
Sunday, September 27, 2015

Butler County Fair

A couple years ago, I wrote about visiting the Grundy County Fair.  This year, I went to the Butler County Fair in Allison, Iowa.  I probably missed the most interesting events (There are rumors of concerts, rodeos, races, and demolition derbies), but I'll give you a glimpse of what I did see.
One of the best parts of visiting the fair this year in June was seeing one of my sisters, Charity, win a blue ribbon, plus a grand champion ribbon, on her pencil drawing of a neighbor boy. 
Charity is an incredibly talented artist.  With her kind permission, I've included a couple more of her portraits below.  Can you recognize the people depicted?  If you're looking for someone to draw your or a family member's portrait, be sure to look Charity up! 
My youngest sister, who sometimes sells pies to neighbors, brought a couple of pies to the fair's pie contest.  She won blue ribbons for both, but didn't snag the Grand Champion title, which, in my opinion, means she should keep practicing her pie-baking skills all year in order to perfect them.  I do realize that will mean I will have to help her evaluate her tries, but I'm willing to make that sacrifice as a loving and caring elder sister. 
 Above, the judges prepare to test my sister's Santiago Chocolate Cream Pie.
Congrats to both of my sisters!
There were gorgeous quilts, as well as flowers, photography, and ribbon-decked vegetables that had already begun to wilt.  There were a couple businesses selling this and that out of tents and trailers, and other businesses, as well as the Republicans and Democrats, had stands to advertise in another building.  The model train set-up caught my eye.  
One fairgrounds building was dedicated to 4-H club projects.  Some of the projects were very impressive.  A couple clubs' displays are shown above.
  There were many old tractors, as well as a 1948 Willys Jeep.
Due to avian influenza in the state, there were no poultry exhibits this year, but we enjoyed seeing the other animals. 
This garden on the fairgrounds had some neat trellises.  I enjoyed my time at the Butler County Fair!


  1. Hello, the county fair looks like a fun time. I always love the animals at these fairs. Congrats to your sister on winning the blue ribbon. Happy Sunday, enjoy your new week ahead!

  2. (Wooo, my browser is enabling me to comment again!) Hehe, I'm excited.

    It looks like you had a good time at the fair. I always enjoyed going to our local Crawford County Fair, but this was actually the first year I didn't go. But I was dealing with horrible morning sickness at the time, so I don't think I would have enjoyed it anyway. lol! Thank God that part of pregnancy is over with!

    Charity is a really good artist, by the way! I used to draw nearly every day for many years trying to perfect my artistic skills. People used to always ask me if I was going to go to school to become an artist or art teacher one day. I pondered on it for a while, but then I realized that when it came to commissions, I couldn't seem to concentrate on my art piece. It had to be something that I could draw out of my own mind and free time - not a specially made request. I need to pick up drawing again though. I do miss it sometimes. :-)

    Blessings on your day, friend!

    1. Oooh, morning sickness must have been very unenjoyable. :( Glad for you that that's over...very understandable that you didn't make it to the fair.

      I admire all of you who have artistic talents! You should post some of your drawings on your blog sometime if you haven't already (I don't recall seeing any...and I have been stalking you for a while now)...anyway, I'd love to see your artwork!

      Take care Cryslyn, and God bless! :)

  3. Your fair looks very similar to ours. We had no poultry either.
    Charity is so talented! Her portraits are amazing. I wish I had just a little of that talent. It's very nice of you to agree to assist your younger sister too. :)
    I think you have a pretty amazing family!

    1. I agree...and what would my sister do without me to taste her pies?! ;)

  4. Wow - talent definitely runs in your family I see! Congrats to them! Looks like a great day and a fun fair.
    Blessings. xoxo

  5. Bethany it was an interesting event. I love the animals the pigs are lovely. In Europe we have those events but without animals. What a pity..

    1. I still haven't come to the point where I can call pigs lovely. The ones at the fair do look good, but do the pigs ever stink in the hog confinements around here! Driving by we've come to call it the sweet smell of money, but if you're not used to the smell, it can be hard not to hold your nose up close. Nevertheless, I think it's good to be around animals. Just the other day we saw some *huge* pigs out in a pasture. That's something rarely seen for sure. It used to be common, but now there are just a few farms that do it the old-fashioned way...most are more tuned for efficiency. Iowa raises nearly a third of the nation's hogs, and is the #1 pork-producing state in the United States! So, if anyone can grow "lovely" pigs, Iowa does!

  6. such talent in your family! i love it! and enjoyed the country fair scenes!

    1. I definitely am blessed to have such a talented family! Glad you enjoyed the photos.

  7. It looks like such a great time. And your whole family is so talented. Your sister's drawing skills are amazing. And how sweet of you to help evaluate the pies. Exactly what big sisters are for :)

  8. Hi Bethany,
    Looks like y'all had a grand time! Loved the bright, colorful photos and your sister's sketches - very nice.
    Have a Great Week!
    Peace :)

  9. Bethany, it looks like you had a busy time at the fair. I love fairs and especially the gardening, baking and sewing competitions. There truly are some talented people out there. Yoyr sisters are among them.

    1. Indeed. :) It is neat to see all the beautiful things people create for the fair.

  10. That looks like a LOT of fun!!! Congrats to your sister on their wins! I'm all for testing pies for the next fair, too. ;-)

  11. What beautiful fairgrounds! In my county, they're not so lush and grassy. I like the creative 4-H exhibits. Also, I like your photo of the goats with just the one floppy-eared creature looking up at you.
    Charity is a talented artist! :) And I'm sure your youngest sister is very appreciative of your efforts to help her win a ribbon next year...what a self sacrifice! ;)

    1. You know me, Paige: a life of suffering, endurance, and self denial for the good of others... (I'm sure a scoop of mint chip ice cream with each slice would help me better evaluate the flavor in her pies.)

  12. Hi Bethany, I enjoyed this post. My favorite part is the art by Charity. Wow, she is really great! Will she do drawings from a photo? Her sketch of you is wonderful!

    1. She does almost all her drawings from photos shown in full screen on a computer.
