
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The Road of Life

On this road of life we've traveled many miles
Surviving only by His grace.
It will be worth the agony and the trials
When we shall see Him face to face.

We've oft been confused as we journeyed this road,
And giants have compassed our trail.
These troubles can't compare to glory I am told,
Where we will see beyond the veil.

Our problems are far surpassed by Christ's love.
He leads us as sheep of His fold.
Soon we shall see His glory and splendor above; 
His promises He shall uphold.

My fondest desire is to dwell in His presence.
His mercy is without measure.
Jesus alone is our rock, tower, and defense;
The fount of true joy and pleasure.
© Bethany Carson 2014


  1. Bethany great poem. Definitely our life is a road.And what is more full of ups and downs.Life is endless journey as we reach to the end. Happy New Yera from Poland. Gosia. I hope your road in 2015 will be friendly and comfortable every day.

  2. Nice words Bethany.
    A happy, healthy and photogenic 2015 for you and all your loved ones.

    1. Thanks Irma! I do hope it's a photogenic year ;). Have a happy 2015!

  3. Beautiful poem, Bethany! I wish you all the best in 2015! Happy New Year to you and your family!

  4. blessings to you, bethany. your faith is your strength. :)

  5. Beautiful poem, Bethany!
    Wishing you and your family a Wonderful New Year!

  6. Such a beautiful poem, Bethany, and excellent words to ponder in our hearts.
    Last night as I prayed in the New Year sitting at the feet of my Precious Savior, 2 Timothy 4:7 "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith." was the verse that kept coming to my mind.
    This road that we travel isn't always so easy, but by the grace of God, He will see us through if we would just walk in the Spirit allowing Him the lead.
    The desire of my heart is to "finish well" with what He has called me to do.

    This was a lovely read to the start of a New Year, Bethany.

    Many blessings to you as you begin another year faithfully serving our Jesus.
    Joy to you, Debbie

    1. Amen. I've heard "If you're not struggling, you're not alive." Thankfully the Lord blesses us with plenty of happiness as well. Good verse. If when we come to the end of our journey Jesus says "Well done, good and faithful servant," that will be a beautiful moment.

      Have a happy New Year!

  7. Happy New Year Bethany! That's a great poem.

  8. Beautifully written, Bethany! All the best in 2015!

  9. That's such a pretty poem! I feel like the New Year is a new beginning to venture out and learn more about Hin and His plan. I hope you're 2015 will be great!

    xoxo Morning

    1. Yes. Every new year and new day is an opportunity. Have a great year as well!

  10. Beautiful, Bethany! Happy New Year and blessings to you and yours.

  11. You poets impress me! I wanted to switch a word on your poem, but then I'd have had a triplet...couplets are bad enough...not good. So point is, I can't write poetry for beans and you CAN! I really like the theme. A happy and blessed 2015 to you!

    1. I'd be interested in hearing your suggested word switch. One brain can only think of so much, and when I write something I often miss things that a second reader could easily find and improve. Always good to keep the suggestions in mind for next time! Happy New Year!

  12. Yes, Bethany! This is the amazing road of life I too believe we are on. I'm wishing you and yours a very creative blessed 2015.

  13. Happy New Year, Bethany! Wishing you a blessed and beautiful year ahead.

  14. Beautiful, dear Bethany. Happy New Year to you. :)

    1. Thanks! Have a happy New Year as well...your posts always brighten my day!

  15. May this new year be filled with many spiritual blessings Bethany. Wishing you peace, joy, love and faith always.
    Blessings, Aimee
    PS: Great bridge photo!

    1. Thanks Aimee! Those are wonderful blessings to have; the same to you!

  16. Replies
    1. Yes. Sometimes it's hard to keep track of which turns and off/on-ramps to take, and make sure we don't get stuck in the traffic! Best to have a good road-map handy!

  17. You inspiring me my darling with your this lovely poem, Thank you for sharing with us. Wishing you a wonderful New Year!!! Liuba x

  18. Very well written. have a wonderful and blessed new year!

  19. This post is a blessing. Thank you Bethany!

  20. a beautiful image to represent your lovely words. my beliefs are different then yours, but I have so much respect for the words you have written. you do have a gift Bethany, thanks for sharing it here!!!!

  21. God bless you and yours in the New Year!
    Lovely writing!

  22. This is beautiful. I am printing it out to read every day this year. - Thanks.

  23. Beautiful, absolutely beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing this, Bethany. May your new year be full of God's sweet joy and His precious blessings!

    1. Thank you Stephanie! Praying the Lord gives you a delightful and peaceful year as well.

  24. Great b&w photo! Beautiful words!

    1. Thanks Birgitta. There is a little color in the photo, but it is pretty close to b&w!

  25. Bethany, that is such a beautiful poem! My faith has been a struggle lately and this reminded me of all I hope for. Thank you.

    1. As the song says, "Life is hard, but God is good!" Blessings to you Gail!

  26. Wonderful poem Bethany, brought a tear to my eye and hope to my heart!

  27. Beautifully written.
    Every word so true.

  28. Beautiful poem Bethany and very true words, very wise ones, you are a very talented... your poetry is simply amazing and inspiring. Thank you for sharing.

  29. Praise God for that blessed hope we have in Jesus Christ. Maranatha Lord Jesus.
