
Thursday, March 12, 2015

eShakti and a Good Fence

There are many interesting places that can only be found by travelling the backroads of Iowa.  On my way to a painting job the other day, this fence caught my eye.  When my order from eShakti came in the mail, I decided I'd like to use the fence as a backdrop for my photos.

Imagine my surprise and delight when the owner and creator of the fence came out to say hello.  I knew her from several concerts, but had no idea where she lived.  It's a small world!  She heard about the old wheels at an auction and asked a friend to bid on some.  He purchased *all* of them, and she decided to put them to good use!  Now, on to my review... 

EShakti is an online women's clothing store based in India that offers a wide selection of retro-modern, boho, and contemporary style clothing.  A customer chooses the item she likes, picks a preferred neckline, sleeve type, and/or dress length, and then either chooses a size; or for an additional charge, sends in her measurements for a custom fit.

In early February, an eShakti representative offered me a choice of any garment in their blogger selection for free in exchange for an honest review.  I was surprised at the offer since I'm not a fashion blogger, but it sounded like a deal!   

The hardest part was picking which clothing item to review from the mouth-watering selection available.  Skirts were out since the only skirts I like are the ones I make myself (with plenty of blood, sweat, and tears).  The three dresses and the cape pictured above were some of my severest temptations.  However, although I enjoy looking at dresses, I haven't met a dress I've liked wearing since I was a little girl, and I didn't want to ask eShakti to do the impossible.

My dear blogging friend, Paige, did order what was also one of my top selections, the vine dress.  Check out her review here.
So, I ordered this blouse--a style I like, a color I like, and custom made to fit.  

Twelve days after I placed my order, it shipped from India.  It took another eleven days for the package to arrive, in part because the shipping service had a difficult time locating me here in the Iowa cornfields.
As far as comfort goes, I'd give the shirt five stars.  The cotton fabric is soft enough that it would nearly be comfortable enough to sleep in.  I like the fit, and the product is good quality.  

If I were a celebrity, I would be in the news all the time for "recycling" garments (wearing them twice...or actually, as far as I'm concerned, fifty or more times!  So I will be testing the shirt's durability.)  My policy is, when you find a good thing, stick with it!  eShakti did an excellent job.  I'm pleased and grateful for the opportunity to review their work.

Promotional code to save 10% on orders made before April 13th: libertyordeath.

Thus ends my glamorous career as a model.  Coming soon: my debut as an actress!

Check out other fence posts at:


  1. you're cute. :) you look very pretty, and that's a perfect backdrop, too. how neat that you knew the owner. i do like how she built her fence.

    1. It's a very neat way to make an otherwise ordinary fence look beautiful!

  2. I love the blouse and it looks great on you Bethany! Oh and I like the fence too, especially those old wheels.

  3. Such a cute blouse!! :D The colors look so beautiful on you. :)

    1. Thank you, Sarah! Blue is one of my my favorite colors to wear.

  4. Love the fence, but the clothes are even better. Nothing like a good deal when it comes to clothing, and modest ones at that. Very nice.

  5. GREAT fence. That blouse looks great on you and that is a darling skirt. Looks like it is cut on the bias and probably a devil to work with. But it is great! Hoep you have a great night- xo Diana

    1. Just about any sewing is a challenge for me! I dislike doing it, but I've found that often the best way of having something done the way I like is to do it myself. :) Have a beautiful day!

  6. Really cute blouse and it looks like it fits great! I like the fence too.

  7. This outfit is very becoming on you!

  8. You've picked a very fine blouse and it goes
    perfect together with that pretty fence :)

    Have a beautiful day!

  9. The fences in the first shot are all wonderful but I am especially fond of the wheel fence. You look wonderful posed in front of it in your new clothes. Very good review! Hope the outfit wears well for a long time!

    1. I'm hoping so as well. It seems durable at least. Thanks Marie!

  10. The blouse looks very nice on you, Bethany, I like it very much!
    I really liked all the photos you shared here!
    You are so cute!!!

  11. That's quite an unusual fence. And cute top!

  12. Pretty blouse Bethany! Great colors for you & love it with that skirt. Perfect fence backdrop too. ;)

  13. Oh I love that shirt! Awesome choice. :-D Your post reminded me... I'll be passing through your Iowa cornfields in three weeks! I'll take some pictures for sure. Last time I passed through Iowa it was really late at night, so I couldn't see anything. I am excited!

    1. Hope you have an awesome trip! Iowa is a lot more exciting to see in the daylight! :)

  14. That is a very pretty blouse and it looks terrific on you. I also love that skirt you're wearing. So pretty. And I agree totally "when you find a good thing, stick with it!".

    1. Thank you Martha! Sometimes good things can be hard to find!

  15. Hi Bethany, You are going to do well no matter what you do. I think you should consider doing more modeling. My wife gets lots of fashion catalogs ... you would fit in there perfectly. :-) Very cool that you got the offer for a free garment in exchange for a review. Nice work! Have a fine weekend! John

    1. Thank you, John! Have an awesome weekend as well!

  16. It looks very good on you! You made a great choice and so did eShakti!

  17. Very nicely appointed, Bethany and the fence is lovely too!
    Did you know of Girl Skirt Mission?
    Have a Beautiful Day!
    Peace :)

    1. No, I had never heard of it. I enjoyed perusing their website. It looks like they have some very interesting Asian-style clothing. My Thai grandmother gave me a traditional purple wrap-around skirt, which is very similar to some of the styles Girl Skirt Mission has. A few years back some of the mothers and grandmothers of scholastic chess players would wear their saris to tournaments: they were always beautiful and neat to see!

  18. Bethany Definitely your landscape is different from my Polish one.. What about your garments you look great

    1. I enjoy your posts about Poland, Gosia! Always neat to learn more about another country and culture!

  19. Love that blouse! I have been on eshakti several times but just can't make up my mind! Everything is so pretty!

    1. I know! It's a real challenge for sure! I'm glad I finally made up my mind!

  20. I like that you chose the fence as your back drop. It really makes the outfit you're wearing that much more beautiful. :)

  21. Great fence shot and beautiful outfit!

  22. Nice fence, Bethany, and you look lovely, and I really like your outfit. :) Very cool that you knew the owner, it is indeed a small world.

    1. It's surprising how many times you can run into people you know when you're least expecting it!

  23. That's a great looking blouse and the color is awesome. You look really nice in it. - Also a great fence.

  24. Beautiful blouse, Bethany! I have a dress from eShakti and I love it! I am taller so it's hard to find knee-length skirts and dresses, but with them I was able to customize it :)

    1. I do like their customization option! It's nice to be able to get clothes that fit correctly!

  25. It is indeed a challenge to find skirts that are a good style and that fit just right! I'm just slightly taller than the national average for women, so there are plenty that would be a nice length, but most are too loose, too tight, or too straight (I can be picky ;) ). I imagine it would be even harder for someone taller!

  26. That is a really pretty and practical blouse! A great choice for you--though I can't relate to your dislike of wearing dresses. :) I have found that my clothes from eShakti hold up very well--when the weather is hot, I wear my cotton dresses from them every day that I teach, that way I look professional and I'm not too hot in the crowded classrooms!

    1. Sounds like a good strategy! You look very nice in dresses as well--love your fashion posts!

  27. The blouse suits you so well. I never heard about eShakti, will have a look. Thank you, Beth! Liuba x

  28. I like the pictures very much. You're looking pretty good with your blouse. The fence is nice and the landscape is amazing, especially the blue of the sky.

    1. Thanks Enrique! There's nothing like a clear, sunny, and warm day!

  29. Shows what I know, I had to google EShakti to see what it is and all I needed to do was scroll down. What a learning experience! Tom The Backroads Traveller
