
Monday, December 29, 2014

Lessons I Learned at Bethany: Devotion

The next lesson we learn at Bethany is devotion.  Are you willing to give your all for Jesus, even though your actions will be criticized?
Mary brought an alabaster box of very precious ointment of spikenard, broke the box, and poured the ointment on Jesus' head.  Her actions were immediately criticized.  "Why was this waste of ointment made?  For it might have been sold for more than three hundred pence, and have been given to the poor," critics said.

Today, as you follow the Lord, you may be told you are wasting your time and your life.  Long before I was born, my papa was street preaching when an old lady walked up to him and said, "You have such a nice voice; it's a pity you waste it preaching!"  She was wrong.  Now is the time to lay up treasures in heaven.  The life wasted is the life not devoted to Jesus Christ.  As the saying goes: "Only one life, 'twill soon be past.  Only what's done for Christ will last."
Linking with:
The Enchanting Rose
"I have held many things in my hands, and I have lost them all;
but whatever I have placed in God's hands, that I still possess."--Martin Luther


  1. Olá amiga...Feliz ano novo!
    Seguimos nossa caminhada na construção de um mundo mais justo, fraterno, humano, harmonioso e de doação.
    Todos somos promotores da Paz...que começa em nossos corações e se estende a tudo que nos rodeia!!!
    Obrigada por fazer parte da minha história de vida!
    UM ABENÇOADO 2015!!!!

  2. A good reminder! Far too much of what we work towards is not lasting.

  3. Thoughtful post Bethany. You are wise beyond your years.

    1. Thanks Rick. I still have a lot to learn. Blessings to you!

  4. I don't like to share with people about Jesus Christ because it's not my business to inform them. Their beliefs are their business and I prefer to leave them alone.

    1. The way I think of it is as if I found a really good restaurant. I'd write a review and tell other people about how good the restaurant is in person. If people think another restaurant is better or hate the restaurant I like, that is their own business and their own choice. It's not my job to convince them otherwise or argue about it, just mention how good it is so they don't have to miss out if they don't want to. ;)

    2. I feel like I need to educate you. Most d/Deaf people are direct and literal because it's part of Deaf Culture. Don't be offended when a d/Deaf person wants to tell you directly, it's because they want to inform you directly. It's okay to use "you" statements to d/Deaf person. If you want to talk with d/Deaf person, I encourage you to be direct with them. It's not nice not to be direct with d/Deaf people.

    3. Thanks for your advice. I did not use "you" statements in my reply because I can only speak for myself. You can believe and do as you think best. Have a happy New Year!

  5. You are indeed wise beyond your years, dear Bethany. Lovely post and photo.

  6. Now, more than ever, we need to be laying up our treasures in heaven. No time to sleep - remember the parable of the ten virgins.

    1. True, there's so much in this life that is not important, and we need to make sure we are not overly distracted by the things that are eternally insignificant.

    2. Just popping back in to wish you a very blessed 2015!


    3. The same to you! Happy New Year!

  7. Bethany, you are very wise indeed.. A lesson for all of us to remember.. Thanks for sharing.. I wish you all the best in 2015, Happy New Year!

  8. A beautiful post and one we all need to take to heart. Thank you Bethany.

  9. WONDERFUL POST!! Filled with wisdom and devotion.
    I wanted to stop by today to send along my best wishes for you and your family in the year 2015. Happy New Year, and cheers.

  10. Wishing you the best for the new year Bethany!

  11. I like that Martin Luther quotation! Most of my young life I was taught to look forward to the great escape from earth, rather than the building of the Kingdom. Sad, but true.

    1. It's important to do what we can do now. Blessings to you!

  12. To believers we know the truth to others we seem to be (offending) them. But you are right in what you said. It is important to share our faith even if others don't share the same beliefs.
    Thanks for not being afraid to share your faith.
    It's been a pleasure blogging with you this year. Happy New Year.

    1. True. It has been a pleasure for me to know you and keep in touch via our blogs this year as well! Happy New Year!

  13. I there and thanks for all of the comments during this year - there is a slight chance that work may bring me to Iowa in 2015, so keep an ear out for an English sounding Australia!

    Hope you have a good New Year and an even better 2015!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

    1. If you do come to Iowa, be sure to let me know. It's always a pleasure to meet fellow bloggers!
      Happy New Year!

  14. i think this is a very good article. but that quote by Luther just hit me right between the eyes. thanks for this, Bethany.

    1. Thanks Abigail! Martin Luther did have some good things to say.

  15. Happy New Year to you, dear Bethany. God bless you.

  16. Amen! Beautifully said. May your 2015 be very blessed!

  17. I have a very deep respect for you Bethany, even though my beliefs are very different. I am happy for you, for the strength, values and moral fiber your faith provides for you!!!

    1. Thank you Debbie! I am happy for my faith, and grateful to know people like you!

  18. Those that don't know Jesus can never know the joy of doing what you are led by the Spirit to do. I look forward to your blog in the new year.

  19. Wow Bethany, what a great post! What you said at the end, "Now is the time to lay up treasures in heaven. The life wasted is the life not devoted to Jesus Christ." Amen, amen, amen! Such wise words, my dear. I am so thankful you shared this post at Roses of Inspiration - it was a blessing and encouragement to me.

    Hugs to you!

    1. Thank you for hosting Roses of Inspiration! God bless!

  20. What a precious post! Thank you so much for sharing. mari

  21. Great reminder. Yes the time is now for us to dig in and share the gospel all the more. Glad to hear your dad is still proclaiming the good news. Like the quote from Martin Luther.
