
Saturday, October 4, 2014

Surveys! (+one for you!)

With the U.S. Senate and Iowa Gubernatorial election only 1 month away, I receive survey phone calls nearly every day.  Since this year is the first senatorial election in the state in 30 years where an incumbent has not run (and won), it is a fiercely contested battle between Republican Joni Ernst and Democrat Bruce Braley.
I figure it makes the phone surveyors' day when someone is willing to talk with them, and since I am a rather opinionated person anyway, I answer their questions.  By now I've completed so many surveys that I could probably be surveying the surveyors with all the typical questions from memory.  Some surveys are seemingly unbiased fact-gathering calls; however, the impartialness of others is questionable.

Survey 1: Are you registered to vote in Iowa? Yes.  Democrat Bruce Braley stands for making sure you have affordable health care and Medicare, ensuring women the right to choose (abortion), increasing the minimum wage, and bringing more jobs to Iowa.  In the upcoming election, will you be voting for Bruce Braley or "Jani"?  Republican Joni Ernst.  Oh, you're right; I'm sorry, Joni Ernst.  Thanks for participating in this survey!

I have a feeling I gave the "wrong" answer on that one!  Some of the others are nearly as biased from the Republican perspective.  And then there are the questions like these:

Survey 2: And for statistical purposes only, what is your age? Twenty.  Are you employed, a homemaker, or retired?  Employed.  (Surveyor--who sounds like she's about my age--laughs) I would guess you're not retired!  

Survey 3: One moment please; I've never given this survey before.  Ok (I refrain from saying I've taken it before and can tell her the questions she needs to ask).  

Joni Ernst does not completely conform to my own political views, but I plan to vote for her because I think she would do a better job than Bruce Braley.  One thing is certain though: I've completed my share of surveys for this election.

Now it's your turn!  The survey below is only 5 questions long.  I'd love to learn more about you and what you like.  Your answers will be anonymous (not even I will see your name), and results will be published for all to see in a future post.  

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.
Many thanks to all who participate!


  1. Bethany interesting post. have a nice weekend.

  2. Fun post. I hope you are enjoying the weekend!

    1. Yes! It was a good one that I was really looking forward to! Nice to have a break from everything once in a while :)

  3. Good evening. I skipped number two because I like them all for whatever topic there is. Very good.

  4. I am rather opinionated too :)
    Blessings, Aimee

    1. No wonder I like reading your blog! ;) Nice to know another opinionated person!

  5. Great post. Thanks for sharing, Bethany.

  6. Fun idea to do a poll on your blog! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

    1. Thanks to you and all who have responded for making it fun! :)

  7. I enjoy all I read. I am tired of politics and fear the worst.

    We are blessed to have springs.

    Have a great week.

    1. I know how you feel! I get pretty discouraged about the political situation whenever I allow myself to think about it deeply.

      Have an awesome week as well!

  8. Hi Bethany - I enjoyed this post and the survey was fun. I usually answer the surveys too, although I do get tired of them.

    1. Hi Mari! Thanks for visiting. I have a suspicion that people like you and I who actually answer surveys are placed on a frequent-call list and are called on for their opinions till either they are worn out or the election happens.

  9. I do not answer call for surveys about politics. I try to educate myself the best I am able and I do vote. I never "talk" politics!! Your survey was fun and that is why I participated!!

    1. Politicians would do well to follow your example and just "do" instead of "talk!"

      Thanks for participating in my survey! :)

  10. Sorry....if this is a repost, I apologize,....our power went out as I was visiting with you.

    I took the survey and it was fun.
    Have a blessed evening Bethany.

  11. Bethany, interesting post and great idea. Thank you for sharing. Best wishes to you.

  12. You have such a humorous slant to your writing. Love it. I admire you for taking the time to do those surveys. I did yours and it was fun. Thanks!

    1. Thanks Gail! Unfortunately since I wrote this post the survey-taking bots have started calling me...much less fun than taking a survey from a human!

  13. I don't get calls for polls anymore since we pulled the home phone and both use our cell phones instead. I could give an ear full too, since I am so full of ideas on how the government should be run! :)

    1. If only more politicians would take our advice! ;)

  14. lovely blog, i saw you thrue other blogger...will visit more to read your posts..blessings
