
Thursday, September 18, 2014

The Bontragers!

Sunday evening part of my family and I listened to the Bontrager Family Singers (from Kalona, IA) at New Hope Christian Church in Marshalltown.

I had heard them once before (last year), and earlier this month my sister heard them when she went to their annual Turning Hearts Celebration.  Unfortunately she had a seat in the far back and wasn't able to see them very well, so she talked Papa and I into coming to this concert.
The Bontragers are dairy farmers, and I liked their down-to-earth personalities.  They are extremely talented, but still seemed like kind and friendly people who would happily don work clothes and do farm chores.

The boys shared funny stories about their family and jokes, and gave good mini-sermons.  Allison (above center) played the violin sensationally, and Chelsy (above left) did some great keyboard playing to accompany the singing.  The young ladies and their mother have very good harmony and made a good trio.
It was special to see the whole family singing together.  Mr. Bontrager gave a couple good messages.  In one he preached on the sanctity of traditional marriage; it was refreshing to hear him speak on the topic.  

 In another message he preached about how it is important to know Jesus and be saved; just going to church won't get you to heaven.  
Of all the songs they performed, the song Do Right, which the younger children sang, has stayed with me the most.  The lyrics have a simple beauty and truth: "Do right till the stars fall.  Do right till the last call.  Do right when there's no one else to stand by you.  Do right when you're all alone; do right though it's never known.  Do right since you love the Lord--do right, do right."
The Bontragers' signature song is their Sibling Cooperation act.  You can watch their double cooperation act on Youtube here.  The three youngest children have recently added a third act.  It's intriguing to watch and demonstrates not only cooperation, but multitasking at its finest!
After the concert I talked with Chelsy Bontrager who writes at It's a Beautiful Life!  She always has interesting things to post, and this coming month in particular her blog will be buzzing with activity as she posts every weekday in October!  Meeting a fellow blogger put the icing on the cake for a beautiful evening.  Be sure to check out her blog and check the Bontragers' schedule to see when they will be singing in your area. 


  1. What a beautiful Article my darling!!!
    I am very happy you were able to see them and listen this special, talented family. We also got a really nice family back home, they are traveling a lot and spreading the gospel through music (maybe I will write about them too).

    Stay blessed sweetie! x

    1. Oh wow! That would be neat to read about the musical family in your area! Good to hear from you and God bless you too!

  2. Thank you very much. I love families that sing and praise God together. Especially in music. I will look for them in my area and hopefully they have a cd or two out. God bless

    1. Yes! They have several CDs; I hope you can listen to them sometime in your area.

  3. What a blessed to be able to hear this family sing and also present the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And I can imagine meeting a fellow blogger did indeed put the icing on the cake :)

    I am off to check out Chelsy's blog - thanks for sharing and introducing her to us. Have a wonderful day, Bethany!

  4. oh beth, you have never looked happier!! except perhaps with the milkshake, mabye then!! sounds like a wonderful evening!!!

    1. is hard to beat a milkshake, but yes I enjoyed every moment of the evening! Talking with Chelsy was a real highlight. I think milkshakes and music are two things that should not be compared :)

  5. Bonjour Bethany,
    Je te remercie de nous faire découvrir cette belle famille, elles chantent merveilleusement bien ♥



  6. I'm glad you had such a fun time at the concert. That clip from youtube was amazing. What a super talented family. I have never seen anyone play more than one instrument at a time before. I think it's wonderful that this family are bringing people closer to Jesus in such a joyous way.... Bravo.

  7. That must've been so fun! It's awesome seeing people glorifying God with the talents God gave them. Super cool that you got to meet another blogger :)

    1. I agree! Wish I could meet more of my blogging friends!

  8. Bethany it ii very interesting. Unfortunately I am not gifted at music. You look very well. Hugs.

  9. Olá amiga,vim retribuir sua carinhosa visita ao meu cantinho.
    Fiquei imensamente feliz por seguir-me!!!
    Fique à vontade para comentar em qualquer idioma. Amo tudo isso...amo família!
    Obrigada,volte sempre e pegue o meu selinho de agradecimento!
    Beijos Marie.

  10. Wow, that is so awesome! I have been following the Bontrager family's blog and listening to their music for a while now, but unfortunately, I have not yet had the privilege of meeting them. I am glad you had a wonderful time though. :)

    1. Thanks Cryslyn! Hope it works out for you to meet them soon--awesome to listen to them in real life!

  11. extraordinary post!! So positive. I love positive thoughts and blog shares like this one.

  12. What a wonderful post, Bethany! I don't like concerts because of all the noise, but this is a concert I would thoroughly enjoy! Your photos are lovely, I love the things you share...thank you! :)

  13. Sounds like a fun evening! That family looks really familiar. I'm thinking I probably saw and heard them sing at the Itasca Family Music Festival one year here in MN. :)

    1. That's likely! I believe I've heard of several area singing groups going to the Itasca Festival--must be an awesome place to visit!

  14. Hey Bethany!
    Aww, you are too sweet. Thankyou for all your kind words about our family! May the LORD be glorified!

    You have a lovely blog! I will be back! Thanks for the email, too-it was great to meet you as well. Hope our paths cross again soon!


    1. Thanks for visiting Chelsy! Enjoyed the concert! :)
