
Thursday, July 30, 2015

The Keystone Arch Bridge

A couple months ago we gave a concert at a senior citizens' condo.  While visiting over cookies afterward, I asked a few people about their favorites places to visit in Iowa.  One man told me about the Keystone Arch Bridge in Elkader and showed me a beautiful painting he had purchased depicting it.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Pete's Hamburger Stand

Pete's Hamburgers, a family-owned business in Prairie du Chien, claims to make the world's best hamburgers.  For decades, my family has agreed.  After listening to my papa and grandparents talk about these hamburgers, I first gave them a try in 2006.  When we visited Wisconsin for Cryslyn's reception, we had to stop at Pete's again.  

The only thing Pete's makes is hamburgers ($4.25), though they do sell water, pop, and chips, as well as souvenirs.  The hamburgers are simmered in water with onions, which moisten the bun around the burger.  The meat is good quality, moist, and tender.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Expenses, Relativity, and Elephants

Talk with any older person, and he or she will tell you how expensive everything is today.  The value of money has significantly lessened, but I won't argue that a lot of things are expensive.  What defines expensiveness?  

Today I was researching cell phone plans.  One was $30 a month for a 30-month contract.  I gawked, "Argh, that's expensive!  Imagine spending $900 for a phone/on phone bills."  But then, what is $30 worth?
Apparently this plate of mashed potatoes, salad, veggies, a roll, chicken, and a fish fillet is worth $30.   My parents took me out to my papa's high school reunion, where we dined at the Sunnyside Country Club in Waterloo.  I am still in shock--thirty dollars for a meal, served buffet style, with no dessert!  It was good, but my mom and grandma can fix meals just as delicious--and they don't charge.    

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Ankeny Chess Tournament

We left home for the July tournament in Ankeny early Saturday morning.  On our way we stopped at Casey's for donuts and later at McDonald's to buy McMuffins.  The tournament location, the FFA Enrichment Center, did not seem familiar, but Papa reminded me of a tournament we had attended there several years ago in the large conference rooms. 

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Wellsburg Veterans Memorial

Before heading back home after visiting The Wellsburger, we stopped at the Wellsburg Veterans Memorial, pictured below.  It is almost surprising how many small towns in our area have beautiful memorials to our veterans.   

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Breakfast at The Wellsburger

A few mornings ago, my sisters, brother, and I decided to take the approximately five-mile bike ride to Wellsburg, Iowa to stop at The Wellsburger for breakfast.
Now that the Wellsburger has been open for two years, we decided it was high time to visit.  In any case, the fact that it's still in business in a small town like Wellsburg proves that the proprietors, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Roder, must be doing something right.