
Monday, September 28, 2015

Always There for Me

As long as the mountains stand,
As the sun for ages has brilliantly shined,
I’ll go with you as to the end this trail does wind
I’ll always be there to hold your hand.

My child, you’ll ever find,
As you walk through this world so grand,
My love is greater than the sea and sand,
As ‘twas when I your pardon signed.
Greater love is mine,
Than any man could give at demand.
Here, alone with Christ, I stand:
Let pause the ages and time.
 Even after the earth be removed and heavens flee,
Jesus will always be there for me.
© 2011 Bethany Carson
Linking with:
The Enchanting Rose


  1. Lovely and inspiring, Bethany! Blessings to you! xo Karen

  2. This is awesome! Such a great reminder! Lovely photos, too. ;-)

  3. Bethany, This is a beautiful post! And your images are lovely, sweet girl. Simply lovely all the way around!!!
    Hopped over from Roses of Inspiration blog hop and I also saw the post in my email. :)

  4. Beautiful post and photos, Bethany! Thanks for sharing!

  5. This is so beautiful! Lovely photos and writing. Thank for sharing!

  6. Wow, nice floral photography Bethany. :)

    1. It's fun taking pictures (as I'm sure you know). ;)

  7. Beautiful quotes. I especially like the second one where my pardon was signed. Praise God.

  8. So beautiful - the photos and the lovely words. Just love it. Thanks sweet Gal. xo

  9. Your faith full words are encouraging along with your beautiful photos, Bethany. The Lord's loving Presence with us, faithful and true throughout the ages, is hard to fathom with our minds, and incredible to sense with our hearts, isn't it. xx

  10. Beautiful words Bethany, these words would go well with music as a song of praise! Oh and nice pictures too by the way!

    1. Thanks! My sister and I have set several of my poems to music, but music for this one hasn't come to me. If you can think of anything, I'd love to hear it.

  11. Very inspiring post with another round of stunning images! Looks like you've been having a great time with your camera :)

    1. Indeed! It's fun taking photos here and there! If I recall correctly, the first shot was in my grandma's flower garden, second was at a courthouse, third at the orchard, and fourth in Missouri. :)

  12. Hi Bethany, those are really great pictures. I've always loved covered bridges, too. I never see them where I live, but whenever I see pictures of them, I am in awe. You know, I love that I always learn something new when I visit your blog. Have a wonderful weekend... :)

  13. Hi Bethany, I can't say much more than simply beautiful! Wonderful words and pictures.

  14. Dearest Bethany, this post is incredibly beautiful in photos and words. Thank you for sharing with Roses of Inspiration - I will be featuring you and this sweet post at the party tomorrow.

    Hugs and blessings!

    1. Thanks for hosting, Stephanie! And thank you for featuring my post!

  15. You have such a lovely gift of writing. Beautiful words and gorgeous pictures.

  16. Bethany, your photos are absolutely breathtaking and the words are just beautifully put. Simply a lovely post!

  17. Hi Bethany! Somehow you and I have become disconnected and I don't know how that happened! Once a while back I saw the most stunning hummingbird photos you had connected to a bird meme and when I tried to comment on it I couldn't get a comment form! You haven't participated in the book club for a very long time, and I realized at some point that I had never added you to my Follow list (will be remedied immediately!) I miss seeing your posts! Hope you are doing well. I will try to get caught up and will be a more active follower in the future!
    Beautiful poem and photo!

    1. Awesome to hear from you, Marie! I had someone else complain about difficulty commenting a while back, and I had a hard time commenting on my own blog for a short time using Chrome, which was very strange (I could with Firefox). I don't have that problem anymore, so I'm *hoping* it has been fixed. I haven't been doing much book-reading recently, though I did finally finish a book a couple days ago. I will be taking a trip over to your blog to see what I've missed! Hope you also have been well! Thanks again for stopping by!
