted her, a delicate moth resting on a marigold in my garden.  I crept closer, camera in hand, and tried to focus, but she was not to be captured by my shutter.  She flitted off the flower, dancing to the next and then the next with speed and grace and finally--after flirting with my lenses, too slow in my clumsily amatuer hands to capture her--flying away like a fluttering dream.

Still in the clutches of disappointment, I looked down only to see her beautiful cousin peacefully resting on another flower.  Why had I wasted my time when I could just as well have taken photos of this moth beside me?

Sometimes I have dreams and goals that seem impossible to reach, and I may feel like I would be wasting my time trying to attain them. Sometimes I may be looking too far ahead, focusing on my own imagination of what the dream come true would look like.  If I look closely around me, I can often find a small step toward the goal: just what I am looking for, right where I am.
Twice while attempting to focus on other shots or browsing through photos already taken, a hummingbird flew by me, and before I had time to readjust my focus, he was gone.  

It's important to be ready when opportunity comes.  There are many distractions.  We must be watchful, alert, and focused on Jesus, the One who takes off the dark lens covers and opens our eyes to see life clearly.
"Sorrow looks back,  worry looks around, faith looks up."  --Emerson


  1. This is a lovely allegory to life...we often focus on what may seem out of reach rather than what is right in front of us. I think we do this a lot in relationships too! The grass isn't always greener.

  2. Hi Bethany! Your post is simply beautiful and very refreshing - your words were truly a blessing to read.

    Have a great day :)

    1. Hi Stephanie! Have a great day as well! Thank you for the kind words! "Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul and health to the bones."

  3. Hi Bethany, what a wonderful capture of the moth! I also love trying to photograph hummingbirds at our feeder, they are so cute. Thanks for visiting my blog! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

    1. I enjoy your blog Teresa! Hummingbirds are so beautiful...I have yet to be able to actually photograph one, but I'm hoping ;)

  4. Bethany your picture is fantastic. And the post is so intelligent too. Of course we must be ready for each opportunity in our life. Because we live only once here on the Earth.

  5. Great post, Bethany; and lovely photos as well! :)

  6. What a sweet post! Thank you for stopping by and signing up to follow our life on a Colorado farm!

  7. Bethany, thank you for this beautiful post. Amazing photos.
    Best regards

  8. Great pic and such a pretty moth on a beautiful flower. Thanks for following me, now I'm following you, too... :)

  9. A beautiful capture of the moth and the flower is simply stunning!! I am a huge lover of anything within nature!!

  10. Incredible photos and wise thoughts Bethany! Thank you:)

  11. Thanks for the thought-provoking words! The moth story was a good analogy.

  12. Hi Bethany, beautiful blog you have! And your writing is pretty too.

  13. Beautiful shot of that moth! :) I so know what you mean, especially when taking pictures but in life as well of course we tend to search for the perfect shot when we just need to turn around to find it :) Beautiful post!

    1. Exactly! Praying the Lord grants me wisdom to know the right time to look in the right place :) Thanks!

  14. Your photo of the moth is wonderful Bethany.
    I've found butterflies particularly difficult to photograph - they move so quickly - there one minute and gone the next!

    1. True! It can be hard to keep up with those beauties! Thanks for commenting!

  15. Beautiful post Bethany it is very encouraging. :) Love the photos!

  16. Great photos but even better reminder about life.
