
Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Guest Post at C'est La Vie

I was invited by one of my favorite bloggers, Lydia of C'est La Vie, to guest post about what a lady should know about politics and government for her "Being a Lady" series.   Be sure to check out other thought-provoking posts at her blog.
Politics & Government
There are two things a lady should know about politics and government: #1 How to Stay Out of Jail, and #2 How to Vote Responsibly.  Many thanks to Lydia for inviting me to share the depths of my insights as someone who has only been to the police station a couple times, only been to jail once, and has met 14 Presidential candidates so far this election.


  1. Bethany it is very interesting what a lady should know about politics I think in Europe we know much more

    1. Good to hear. ;) It's important to understand how governments work (and how they should work).

  2. I will be checking out your guest post!

  3. That was a great read! If I hadn't been a fan of your blog before, the hatred of okra - something we share - would have done it for me :)

  4. "If the dictator decides he hates your hair color one day, you could be sent to a gulag"

    funny enough, Kim Jong-Un apparently told all North Korean men that they had to have his haircut. Which is silly because his haircut looks awful. Why not make the rest of the country suffer too?

    1. Ha, right. That is pretty sad. I hate the things dictators do to crush individualism and the human spirit.

  5. I checked out your guest post... Nicely written!

  6. The #1, one, made me smile. That's good stuff.

    1. Considering your blog post this morning, I'm glad it made you smile, not laugh!

    2. Thanks :-) -- The muscle is better now but for a bit there, yikes. I sneezed and just dropped to my knees and the sneeze stopped half-way on its own. Never had that happen before.

      Hope you had a groovy fun weekend.

    3. Happy to hear you are feeling better! That does not sound like fun.

    4. Oh my gosh, I'd never had that happen before. But yes, better now. Loved your food photos from your last post.

      Cheers and boogie boogie.

  7. what a great idea. going to check out. so cool. have a great Thanksgiving. take care. ( :

  8. That was a very nice guest post Bethany! I always enjoy reading your thoughts...sometimes I don't comment, but I always try to stop by.
    I wish you and yours a blessed Thanksgiving!

    1. Thank you Terri! I hope you're having a wonderful Thanksgiving as well!

  9. Good for you, Bethany!
    Happy Thanksgiving!!
    Peace :)

  10. Your comments brought to light sloppy thinking on my part. I tend to equate a republic with majority rule which is less than accurate. As usual you offer a fresh perspective for me, Bethany. I do hope we both stay out of jail and vote responsibly! Happy Thanksgiving! xx

    1. Cheers to that worthy goal! Happy Thanksgiving! :)

  11. Sounds intriguing! I'll go check it out. ;) Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving my dear Gal!! I'm so thankful for my blogland friends like you!! Please pop by my blog and enter the giveway I'm doing - as I'd love to gift a goodie to one of my sweet friends as I thank you. I'd hate for you to miss sweet Bethany! ;)

    1. Thank you for letting me know about the giveaway, Carrie! It was such a good one, and I almost did miss it!

  12. hehehe, number one is especially important!! My niece could easily be you sister, lucky girls you are, to have such beautiful hair!! Have a wonderful weekend!!

    1. I love when you post photos of her; she is such an adorable little cutie! Have an awesome week!

  13. I will definitely check out C'est la Vie. I am very interested in politics myself and cannot understand how so many citizens don't seem to care about events beyond their local area and vote just the way "daddy" did without bothering to think about the current issues.

    1. Yes, I wish people cared more about the fate of our nation (and the world).
