
Friday, May 29, 2015

Cars at Culvers

Driving through Marshalltown on our way to Menards the other day, Papa and I noticed many classic cars on the road.  Where were they all headed?  We soon found out.  The Culver's parking lot was filled with beautiful, classy rides--and people admiring them.  It wasn't something we were going to miss!  I've paid to visit a museum with cars like these.
"The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page."  --St. Augustine

Life is a journey, I've been told.
You must be strong; you must be bold.
Deep within our hearts we hold
A promise of far more worth than gold.

The path is rough; the way is cold.
Sometimes we travel a B-maintenance road
"Paved" with cheapest gravel sold
With bridges that barely carry the load.

Sometimes it seems we run out of gas.
Our fenders get rusted, old, and tired.
We wonder with every mile we pass,
If we will reach the point desired.

In spite of our weakness, God gives us strength:
Courage to continue, faith to go on.
How deep is His love; how great is its length.
He imparts grace to face the dawn.
"Happiness is a way of travel, not a destination."  --Roy M. Goodman
(Don't ask me why I have a weird feeling this quote was not intended as a caption for hot rods and seems appropriate enough!)

You never know what you will run into (Why, oh why, do they have these figures of speech?) on a trip to town!  Sometimes it's all in being blessed/fortunate enough to be at the right place at the right time.

"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.  
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."  --Proverbs 3:5-6


  1. cannot help but admire the older classic who are loved and restored!

  2. Some fine automobiles, Bethany. So clean and shiny and a good collection too.
    Glad you had a great time!
    Have a Great Weekend!
    Peace :)

  3. So fun to "run into" a car show! Great pics, cars are not the easiest things to photograph! Loved your word/poem pairings too, Bethany!

  4. What a fun find! There were so many beautiful cars there and you did a great job of taking photos of them. I was enjoying the poem and wondering where you found one that fit so well, then I saw you wrote it. Perfect! You are very talented.

    1. Thanks Mari! I scoured the net for quotes about traveling, etc. but wasn't able to find enough good ones, so I decided I might as well try to write a poem to fit the post.

  5. We see them here on occasion, too, Bethany. They are so great...and so fun to see them. Some of these guys have a fortune invested just in paint jobs. xo Diana

    1. It does seem like it would be an expensive hobby!

  6. Those cars are quite lovely!

    xoxo Morning

  7. Wow, what a spectacular gathering. Great captures, Bethany! I especially love the very old cars. Not something you see every day.

    1. It was a delightful surprise to see these beauties.

  8. I love those classic cars! There were certainly some beauties at Culver's that day!

  9. How serendipitous was that and you got some really nice pictures too!

  10. Hi Bethany,
    These are wonderful old cars.
    Have a happy weekend.
    Best regards, Irma

  11. Hello Bethany, what a great collection of vintage cars. It is nice to see so many well cared for too. Have a happy weekend!

  12. Lovely cars! I especially like the powder blue truck! I really wanted to find one of those near me for my senior pictures but sadly I couldn't. Have a great weekend!

    1. Ah, that is too bad! An old car like that would be neat prop to have in senior pictures.

  13. Oh! How fantastic to have seen all those old cars, Bethany! I love old cars...they're just so much more detailed than the fancy ones you get nowadays...just my humble opinion, though:D
    Here where we live in South Africa, there is an annual motor show, and for days before and after it you can spot hundreds of old cars on the roads which is great!

    The poem you wrote is simply lovely...I agree with dear Mari, you are very talented!
    And I love how you added quotes in between the car pictures -- it just fits so well:)
    Hugs to you and hope you're having a wonderful weekend!

    1. Sounds like that must be a great time to visit South Africa! Considering what part of the world you live in, owners of beautiful old cars probably wouldn't face the salt-on-winter-roads problem that we have up here--i.e. it's more or less only safe to drive cars like that in the summer here, because otherwise the salt might damage them. But I'm sure there are other challenges...

      Have a delightful week!

  14. Very nice Classic Car Album there Bethany *Cheers* -Jimio

  15. Wonderful pictures and such a beautiful poem I can truly relate too (you are very talented!!) , love the old vintage cars (makes me wish I was back in time). Hope you are having a fantastic weekend.

  16. Oh, that's a neat colour assortment, too. Not all one sort of car. I hope you were able to get a good look inside as well.

    1. Yep, gawkers (or shall I say admirers of beautiful cars) like myself were free to look in the windows. :)

  17. Old cars are beautiful! Have a lovely Sunday.

  18. A '57 black beauty! Tom The Backroads Traveller

    1. It would be hard for me to choose just one to keep if given the the chance. But that one is a nice one.

  19. I love vintage cars, the cars are beautiful and lovingly restored.

  20. Cool cars. Isn't it fun when you get to see them for Free.

  21. Seemingly spontaneous gatherings of really cool cars are pretty common in Michigan, too--there was one every Saturday night all summer long in the parking lot of a local hardware store down the road from where we lived.
    And just yesterday Angel was talking about how much he misses Culver's.

    1. And I had never tried Culver's until a year I'd lived in such ignorance is hard to imagine! I remember either in one of your blog posts or in your book that you once wrote that the way to show Angel you loved him was to buy him a hamburger/junk food. Hopefully you've found a different way (or different place to buy hamburgers) in China!

      The classic car gatherings sound like fun to live near!

  22. Hi Bethany, You continue to amaze me ... in this post it's your poetry ... wonderful! And the old cars ... wow. Is there anyone who doesn't love old cars? I don't think so. What a neat post ... thanks for taking us along!

    1. Thanks for visiting John! :) I don't know if there's anyone who doesn't love old cars, but I have met some people who don't like pie (!), so I wouldn't be sure.

  23. Those are some pretty nifty cars. Enjoyed the pics very much. I love your puns, and that bible verse from Proverbs. Hope you have a blessed week.

  24. Ahhh I love all these classic cars and all the colours of course hehee

    1. I like your knack for cheery colors in your fashion blogging, Liuba.

  25. i love car shows like these!!! some great classics pictured here!!!!!!

    1. They made some good-looking rides back in the day.

  26. Those are beautiful cars! I like the poem too.

  27. Hi Bethany! I thought it was high time I came over here to socialize as you're always so good about commenting on my blog! :)

    The cars are AMAZING! WOW! The powder-blue truck caught my eye more than any.... what a neat vehicle. My Dad and brothers enjoy watching "Top Gear" - a very car-filled show - but these old classics have something special :) Thanks for sharing them with us!


    1. Julia! So happy you came over for a visit! I always enjoy reading your blog.

      I've heard of Top Gear before, but never watched it.

  28. Classic cars are so cool looking! What a fun find - thanks for sharing Hon!! ;) xo

  29. Very interesting post, Bethany. The pictures show nice classic cars. I like them and drove an automatic Dodge Aspen many years ago. It was very comfortable and good for travel.

    1. Some of the photos I see of Dodge Aspens do look nice, depending on how good of shape they're in. My family is into Fords, but we still enjoy looking at other makes.

  30. Hi again Bethany!
    I just wanted to let you know I nominated you for a Liebster award as I love reading your blog. If you want to get more info and accept go to my blog: xoxo
    Blessings and peace sweet Gal ;)

  31. We have a place close by that has a gathering of classic cars every Thuirsday evening. I always forget to go get pictures! This looked like fun. I also enjoyed your quotes. It's so true about the person not traveling only reading one page of the book of life. I think travel is SOOO important! I feel fortunate that we were always able in times past to go see some place new.

    1. It can be hard to remember to get pictures of something close to home! But it sounds like you'll have another chance with every week--how neat. Down where you live there must be some real beauties, as they probably wouldn't have as much trouble with winter roads.
