
Monday, November 23, 2015

2015 Survey & Giveaway Results

Thank you to the 26 readers who completed my survey, and the 10 who joined the giveaway!  Congratulations to Ashley from Precious Moments!  Ashley is our randomly selected winner #1, and she will receive the 10 greeting cards.  Giveaway winner #2 is Paige from Sunday Best and All the Rest!  Paige will receive the Mini Dinner Triangle.  
Question 1: How did you find my blog?
Ten of you found my blog from browsing the blogosphere, six because I commented on or followed your blog, two each from the most awesome chess server (FICS), blogger link-ups, and meeting in person, and one from Facebook/Google+.  The other results were one person who found my blog through a language learning site and another who found my blog because I commented on her daughter's blog.  My favorite result was the person who does not remember how (s)he found my blog.  Hopefully within the next few years that percentage grows higher.

Question 2: Which are your favorite posts?
Life remains the favorite category, with Travel and Nature/Photos close behind.  Political posts have increased in popularity, shockingly passing even the love of posts about good food!

Question 3: Do you read or skim?
Less people read and less people skim than last year...more do both, which is understandable.  I post a wide variety of topics, and it would be logical for readers to read the posts they find interesting, and skim the ones they don't.

Question 4: And for statistical purposes, to which age group do you belong?
Last year the 50-65 category won by a landslide.  This year, I categorized solely by decade.  Twenty-somethings and fifty-somethings tied for first place.  No one under thirteen or over seventy responded.  

Question 5:  Which is your favorite candy bar?

Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to present to you our new favorite candy bar: Kit-Kat!  Kit-Kat's secret to success?  The millennial vote!  Four 20-30 year-olds selected Kit-Kat, along with one 13-19 year-old and one young-at-heart  50-60 year-old.  Last year's favorite, Snickers, finished second with four votes.  Snickers appears to be a timeless treat, with its four votes spread over four decades.  Everyone who voted for Butterfinger was under 30.  50-60 year-olds seem to have very diverse tastes: no two people in that age group voted for the same treat.'s time to celebrate!
Yes, I plan to continue advocating Almond Joy till you convert! is cold year I'll try to get the survey (or at least my celebratory picture) done earlier!

Thanks again for participating in the survey, and have a very sweet day!


  1. This is a fun post Bethany! You seem to really like statistics and graphs. I am not a math person myself, but I'm so glad some people enjoy it and are good at it! Have a wonderful day and enjoy your Almond Joy. I am a Snickers fan! Probably always will be as it reminds me of my grandpa. <3 ~Lisa

    1. That's a good reason to love Snickers. In spite of my love for Almond Joy, I wouldn't pass up a Snickers bar! Yes, very simple statistics like this are fun! I always enjoyed math in high school.

  2. Congratulations to the winners! What a fun post. Kit Kat is one of my favourites although there are many that I like The photo of you is really nice; you have such a lovely smile. I'm sure some of it comes with standing outside in the cold :) The questions and answers were fun. I especially like hearing about how bloggers meet.

    1. Heh, yes, I had to smile nicely quickly so I could run back inside and get out of the cold! It might be hard to find a candy bar I disliked!

  3. I was never a fan of almond joy nor mounds

  4. I see you have snow, too. Pretty cold for so early in the fall. Hope you have a good Thanksgiving, Bethany!

    1. Actually here in Iowa we feel blessed that we didn't have snow and cold weather earlier. As I mentioned in another post, two years ago we had snow in October. Still I do think we *should* be having 70-degree days... unfortunately that just doesn't often happen around here. Have a great Thanksgiving as well!

  5. What a fun post to read the results of the survey. Love it- I do love Almond Joy, too! Actually, I never met a candy bar I didn't like. xo Diana

  6. Fun :) ...and a very impressive report, Bethany! Happy Thanksgiving Week to you and yours! xx

  7. Real nice presentation of your survey results, but I'll never give in to Almond Joy! :)

    1. [fiendish voice] We have ways of changing your mind!
      Servants, blindfold this incorrigible man, and lead him to our Medieval torture chamber...bring out the rack! How dare he blaspheme the joys of Almond Joy!

      Oops, you weren't supposed to hear that...thank you for stopping by my blog! ;)

  8. Interesting survey results Bethany! :) I wonder what changed the age demographic?
    I like the picture at the end! So fun...and also cold. O.o
    Hurray! :D I've never won a giveaway before and am sure the triangle will look cute hanging up in our kitchen. :)

    1. Hi Paige, I think how I sorted the age before by giving the 50-65 year olds a section to themselves while sorting the younger people by decades gave them an unfair advantage last year, so that might have distorted my results a little. But it would be interesting to know the factors that draw and repel each age group. Thank you for participating in the giveaway!

  9. Bethany, I have a feeling your blog is going to only GAIN in popularity! You're creative and fun and bold. All a winning combo! Have a blessed Thanksgiving. :)

    1. Thank you for your kind words Anne! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving as well! God bless.

  10. Almond Joys are probably my second favorite Bethany! Maybe someday I'll be mature enough to acknowledge that Butterfingers' (my vote) carmel/stickiness is bad for my teeth and I'll switch to Almond Joys. No promises though. :)
    And I have to ask, do you make it a tradition to wear the same shirt for your Almond Joy picture each year?

    1. Oh yes, Lydia, Almond Joy is much healthier! If we eat enough, coconut will provide our need for fruits and vegetables. Almonds will supposedly lower our risk of heart attack and lower bad cholesterol, while protecting artery walls, and helping us build strong bones and teeth....and it goes without saying how good chocolate and sugar are for us! Definitely it's a health superfood! ;)

      This is only my second year doing the survey, but I think I will make wearing the same shirt a tradition. That way you all can watch me age by seeing the same pose every year...unless I find some anti-aging properties in the ingredients of Almond Joy!

      Thanks for stopping by!

  11. Thanks Felicia! Hope you manage to catch it next year! :)

  12. Congrats to the winners. Love that last picture with the candy. You're funny.

  13. Congrats to the winners! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  14. Hi Bethany, I liked what the very first commenter said … This is a fun post. Indeed it is. Interesting in many ways! Most curious to me … The age group statistics. Where are all the middle age people? :-) Too busy working to blog? :-)

    1. Perhaps--or maybe they just don't like completing surveys!
