
Tuesday, May 26, 2015

A Hike and a Canoe Trip

"The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep."  --Robert Frost
This spring we have been canoeing in and hiking around the Iowa River and Pine Lake.  Photos here are assorted shots from the lake on March 28th and the river on April 16th & May 9th.  You'll notice some variety in the stages of spring.

"There is a spot to me more dear than native vale or mountain, a spot for which affection's tear springs grateful from its fountain.  'Tis not where kindred souls abound, though that is almost heaven; but where I first my Savior found, and felt my sins forgiven!"  --William Hunter

The bridge on the lower right is no longer in use.  We might never have known it was there,had we not travelled down the river.
“Lord, thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations. Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God.”--Psalm 90:1-2

"There is no school equal to a decent home and no teacher equal to a virtuous parent."  --Ghandi

"I don't think of all the misery, but of the beauty that still remains."  --Anne Frank
"Think about all the beauty still left around you and be happy."  --Anne Frank

"I am still determined to be cheerful and happy, in whatever situation I may be; for I have also learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions, 
and not upon our circumstances." --Martha Washington

"For in the true nature of things, if we rightly consider, every green tree is far more glorious 
than if it were made of gold or silver."  --Martin Luther

The stretch of land beside the river on the upper left used to be a dump or junkyard.  There are still old cars and other large items.  On the right is the Hardin City Bridge.  It was moved from the river and sits beside a gravel road.  Hardin City is a ghost town that even the ghosts have forsaken.  The bridge and the Hardin City woods remain; that's about it.
"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched.  
They must be felt with the heart."  --Helen Keller
Linking with:
Wild Bird WednesdayThe Enchanting Rose


  1. Hello Bethany,
    Beautiful pictures and collages.
    The first and the fourth photo collage I find really great.
    I wish you a nice new week.
    Best regards, Irma

  2. Bethany, these pictures are absolutely beautiful! It looks like you all are having a lovely time. My favorite one is probably of the woodpecker. :)

    Dani from A Vapor in the Wind

    1. Thanks Dani! The red-bellied woodpeckers and flickers seem to be most common woodpeckers I see around here. I saw a red-headed one the other day, but it flew away before I had a chance to photograph it; I'll have to be quicker on the draw next time!

  3. Hi Bethany! Lots of lovely things to see and admire! You captured the geese taking off so well!
    I really enjoyed the quotes and Scriptures you included.
    Have a blessed week!

    1. You too, Christine! And thanks! The continuous shot setting made it so much easier to get 1 or 2 decent photos!

  4. Hello Bethany, Looks like fun times and wonderful images from your outings. I love the geese and the woodpecker and the cute puppy dog.

  5. ooooo that frost quote is awesome!!! looks like my kinda' trip/place!! really amazing images, i really like the one of you!!!

  6. cute photo of you! love the happy pup and sweet geese.

    1. The geese were fun to watch. On our first trip we saw them at the lake--they were much more cooperative than the ducks when it came to having their photos taken. Our second trip we saw various geese nesting along the Iowa River, and finally, on the third date, we saw a goose with her goslings.

  7. Nice spring at your palce and woodpacker is the same as in Poland..

  8. Spring certainly is a beautiful time. It's nice to see new life.

  9. Beautiful photos! Was it hard for you to take photos of the geese and the woodpeckers? It's not easy for me to take bird photography; when I'm out in a public place and I see a bird, I try to sneak up close to it without startling it, but to everyone else I just well, look awkward. It's nice to go exploring and canoeing, too, with the season's weather faring nicely! ^.^

    xoxo Morning

    1. I was out by and on the river and in the park that surrounds the lake, and there weren't (m)any people around, other than my family. But, I know what you mean! I took a lot of a few out of the many I took turned out.

  10. I always enjoy your posts! We live near Pine Lake too! Pine Lake in Manchester, NJ! We live on the fringes of the great Jersey Pine Barrens. The Ridgeway Branch, that flows out of Pine Lake runs right through our back yard!

    Thank you for sharing! God bless!

    1. How neat! Our Pine Lake runs into the Iowa River; it's fed by springs in the lake and a little creek that runs through a neighbor's land. Blessings to you!

  11. A beautiful collection of photos.

  12. Lovely pictures Bethany and I really did enjoy all the quotes too, especially that one by Martha Washington.

    1. That's one of my all-time favorites. I keep it on my FB profile's quote list. :)

  13. That Martha Washington quote I have not seen before. Love it; so true! Enjoyed your images of the hike, and especially the sweet photo of you looking at your camera. :)

  14. Beautiful shots as always, Bethany! I enjoyed seeing the picture of your parents and faithful canine. I also like the variety of the scenery, and how it's an adventure with different parts to it.

  15. Great photos and I love all the outdoor things your family does. How fun to see a picture of your parents, too! They are a great looking couple! And I LOVE that picture of you with your camera!!!! xo Diana

    1. I'm really glad to know them. ;) Actually they had just celebrated their 22nd anniversary around the time I took that photo. Thanks Diana!

  16. Stunning captures!

  17. You must have had blast, Bethany. I like the photos from the trip.
    What kind of canoe did you use? Was it made of wood of man-made fibers?
    Have a Beautiful Day!!
    Peace :)

    1. I don't know exactly what kind of canoe it is, but I would guess it's fiberglass.
      Have a great day as well!

  18. Nice group of pictures, ghost towns are so photogenic, what an interesting place this must be to explore!

    1. It is a fun area for hiking. But the ghost town is more or less invisible ;). There is, of course, plenty of surviving nature around to admire though.

  19. Lovely post and my favouite is the Woodpecker

  20. I love your photos and the quotes! I have a cousin who live in Iowa and says it's the prettiest place. Your photos second that!

    1. If you ever head out this way to visit your cousin, I'd love to meet you!

  21. A great post Bethany. Love the Woodpecker and the goslings are very cute.

  22. Great post, Bethany, with beautiful photos and wonderful quotes. And I really like that image of you.

    1. Thanks Martha! I have to thank my sister for that one.

  23. This moved so many ways! God bless you, Bethany! I felt an underlying message in your quotes today, and these lovely images...that we have to find beauty and happiness in spite of all that lies ahead. Your canoe trips yielded some real beauty and peacefulness! I am happy to see a photo of your parents...they did well with you! :-) And, I appreciate the deep well of your faith...greater than many twice your age!

    1. Glad bless you too! Thank you for your kind words.

  24. Lovely photos all of them! Looks like you've had a great time outdoors this spring.

    1. After a long winter, spring is very welcome! :)

  25. Such wonderful photos. Looks like a very nice place to spend time.

  26. Beth, all these photos are extremely beautiful. I am glad you enjoying this spring. Seems like you had great of fun. God bless you all, Liuba x

  27. What lovely photos, Bethany! I felt like I was right there with you enjoying God's beautiful creation. Love the photo of you with your camera :)

    Thanks for sharing with Roses of Inspiration. Enjoy your day!

  28. Beautiful Bethany! I love the photos and the quotes to go along with it. I haven't been canoeing in ages and used to go a lot more often when I was younger. I need to plan a canoe trip this summer. Thanks for such lovely inspiration. xoxo

    1. There is something peaceful about floating down the river. All the best in your summer plans!

  29. Great set of pictures - and I love that last shot of the woodpecker!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  30. Loved the post! The photos are awesome and the quotes are very true, I love the photo of you and your camera I must say, you look very happy. The scenery of the place is so beautiful glad you all had a wonderful time.

    1. Thanks Laura! It would have been hard not to be happy hiking while surrounded by God's wonderful creation and the people I love.

  31. Looks like a great hike. You saw some really neat things. I liked the geese on the water and the woodpecker and seeing the old bridge. Your parents and the dog was a really nice shot.

  32. Hi Bethany, If you will go over to Google Maps and put in "Pine Lake, Iowa" you will see how they describe it ... "Lush area for camping and fishing." I found this interesting because my default mental picture of Iowa is of vast fields of corn and other field crops. Now, if you will zoom out, you will see that spot where your pictures were taken is right in the part of North America with so many lakes that must be attractive to birds migrating in the spring and fall. How do you think birding would be around there in September and early October? And, as always, you do a great job of putting the photos together with quotations and/or scripture. Nice work Bethany!

    1. Well, for the most part your default mental picture is correct. A very large part of Iowa is covered with corn and soybeans, but not all. It is pretty neat to watch the birds when they flock/swarm in the fall. Thank you John!
