
Thursday, October 2, 2014

Photo Contest & Sunshine Award

Sarah at Trusting in the Lord  is hosting a photo contest at her blog to celebrate her 100th post.  The deadline for entering up to two photos is tomorrow, October 3rd.

It's an unfortunate practice of mine to enter contests the day (or even the hour) before they close.  I well remember an essay contest in my high school days that had a deadline of midnight Eastern time on New Year's Eve.  I did miss out on some of the fun of our New Year's Eve celebration, but I emailed my essay on time (15 minutes before the deadline).

If you'd like to join the fun with me as 11th hour photo contest contestants, you can visit Sarah's blog here for details.  My two entries are below.
 Cosmos in my garden.
A contemplating hummingbird.
Thanks Sarah for hosting the competition!
I would also like to thank  Micaela of It's Just Me for nominating me for the Sunshine Award.  The Sunshine Award is a way for bloggers to learn more about each other by asking 5 questions. 
Micaela's questions:

1. Why do "caregiver" and "caretaker" mean the same thing?
A caretaker takes care of someone, and a caregiver gives care to someone.

2.  What happens when you get "scared half to death" twice?
You are scared 3/4ths to death.  (i.e. half of you is scared to death the first time, then half of the remaining half.  If you were scared half to death three times, by this logic, you would be scared 7/8ths to death, and so on.  If my logic is sound--which it may or may not be--no matter how many times you are scared half to death, you will not die).

3. Why did Yankee Doodle name the feather in his hat Macaroni?
Macaroni was a popular fancy style of Italian dress at the time, so he was proclaiming himself a gentleman.  (And no, I didn't know that till I googled it a minute ago...interesting question.)

4. If a product says, "Do not use if seal is broken," how are you supposed to open the thing and use it?
Defy authority for a worthy cause.

5. Why is it that when things get wet they get darker, even though water is clear?
While some things don't make for a big splash of color on their own, they can bring out the strength of the colors in others.
How would you answer Micaela's questions?


  1. congrats on the award! both photos are really beautiful. and you're too smart with your answers. :)

  2. Ooh, beautiful entries! :D What kind of camera / lens do you use?
    Also, great answers to those questions...I don't know what I would have said...I think you covered it. ;)

    1. I now use a Canon SX50, and I love it! It's not a SLR, so I don't have to buy and carry extra lenses, but it does have lots of awesome features for someone like me who is used to simpler point-and-shoots.

    2. Hey, i have the same camera! That's really cool. i love how it's so much lighter and faster with zoom than a dslr. lovely, lovely photos, by the way :)

    3. Thanks Abigail! Very neat that we have the same camera! You have good tastes ;)

    4. Oh, okay, nice! :D I have a dslr, and am looking into getting a better lens. :)

    5. Awesome! Wish I could be some help, but I'm afraid I'm completely inexperienced. :)

  3. Congratulations on the award, Bethany! Your photos are gorgeous!

  4. Your photos are beautiful!! You have such talent;)
    I wish you the best of luck for the competition!
    Ooh.. those questions are difficult.. but you did an amazing job answering them!
    The Journeys' of my beating heart

  5. Good luck with your photos, both are amazing!!

  6. You are so clever in your replies to the questions. :) The photos are very beautiful. Wishing you all the best in the contest!

  7. I loooooooove the photo of the hummingbird!

    Your answer to the second question cracked me up! It reminds me of Zeno's paradox. Haha.

    1. Ah! Just took a look at Zeno's paradox...very similar! Good read :)

  8. #3....VERY interesting. I'm glad you Googled it for us.

    And congrats on the award Bethany.

    1. I always thought it was strange that he'd call the feather in his hat macaroni, since I think of macaroni as the noodle we often eat with cheese! Glad I know now too!

  9. Bothe photos are gorgeous! Good luck!

  10. I like both of the pics that you're entering. Good luck in the contest. Some very unique questions were asked for that sunshine award, but I soooo enjoyed your answers. Way to go... :D

  11. Absolutely stunning photos, Bethany! Your entries are magnificent and I can't stop staring at their rich hues. So beautiful. Congrats on your award! I enjoyed reading your witty answers.

    Hope you are having a wonderful Friday! Have a blessed weekend :)
    And wanted to just say thank you also for your sweet comments on my blog that I always enjoy reading.

    Blessings and hugs,

    1. Thank you Jazzmin! May the Lord bless and keep you! :)

  12. Congratulations on the award, Bethany! Your photos are stunning!

    Thank you so much for your Congratulations on my blog anniversary!
    Wishing you and yours a lovely weekend. :)

    1. You too! Ah, it's nice to have a weekend again! Thanks!

  13. What stunning photos! And very clever answers, Bethany! I was highly entertained while reading them. :)
    Warm blessings,

  14. Really LOVE your photo of the hummingbird--incredible! Congrats on winning the Sunshine Award:)
    Blessings, Aimee

  15. Congratulations on your award! Those questions were very interesting, and so were your answers. Your photos for the contest are gorgeous. I especially love the contemplating hummingbird. Fantastic shot!

    1. I was pretty surprised to be asked those questions, as most questions asked for awards are much more everyday! Micaela has a talent for the unique!

  16. I have a new lens coming tomorrow. I think it will improve my photos a bit.
    Yours are lovely. I can see why you got an award.

    1. How exciting to be getting a new lens--so many new things you can try! Thanks!
