
Saturday, September 20, 2014

Tasty Freeze and Taylor's Maid-Rite

After the Bontrager concert, Papa surprised us by taking us out to Tasty Freeze where we ordered chocolate dipped ice cream cones ($2.50 each).  Considering how big our medium cones were, we had a hard time imagining large ones.  It was a challenge to eat mine before it melted!
Through the front window we could watch the cones being dipped very skillfully.  I've never tasted a bad chocolate-dipped ice-cream cone; we picked a never-fail winner.

Our next stop was Taylor's Maid-Rite.  
We waited a minute for the waitress to attend to us and ordered 3 Maid-Rites with cheese ($3.05), and for me no other condiments.  We were served very quickly.  

Maid-Rites, which are made from loose fried ground beef scooped into buns, are potentially messy food.  The key to success is to eat your Maid-Right with the interior wrapper around it to catch the loose meat that falls from the burger as you eat.  Afterward, open your wrapper and scoop out the remaining ground beef with your spoon.  

The Maid-Rites were surprisingly tasty.  I still prefer regular hamburgers, but it's good to have a little variety.  
 On the counter there were pamphlets with the history of Taylor's Maid-Rite, and the waiter was helpful in answering our questions and telling us what he knew.  The Taylor family bought the Marshalltown Maid-Rite franchise in 1928 for $300 and the restaurant is now owned by their granddaughter.  One night in 1955 the Taylor's moved the Maid-Rite from the original building across the street to its current location.

Maid-Rites are something different.  You may like them or you may not, but they're something that should be tried at least once in a lifetime.  


  1. Bethany, definitely the ice cone is big. It is amazing but around the world there are too many fast food restaurants. In Europe is the same and people love it. You look beautiful with your father. Greetings for your family from Europe. Gosia

    1. Thank you Gosia! I imagine there are lots of interesting restaurants in Europe with various foods unique to the different cultures, as well some American type foods as well (since America--although it has a character of its own--is a "melting pot" of so many nationalities who immigrated here at one point or another).

  2. i love an unusual eatery with some history!! those messy burgers look good but the ice cream cone looks awesome. two hands needed for that baby!!!

    1. Certainly! Thinking of it I'm almost hungry for another! :)

  3. gosh, the maid-rites look yummy! i used to get butterscotch-dipped cones at dairy queen but they stopped those many years ago.

    1. Oh wow, butterscotch-dipped cones sound delicious! I don't think I've tried one.

  4. Mmmm... you are making me hungry with the ice cream and unique burger - never hear of a Maid-Rite, but it looks delicious!

    Chocolate dipped ice cream cones bring back memories of time spent with my family...we always enjoyed going out for those and there were quite the special treat :)

    Have a lovely week, Bethany! Hugs and blessings to you!

    1. Sounds like your family has very good tastes! Have a beautiful week as well and God bless you Stephanie!

  5. As pessoas entram em nossa vida por acaso, mas não é por acaso que elas permanecem.
    Lindos dias de outono!
    Beijos Marie.

    1. True! Good quote...wishing you all the best in this beautiful fall season!

  6. Oh my goodness...long, long, long ago, when I was a kid [still a kid at heart tho] there was a made rite burger joint in the mountains where we'd stop sometimes. Yes, they ARE sloppy...but oh so tasty. I had mine with mustard and pickle - no cheese. I was told they simmer the beef in beer. Dunno if that is true, but they sure were good!!

    I could go for a cone like that...any time of day.

    1. Sounds like tasty memories! My sister would probably agree with you on mustard and pickles... the biggest mistake we ever made at a Maid-Rite years ago was when we asked for ketchup. The waitress proceeded to take a bottle of ketchup from under the counter and squirt it on our laps! Thankfully it was a bottle of red yarn that she used to prank customers who unwittingly trespassed on the forbidden grounds of asking for ketchup on a Maid-Right.

  7. Replies
    1. It was! I was surprised at its size for a medium cone; Tasty Freeze sure gave us our money's worth!

  8. I remember Tasty Freeze! I haven't seen one in years. That cone looks amazing, as does the Maid-Rite.

    1. We'd driven past this one for years! Glad we finally stopped!

  9. The ice cream look good and burger too. Beautiful photo with your father. Gretings for you.

  10. Coucou,
    Merci pour ce beau et délicieux partage !!



  11. Yum, I completely want that cone! Looks delicious!

    1. No! Sorry, it's mine! ...just kidding...wish you could have come and had one with us!

  12. I don't have ice cream often, but when I do, this is how I love it. :)

    1. The chocolate adds the perfect bit of flavor, doesn't it?

  13. This looks like a yummy evening! :) Tasty Freeze looks a lot like our Fresh Freeze.

    1. Just looked Fresh Freeze up and you're right, they do look similar--must be the West coast version of pretty much the same thing! :)

  14. The ice cream looks yummy! Coincidently, I was thinking about getting an ice cream when I was out today but I forgot my wallet so I couldn't. I like the look of the Maid Rite burger, it's something I want to try.

    1. That's too bad! You'll have to make up for it another time when you do remember your wallet. If you're ever in the Midwestern US there are so many things you should try! Do find a Maid Rite!

  15. The granular burger looks like it would be a real nightmare to eat! I have enough trouble with regular ones!

    Although if more failed to get into my mouth that may actually be a good thing!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

    1. It does take a bit of technique to eat one without being very sloppy...I confess I did have to watch my dad to see how it's done! Still am working on figuring out how to eat spaghetti though! ;)

      All the best!

  16. Ice cream and cheese burgers!! YES PLEASE!!! I hope Beate doesn't read this comment or she'll lecture me on my unhealthy food cravings LOL

    1. Haha...That's the good part about having someone who cares about you...she'll do her best to make sure you live a long, healthy life. But before you move from the U.S. eat an extra one or two for the sake of deliciousness! ;)

  17. I honestly wonder how large a large ice cream cone must be!

    1. Same here...I would almost order one next time just for curiosity's sake, but I don't think I'd get very far trying to eat it!

  18. Yummy food and yummy ice cream. That's the perfect ending to the day... :)

  19. Yum_Mee. I think one of those cones would set me right :)

  20. That ice cream looks heavenly! You are making me hungry hahah!
    This is a wonderful post, you look beautiful:)
    The Journeys' of my beating heart

    1. Thank you June! And best wishes on finding some ice cream to satisfy your hunger and delight your tastebuds! :)

  21. Mmmmmm, good!

    Healed. Thanks for stopping by. I can only answer here because your reply address in I receive my comments in email and reply there.

    Have a glorious day.

    1. Thanks, you too! Thanks also for mentioning the problem with no reply. I think (hope) I have that fixed now.
